• 最初是古老英国凯尔特人庆贺

    Originally celebrated by the Celtics of old Britain.


  • 学术报告》——我们监狱制度——古老英国水道——马匹交易及其方法——财产产权义务——荣归故里典型英国乡绅

    SYNOPSISOur Prison Systemthe Waterways of Old EnglandHorse-dealing, and how to dealProperty, its rights and its duties—Back to the Land—A Typical English Squire.


  • 古老品牌未来不是英国汽车工业摇篮考文垂而是塔塔汽车故乡浦那

    The future of these two grand old badges will be shaped not in Coventry, the cradle of the British motor industry, but in Pune, home of Tata Motors.


  • 1817年,第一移民大潮中,一位英国游客观察到:“古老美洲似乎正在分裂西移动。”

    "Old America seemed to be breaking up and moving westward," observed an English visitor in 1817, during the first great wave of migration.


  • 几个世纪以来,牛津大学一直英国知识分子中心它或许是欧洲众多古老大学负盛名的。

    For centuries Oxford has been at Britain's intellectual heart, perhaps the most prestigious among Europe's many ancient universities.


  • 对于许多英国人来说可以适用代表他们国家过去年代机构物品古老城堡辉煌的住宅和红色的电话亭

    For many British people, that can apply to institutions and objects that represent their country's past age old castles, splendid homes and red phone boxes.


  • 尽管现在看来一点再明显不过,但是当时这个概念遭到英国美国反对,他们认为违反了一条古老原则——任何国家无权干涉他国的内政

    However obvious that might seem now, the notion was resisted by those in Britain and America who felt that it violated an ancient principle of non-interference in other countries' domestic affairs.


  • 现在考古学家发掘出了认为迄今为止英国古老护卫骨架为了保护埋藏在地下宝藏而牺牲了自己

    But now, archaeologists have unearthed the skeleton of what is believed to be Britain's oldest guard dog, which was sacrificed to protect a hoard of buried treasure.


  • 英国科学家应用最新电脑技术尝试破解这一古老宣称,很有可能先有后有蛋。

    Scientists in Britain think it was probably the chicken, after using new computer technology to try and crack the age-old riddle.


  • 我们这件驯鹿展品代表任何英国艺术画廊博物馆馆藏古老艺术品却是如此惊人地脆弱

    Our two reindeer represent the oldest piece of art in any British art gallery or museum, and it's alarmingly delicate.


  • 至少世界古老科学学会——英国皇家学会发布份报告得出的结论。

    That, at least, is the conclusion of a report published by Britain's Royal Society, the world‘s oldest scientific academy.


  • 条谚语17世纪一条古老英国法律为基础而衍化出来的。

    This proverb is based on an old English law dating back to the 17th century.


  • 科学正在变得越来越庞大,同时越来越全球化至少世界古老学术机构英国皇家学会公布份报告中得出的结论。

    SCIENCE is becoming bigger and more global. That, at least, is the conclusion of a report published by Britain's Royal Society, the world's oldest scientific academy.


  • 比尔·布莱流利逗趣写作硕果累累,为带来名气财富如今世上令人向往住所之一:英国乡村的一古老的教区房。

    The fruits of Bill Bryson's fluent and amusing writing have been fame and fortune, so he now lives in one of the most desirable dwellings in the world: an old rectory in an English country village.


  • 数以千计部落钱币一起哈拉顿宝藏的遗址还有迄今为止英国发现古老罗马钱币,可以追溯到公元前211年,有那时精心装饰的银质罗马头盔还有珠宝

    Along with thousands of tribal COINS, the Hallaton Treasure also includes the oldest Roman coin ever found in Britain, dating back to 211bc, a silver Roman parade helmet and jewellery from the period.


  • 英国教会黄铜纪念碑展示中世纪社会百态最佳画廊,而欧洲古老教堂坐落M25高速公路傍。

    The brass memorials in British churches provide the best portrait gallery of medieval society. Europe's oldest is in a church just off the M25.


  • 发现文物:哈布罗集市旁的哈拉顿宝藏,里面有英国古老钱币,可以追溯到公元前211年,个装饰华丽的银质罗马头盔一个酒杯把手

    What a find: The Hallaton Treasure near Market Harborough includes the oldest Roman coin ever found in Britain, dating back to 211BC (left), a silver Roman parade helmet and a tankard handle (right)


  • 一家澳洲化肥制造商Nufarm,也今年二月购并AHMarks成功。后者是英国古老化学公司,旗下拥有众多价值丰厚的除草剂产品。

    In February Nufarm, an Australian agrochemical maker, won approval for its acquisition of AH Marks, one of Britain's oldest chemical companies, which has a valuable portfolio of herbicides.


  • 布里奇顿下水道是个展现了维多利亚时期工程建筑风格鲜活纪念馆,其得票数超过了包括约克公爵影院(Duke ofYork'sPicturehouse)在内的其他名胜古迹,后者是英国古老的电影院之一。

    The living monument to Victorian engineering and architecture topped other attractions including the Duke of York's Picturehouse, one of Britain's oldest cinemas.


  • 如果只是英国两百多年古老思想再回顾一遍的话,那《社会性动物》也不会拥有如此之大的影响力。

    Why is The Social Animal so important if it just dusts off old thoughts of Brits from 200-plus years ago?


  • 他们包括英国广播公司加勒比海服务是1939年开始广播,是英国广播公司用英语提供古老的节目。

    They include the BBC Caribbean service, which began in 1939, one of the oldest services the BBC has provided in English.


  • 英国其它地方沃尔或者约克郡的荒原似乎坍塌的无顶桩柱古老烟筒或者小鸟栖息修道院理想选择。

    Other parts of England, such as Cornwall or the North York Moors, seem ideally suited for toppling, roofless piles, for old chimneys or for cloisters occupied by birds.


  • 英国电信执著于非法下载支持古老商业模式

    BT is clinging on to an old business model which is supported by illegal downloading.


  • 人们认为一个古老部落莱斯特部落,罗马征服英国之前居住英国的部落,在公元1年到公元前50之间杀了只狗作为陪葬灵魂可以保护人们的财产

    It is believed an ancient tribe, the Corieltauvi, who lived in Britain before the Roman conquest, killed then buried the dog between AD1 and AD50 so its spirit could protect the stockpile.


  • 人们认为一个古老部落莱斯特部落,罗马征服英国之前居住英国的部落,在公元1年到公元前50之间杀了只狗作为陪葬灵魂可以保护人们的财产

    It is believed an ancient tribe, the Corieltauvi, who lived in Britain before the Roman conquest, killed then buried the dog between AD1 and AD50 so its spirit could protect the stockpile.


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