• 不过今天我们高兴看到设计可见正在兴建世界各地

    However, today we are only happy to see her designs being constructed and visible throughout the world!


  • 不会看到高兴小狗儿一样围着它成员们奔跑

    You don't see an alpha wolf run around acting like a happy puppy in front of his pack members.


  • 不过是虎鲸我很高兴生命有些意义。

    I am just an orca, but I am glad that my life has counted for something.


  • 工作总是自己高兴时候做。

    He always does the work, but in his own sweet time.


  • 胳膊都泡洗衣盆里我是高兴不过了

    Never so happy as when I've got both arms in the wash-tub.


  • 今年早些时候,当生物学海军帮助下成功追踪到特定蓝鲸长达43监测声音的时候,生物学家们很高兴

    Biologists were delighted early this year when, with the help of the Navy, they were able to track a particular blue whale for 43 days, monitoring its sounds.


  • 鹉解释说:“我原来也很高兴,直到我遇到了一孔雀。”

    The parrot explained, "I, too, was very happy until I chanced upon a peacock."


  • 奥很高兴,但也有点失望,因为他的狮子身体维持了很短的时间。

    Leo was very happy, though a little disappointed because his lion body had lasted only a short time.


  • (注视窗外眼皮翘着)高兴喜欢这个主意。

    VC: [Staring out the window, one eyebrow raised] Glad you liked it.


  • 买了顶帽子,真是高兴,就算特地添置了一帽盒,也很有趣

    I am glad I bought my bonnet, if it is only for the fun of having another bandbox!


  • 一起,即使不能妻子,而你的奴仆,我也感到满足感到高兴所以,我在你身边,能看见你,能想着你,也就甘心了。

    I would be content, ay, glad, to live with you as your servant, if I may not as your wife; so that I could only be near you, and get glimpses of you, and think of you as mine.


  • 一起,即使不能妻子,而你的奴仆,我也感到满足感到高兴所以,我在你身边,能看见你,能想着你,也就甘心了。

    I would be content, ay, glad, to live with you as your servant, if I may not as your wife; so that I could only be near you, and get glimpses of you, and think of you as mine....


  • 平常一样,我们那天是十点钟吃早饭的。觉得一顿饭老是吃,说这里,得顺便告诉,我待在父母那儿段时期他们一直很不高兴

    Well, and so we breakfasted at ten as usual; I thought it would never be over; for, by the by, you are to understand, that my uncle and aunt were horrid unpleasant all the time I was with them.


  • 平常一样,我们那天是十点钟吃早饭的。觉得一顿饭老是吃,说这里,得顺便告诉,我待在父母那儿的一段时期他们一直很不高兴

    Well, and so we breakfasted at ten as usual; I thought it would never be over; for, by the bye, you are to understand, that my uncle and aunt were horrid unpleasant all the time I was with them.


  • 为了王后满意取了小鹿一部分内脏邪恶女人以为可怜小白雪的,认为死了感到极度的高兴

    To satisfy the queen, he took part of the inside of a young fawn, which the wicked woman thought was poor little Snow-white, and was overjoyed to think she was dead.


  • 即使开发项目实现了以上优点我们也会非常高兴

    We're pleased when a development project achieves even one of these advantages.


  • 哥儿俩并不知道怎么觉得高兴光景已经在眼前消失

    Just how, the twins did not know, but the fine glow had gone out of the afternoon.


  • 人们穿着破烂的衣服草鞋,他们的奢望不多希望在苏丹北部酷热阳光下能带着足够黄金高兴回家

    These men with torn clothes and sandaled feet don't ask for much, just enough gold to head home feeling blessed beneath the blazing sky of northern Sudan.


  • 高兴见证签署大熊猫科研合作协议可爱的大熊猫不久落户爱丁堡动物园

    I also had the pleasure of witnessing the signing of an agreement on joint research, which will soon bring two lovely giant pandas to Edinburgh Zoo.


  • 不幸的是,大家才高兴多久幼虎因为早产出生不久就死了

    Unfortunately the excitement didn’t last long; the cubs were premature and died shortly after birth.


  • 阳光和雪球高兴地欢唱着。几个星期小鸟破壳而出,它们欣喜万分。

    How they sang.And a few weeks later when a tiny chick hatched, their happiness seemed to know no bounds.


  • 养花当作生活中的一种乐趣花开大小好坏都不计较开花高兴

    I simply take flower cultivation as a pleasure in my life. I feel delighted as long as my flowers bloom regardless of the size and preciousness of the blossoms.


  • 根本不应该感到高兴因为没有什么意义如果他们你一人发放股票,就是件好事

    Well, you should be absolutely unexcited because it doesn't mean anything; if they were giving you extra shares and just you alone, that would be great — that would be good.


  • 人们怀旧时,想到不是什么特别东西而是一些记忆的碎片:一件衣服、一旧玩具,甚至不曾引你高兴的屋子。

    When people get nostalgic, they’re not really thinking about the particular thing, it’s for the memory of it.


  • 使用一个蒙妮显然满脸高兴儿媳结婚12年里已经她生了6个孙女。

    Munni, who uses only one name, is clearly unhappy. Her daughter-in-law has just given birth to her sixth girl in 12 years of marriage.


  • 小猫如此高兴以致他们跳舞唱歌

    The three little kittens were so happy that they began to dance and sing.


  • 小猫如此高兴以致他们跳舞唱歌

    The three little kittens were so happy that they began to dance and sing.


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