• 只说一点英文我们需要中文翻译非常感谢

    I speak little English, We need Chinese help. Thank you very much.


  • 只说一点英文我们需要中文翻译。非常感谢

    I speak little English, We need Chinese help. Thankyou very much.


  • 公平一点考虑这些文章直接遇到问题

    To be fair on this point, I've only considered problems experienced directly in the course of these articles.


  • 就是曾经网络应用软件才把它们事业存活赌注互联网上但是现在这种风险把赌注押在电网上高一点

    The point is, it used to be only web applications betting their business existence on the internet. However, now it carries only a bit more risk than betting your company on electricity.


  • 她们她们考糟糕透顶,是因为她们盯着自己的那一点地方,不是做对地方。

    They say that they have done horribly badly, because they focus on the bit they got wrong rather than the bit they got right.


  • 一张长凳上坐一整天一点东西都没到了晚上我请他吃饭——段街就到了馆子,他却回答:‘麻烦老兄,给我买盒烟就行了!

    I've seen him sit all day on a bench and never a bite pass his lips, and in the evening, when I invited him to dinner - restaurant two blocks away - have him say, 'Too much trouble, old man.


  • 一点

    'Just a little,' he says.


  • 这些小组至今一点工作”,

    "The teams have only done a little bit of work so far," he says.


  • 一声‘开拍’,然后肾上腺素的水平马上就升高一点随后你就期望摄像机过来的时候你不会把事情搞砸,”敦克下士

    "You hear 'Action!' and your adrenaline gets going a bit, and then you just hope you don't mess up when the camera comes around," Airman Dunk said.


  • 干吗不再呢,”希望这样局面可以好转一点

    "Why don't we see about buying another one, " I suggested, hoping the situation could somehow be righted.


  • 作家阿尔伯特·哈伯德过“多少还需要一点努力,一些耐心能成功的时候放弃了。”

    Elbert Hubbard said, "How many a man has thrown up his hands at a time when a little more effort, a little more patience would have achieved success."


  • 施耐德TurningPoint主持人安·索耶无法发表评论,提示仅仅这部纪录片的制作参与了很少一点儿内容。

    Schneider said that Diane Sawyer, who hosted the "Turning Point" episode, would not be available for comment, and suggested that she had played only a small part in making the piece.


  • 并且最后一点评论员尽管新增了岗位,其数量依然不足德州失业率6月份为8.2%,国家失业率线低一个百分点。

    And lastly, the critics say, there are not enough jobs anyway: the state's unemployment rate was 8.2% in June, only a point below the national rate.


  • 丘奇:“相信大多数都不会欣赏一点消耗了200300卡路里块小松饼就抵消了。”

    Says Church: "I don't think most people would appreciate that, wow, you only burned 200 or 300 calories, which you're going to neutralize with just half that muffin."


  • 目击事情完整经过的游客大约下午一点的时候,年轻男子带着一小狗向海滩,然后出人意料地小狗大海里扔。

    Tourists witnessed the entire event whichstarted around 1pm when a young man walking a dog unexpectedly ran towards theshore and launched the dog into the ocean.


  • 它的理论带宽11Mbps就是慢速以太网一点

    Theoretical bandwidth is 11mbps, or just a tad faster than slow Ethernet.


  • 注意一点实事这个实现中,并没有任何保证Web服务客户端接收传递它们消息

    One thing to note is the fact that, in this implementation, it is not ensured that Web services clients receive only the messages that are intended to be delivered to them and only them.


  • 这些科学家们,使他们惊奇不已的是,这些细胞借助了他们一点干预就极好地自己组织起了来。

    The scientists said they were surprised at how well the cells organised themselves with little intervention from them.


  • 乔治确实楼梯不过知道——我不认为就能作到一点

    I've asked George, and he says he does come down stairs, but I don't know - I don't think he does it on just two legs.


  • 或者,把花园的角落里,一点金币在壁炉台上那个破瓷壶里。

    Or maybe I'll bury it at the garden-foot and just keep a bit in the old china teapot on the chimney-piece.


  • 难道就不能一点吗?”恳求着握住使劲想甩开。“你曾经你爱我的。”

    "Don't you think you could love me a little?" he pleaded, taking one of her hands, which she endeavoured to draw away. "you once said you did."


  • 另外眼睛画一点儿,’农民

    "'I think I'll make the other a little bigger, '" said the farmer.


  • 午餐为什么一点无奈的笑笑:“因为你们的话太多了。”

    At lunch time, I asked him why he only ate a little. He smiled and said: "because your guys talked too much".


  • 初中带语文班主任爸爸这孩子,努力专注一点可能年级第三名。

    The form master in junior middle school told father that: your daughter shouldn't only get third list in the examination if she give out all her efforts. In fact, that 3nd came from a sudden passion.


  • 海星已经杀死贻贝,”汤姆森一手拿着海星死贻贝,用把贻贝的壳分开一点

    This Pisaster has already killed the mussel , " Thompson says, holding the sea star and the deceased in one hand and separating the mussel 'sshells a bit with the other."


  • 谢尔曼想到刚刚离开土地回答:“一点可以知:认为一场。”

    Recalling the arid lands from which he had just returned, Sherman replied, "Between you and me, Sir, I feel that we'll have to go to war again."


  • 谢尔曼想到刚刚离开土地回答:“一点可以知:认为一场。”

    Recalling the arid lands from which he had just returned, Sherman replied, "Between you and me, Sir, I feel that we'll have to go to war again."


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