• 也门闪米特家庭语言包括王国非阿拉伯主要故乡之一。

    Yemen is one of the main homelands of the South Semitic family of languages, which includes the non-Arabic language of the ancient Sabaean Kingdom.


  • 夏天古萨区的一辆人力车里,口干舌燥,便车夫讨口水

    Sitting in the back of a cycle-rickshaw on a parched summer's day in his hometown of Begusarai, he asked his rickshaw-puller for a drink of water.


  • 头戴阿拉伯头巾身穿阿拉伯长袍国家地理杂志摄影师迪恩康格埃及金字塔旁骑着骆驼摆造型

    Man on Camel, Giza, Egypt, 1966Sporting a kaffiyeh and robes, National Geographic photographer Dean Conger poses atop a camel near the pyramids of Giza, Egypt.


  • 我们客户推销,我们对他们,‘推广销售需要在这里了;让我们看看销量有多少增长,’”顶石高管约瑟夫·伊古萨解释说。

    "We're pushing [our clients], [saying,] 'Look, you have all the money you need to finance sales; let's see some sales growth,'" explains Joseph Ingrassia, managing member of Capstone.


  • 阿姆鲁兹·努尔哈希姆阿里·弗隆伊玛目·德拉因2002年巴厘岛爆炸事件而判死刑,爆炸造成202死亡

    Amrozi Nurhasyim, Ali Gufron, and Imam Samudra, have been sentenced to death for the 2002 Bali bombings that claimed the lives of 202 people.


  • 所以耶和华怒气以色列人发作,就把他们交在米所波大米田的手中。 以色列服事珊利

    The anger of the LORD burned against Israel so that he sold them into the hands of Cushan-Rishathaim king of Aram Naharaim, to whom the Israelites were subject for eight years.


  • 虽说人猿乍得种这样的灵长目动物剑齿猫科动物腾出广阔的活动空间,但它们可能这些以及其他大型食肉动物生活。

    While ancient primates like Sahelanthropus tchadensis gave sabretooth cats a wide berth, they may also have depended on these big carnivores - and others - for their survival.


  • 罗伯特·查尔斯·约瑟夫·爱德华·巴蒂尼·奇奥尼1930年12月17生于布鲁克林,是安东尼尼娜·奇奥尼儿子

    Robert Charles Joseph Edward Sabatini Guccione was born in Brooklyn on Dec. 17, 1930, the son of Anthony and Nina Guccione.


  • 截至2009年11月16日,该国卫生部报告了其五个岛屿——布拉瓦岛、福岛、马尤岛、鸟岛圣地亚哥岛上发生的16 744登革热疑似病例。

    As of 16 November 2009, the Ministry of Health has reported 16 744 suspected cases of dengue in five islands: Brava, Fogo, Maio, Sal and Santiago.


  • 一千多年片营地隶属于维德普韦布洛人的领地。

    The campus is part of a site that was occupied by Ancestral Puebloans of Mesa Verde more than 1000 years ago.


  • 2009年11月18日-截至2009年11月16日,该国卫生部报告了其五个岛屿——布拉瓦岛、福岛、马尤岛、鸟岛圣地亚哥岛上发生的16 744登革热疑似病例。

    November 2009 - as of 16 November 2009, the Ministry of Health has reported 16 744 suspected cases of dengue in five islands: Brava, Fogo, Maio, Sal and Santiago.


  • 一个不管是有意识还是无意识,都会所谓生活过程中,创造出他自己的某种形象、某种性格

    Sadhguru: Every human being, either consciously or unconsciously, through the process of what we call life, creates a certain image, a certain personality of himself.


  • 鲁:现在工作成为领导者毕竟一天中所占时间来看,工作生活最主要组成部分

    Sadhguru: Now, you want to be a leader at your workplace – it is after all a major part of your life in terms of number of hours per day.


  • 许多年后随着更多瑜伽中心建立,“完整变成名为7天的介绍性课程鲁指导。

    Many years later, with the Isha Yoga Center more established, 'Wholeness' became the name of a 7-day introductory program, also conducted by Sadhguru.


  • 完整1994年指导的一个90课程,同一群灵性追寻者一起。

    Wholeness' was a 90-Day program conducted by Sadhguru in 1994, with a small band of seekers.


  • 几百年后一个埃克·库恩年轻绝地开始尝试原力黑暗面按照西斯经文的指示来到4号卫星。

    Centuries later, a young Jedi named Exar Kun, who was experimenting with the dark side of the Force, followed ancient Sith scripture and came to Yavin 4.


  • 事实上德尼?约翰内松表示如果可以的话,会通过法律禁止用菠萝馅儿

    In fact, Gueni Th. Jóhannesson says if he could, he'dpass a law banning pineapple from being used aspizza topping in his country.


  • 朱默克·奥里两个孩子母亲,常常在尼日利亚首都拉各斯街道叫卖面包

    Jumoke Orisaguna is a mother of two who used to walk the streets of Lagos selling bread.


  • 高级空中交通管制员贾布-恩证实马特机场出了严重问题

    Jabu ngubane a senior air traffic controller confirmed severe problems at matsapha airport.


  • 如何转向内在阐释,按照纯粹逻辑生活没有价值的活法。然而,要超越逻辑思维去品尝人生,则需要坚定的承诺热忱的投入。

    How to turn inward? Sadhguru explains, a life lived purely logically is not worth living. However, tasting life beyond the logical requires commitment and intensity.


  • 罗那前锋德·约翰森承认对于转会曼联十分感兴趣。

    Barcelona striker Eidur Gudjohnsen admits he would be interested in a move to Manchester United.


  • 思嘉一直喜欢亚特兰大,她理由恰恰就是纳、奥·斯塔诋毁的那些理由。

    Scarlett had always liked Atlanta for the very same reasons that made Savannah, Augusta and Macon condemn it.


  • 除非强有力的灵性运动席卷这个世界,否则心理不稳定将会成为准则。”——鲁。

    Unless a powerful spiritual movement sweeps the world, psychological instability will become the norm. "— Sadhguru".


  • 练习瑜伽体式的时候不要使用镜子或是音乐

    Sadhguru: There should never be a mirror or music when you practice asanas.


  • 波斯列派库官米提利达器皿拿出来交给犹大的首领设

    Even those did Cyrus king of Persia bring forth by the hand of Mithredath the treasurer, and numbered them unto Sheshbazzar, the prince of Judah.


  • 波斯列派库官米提利达器皿拿出来交给犹大的首领设

    Even those did Cyrus king of Persia bring forth by the hand of Mithredath the treasurer, and numbered them unto Sheshbazzar, the prince of Judah.


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