• 核武器应该用作最后手段

    Nuclear weapons should be used only as a last resort.


  • 首先这些武器应当遭受袭击反击时才使用其次,这些武器拥有必须一种临时应急手段

    First, the weapons should be intended for use only in retaliation after a nuclear attack. Second, the possession of the weapons must be a temporary expedient.


  • 此类行政手段针对新教教会教派苏丹伊拉克难民外国工作者,当然包括叙利亚当地人,提供食宿。

    The measures have been taken solely against the Protestant churches, which cater for refugees from Sudan and Iraq and expatriate workers, as well as for Syrians.


  • 很多都在谈论领导能力管理手段差异,难道这个差异真的存在吗,以至于可能居其一而不能两者同时拥有?

    So a lot of people talked about the differences between leadership and management. And whether there is a difference and whether you can be one or without being another.


  • 出于构筑市场份额收取了微薄或者说几乎存在的费用因而任何常规手段都不足于对作出正确衡量。

    To build market share, it charges tiny or non-existent fees, so by any normal measure it wouldn't be worth much.


  • 德意志银行巴克莱银行都认为关注整体杠杆不成熟衡量手段一部分原因是这两家银行拥有的许多衍生品是可以互相对冲的。

    Both Deutsche and Barclays argue that looking at overall leverage is a poor measure of risk, in part because many of the derivatives they own cancel each other out.


  • 鲁尼有可能不会在明早米兰比赛先发出场,那样曼联很少攻击手段,尽管曼联在第一回合3比2的比分领先

    Should Rooney fail to make the starting line-up against Milan tomorrow night, United, who go into the game with a 3-2 aggregate lead, would be left with limited attacking options.


  • 我们可以是否应该问目的不问手段(也就是说赤字开支)进行争论公众能够理解采取措施的必要性

    We can argue about whether the ends justify the means (i.e. deficit spending) but the public can grasp the need for such a mechanism.


  • 名副其实布加勒斯特蠢话做到激怒俄罗斯格鲁吉亚乌克兰提供具有威慑价值的实质性手段方面毫无建树。

    The great Bucharest fudge succeeded only in infuriating the Russians without providing the deterrence value of concrete steps for Georgia and Ukraine.


  • 本文并未涵盖应对XSS攻击全部解决方案——讨论用户Web开发人员能够采取的一些手段

    This article doesn't cover the complete solution to XSS-style attacks — I've only discussed the individual approach that users and Web developers can take.


  • 问目的,不问手段

    The end justifies (or sanctifies) the means.


  • 大学英语写作教学教师往往注重语法词汇篇章结构处理,忽略文学修辞手段,因此学生写作时语言单调直白,缺少生气。

    In teaching college English writing teachers emphasize grammar, the use of words and expressions and the structure of the passage, but ignore the application of literature rhetoric methods in writing.


  • 专营经营手段多变灵活。 。

    Two, only do franchise, flexible and flexible means of operation.


  • 我们可以是否应该问目的不问手段(也就是说赤字开支)进行争论公众能够理解采取这类措施的必要性

    We can argue about whether the ends justify the means (i. e. deficit spending) but the public can grasp the need for such a mechanism.


  • 需要保护手段?养狗吧!

    You want protection? Get a dog.


  • 重要育种手段就是将一优秀杰出的雌鸽相配然后它们的后代相配。

    An important aspect of his breeding method was the pairing of an outstanding Cock with two outstanding hens and then to pair the offsprings of the initial matings.


  • 他们自有生产手段雇工或者一二个学徒助手

    They possess their own means of production and hire no workers, or only one or two apprentices or helpers.


  • 放射治疗多发转移基本放疗手段立体定向放射治疗适用某些脑转移瘤患者

    Whole brain radiation is the basic method of multiple brain metastasis. Stereotactic radiosurgery is only applicable to some patients.


  • 辞格出现美学修辞中,有些修辞手段属于交际修辞,不是辞格。

    We should not take some communicative rhetoric means to be stylistic devices, for stylistic devices can only be found in aesthetic rhetoric.


  • 体育赞助已经越来越成为企业种重要的营销手段人们对体育赞助营销的认识通常局限于赞助

    More and more enterprises are using sports sponsorship as a new marketing instrument, but people's understanding of sports sponsorship is just limited in the sponsor side.


  • 而且由于抗体肿瘤细胞为目标周围健康细胞没有收到影响其他癌症治疗手段例如化疗放疗恰恰相反

    Also, since the antibody only targets the cancer cells, surrounding healthy cells are not affected, unlike other cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy.


  • 冥冥中,仿如一巨手过往今朝蒙太奇手段演绎、剪辑、编排、上演。

    It is like a huge hand to illustrate, clip, rehearse and perform the past and the present by montage technique.


  • 传统牵引技 术牵引治疗没有牵引保护手段

    The traditional traction technology only has the traction treatment but has no traction protection means.


  • 他们得到爪子副尖牙作为额外攻击手段

    They receive two claw attacks and a bite attack. The claws are their primary natural attack.


  • 这个谈话节目出现了突然停止长音节词汇手段,而且前者频率远远的高于后者

    And in the talk program, only cut-off and sound stretches appear. The frequency of the formal is much higher than that of the latter.


  • 我会一些引导并且在你必要的时辰给你辅佐。“这样你年夜白上司信托你的手段。”

    I'll give you guidelines and be available only when you need me, "you'll know your boss trusts your skills."


  • 就败血症感染性休克而言,无论是清除某一种物质还是针对单个介导因子的干预手段似乎都不合适

    With regard to sepsis and septic shock, neither one-off interventions nor those directed at a single mediator appear appropriate.


  • 狡猾了可是一会儿禽兽的欺骗手段多少呢?不过增加笑料罢了

    Wolf is too cunning, but for a while two wolves have been hacked to death, the animal deception to how much? Only give them increased humor.


  • 狡猾了可是一会儿禽兽的欺骗手段多少呢?不过增加笑料罢了

    Wolf is too cunning, but for a while two wolves have been hacked to death, the animal deception to how much? Only give them increased humor.


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