• 这个巨大成果奖芝加哥乐高店里永久展示即使是最大小孩都感觉金刚一样矗立在身旁。

    The magnificent result is on permanent display in Chicago's LEGO Store - where even the biggest of kids can feel like King Kong standing next to it.


  • 43投资银行财务主管就曾访谈中告诉我们兰蔻”,因为感觉年轻漂亮

    One 43-year-old chief financial officer of an investment bank told us in an interview, "I only buy lancome as it makes me feel young and beautiful."


  • 接着,史蒂文挖出了小鸟那颗仍跳动心脏我们可以看到颗心脏在手上猛烈地抽动着,他那颗心脏放在手心感觉那颗心仍在跳动,并且逐渐了下来,我又把放到了哥哥的手中,在那里抽动了一两下,就停止了心跳。

    We could see it pumping furiously in his grimy hand. He then put the heart in my hand where I felt it beating and slowing.


  • 悲伤没有等级事关感觉

    There is no hierarchy to grief, except in the matter of feeling.


  • 真是特有感觉就兴冲冲地出去,路上碰上过去把猴子逼到角落里咆哮:“你知道谁森林强壮动物吗?”

    He felt so good, he went out and cornered a small monkey and roared at him: "WHO IS THE GREATEST OF all THE JUNGLE ANIMALS?"


  • 好了这个多少有点感觉因为老虎伍兹基金奖杯,所以人们决定上面老虎,yea yea,绝妙的创意啊! 不是吗?

    OK, this one makes somewhat sense, because it is Tiger Woods Foundation and they decided to put a small tiger on the trophy, yea, yea, cleaver idea, right?


  • 放在岩块上,掌心感觉振动一踢一拉石头

    Place one hand on the rock and bang it with the palm of the other hand. If vibration is felt try to kick or pull the rock.


  • 肤浅文章给人的感觉一样,表明经济学人已经失去了调查报告方面优势

    Shallow as the article appears, it only shows that the Economist has lost it's edge in investigative reporting.


  • 沙狐似乎感觉到了这边的仇恨气氛,可是仍然没有逃走,两发红眼睛反而哀怜、乞求地瞅着人们这个地球主宰

    Then the fox seemed to sense the danger. But instead of running away, she looked with pleading, pitiful red eyes at the human beings who were masters of the world.


  • 这个巨大成果奖芝加哥乐高店里永久展示即使是最大小孩都感觉金刚一样矗立在身旁。

    The magnificent result is on permanent display in Chicago's LEGO Store- where even the biggest of kids can feel like King Kong standing next to it.


  • 喜欢霓虹闪烁感觉不真实

    I don't like neon lights, they always make me feel untrue.


  • 在家附近发现迷路在外游荡归还如释重负的狗主人时,我感觉自己尽到了作为社区一份子的职责。

    I feel I've done my part when I find a lost dog wandering in the neighborhood and return him to his relieved owner.


  • 尼斯夫人第二惊恐起,飞我们两人的领地,以表明属于自己的时候,也没感觉好一点。

    Nor was I comforted when Mrs. Henessy's bird took alarm for the second time and flew clean away from us all, under the belief that it belonged to itself.


  • 既然房间颜色,就不要说颜色,颜色后面的故事一并讲出来,如上面提到“淡蓝色喜欢的颜色,代表天空海洋,每次这种颜色的房间休息,都能感觉放松而且惬意“。

    I had the room decorated when I moved in. I chose light blue paint to make it light and increase the feeling of space. What's more, it's also my favorite color that represents the ocean and the sky.


  • 我们调研指出购买巧克力时,根据感觉很好情感因素选择某一个品牌中国消费者,2009年占8%, 2011年升至19%。

    " Our survey shows that as opposed to 8% in 2009, 19% of Chinese consumers purchasing chocolate in 2011 chose a brand based on emotional considerations such as it "made me feel good.


  • 个人必须对待动物一样感觉,必须像陌生人一样感觉它

    One must feel it as an animal. One must feel it as a stranger.


  • 这个世界不会在意自尊指望自我感觉良好之前先有所成就

    The world won't care about your self-esteem. The word will expect you to accomplish something before you fell good about yourself.


  • 鹦鹉从树上下来走向的时候,当曾经个人顽皮的宠物的时候,感觉特别

    When a wild creature will jump off the tree and come walking over to you, and when it has been someone's bad pet, then I think I just feel so special.


  • 作为PETA创始人IngridNewkirk曾经说过,“开始感觉痛苦欢乐孤独害怕的时候,老鼠就等同于一或一,同样,也等同于一个孩子。”

    As PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk has said, "When it comes to pain, love, joy, loneliness, and fear, a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy."


  • 到半路时,刚好有另外一狮子经过看到狮子乖乖地跟着农夫走在后面,就感觉好笑靠近这狮子,问:“做什么啦?”

    On the way, another lion passed by and found it hilarious to see a lion obediently following a farmer. It then approached the captive lion and asked, "What are you doing?"


  • 到半路时,刚好有另外一狮子经过看到狮子乖乖地跟着农夫走在后面,就感觉好笑靠近这狮子,问:“做什么啦?”

    On the way, another lion passed by and found it hilarious to see a lion obediently following a farmer. It then approached the captive lion and asked, "What are you doing?"


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