• 上颌上颌窦内气体流速均较

    The airflow in the maxillary air sinus and by the maxillary hiatus was slow.


  • 它的有柔性骨片使动物全部可能的。

    Its flexible jaws and scales makes it possible to eat the animal whole.


  • 它们的后面APU检修APU排气

    Aft of which is the APU access door and APU exhaust.


  • 集中注意力本土人一样地道的英语

    Focus and speak correctly like native speakers!


  • 用于形容单宁的词汇包括圆滑柔软、干粗糙

    Common tannin descriptors include smooth, velvety, mouth-drying and rough.


  • 就是说,一个大大的真诚微笑我们连在一起。

    In other words, a big, genuine smile contracts the corners of our mouth and eyes.


  • 所有浇注任何其它暴露在内部凝结重度污染部件需要涂层

    Pouring all I and any other exposed internal condensation, or heavily polluted parts of the coating required.


  • 型砂在型模周围成形根据需要安放道、道、排放浇注等。

    Sand is formed about the patterns, and gates, runners, risers, vents and pouring cups are added as needed.


  • 至少一个团队法国研究人员如何看待我们大脑过程以及音节动作

    At least that's the conclusion of a team of French researchers who looked at how our brains process syllables, as well as mouth and hand movements.


  • 苍蝇进入鼻孔它们对待死尸一样,没有感觉到它们的存在。

    Flies would enter my mouth and nostrils just as they do a dead body's, but I did not feel them.


  • 为了总线上传输仪器命令数据控制器呼叫口和一个几个响应分配地址

    To transfer instrument commands and data on the bus, the Controller addresses one Talker and one or more Listeners.


  • 本文阐述焊接处理钣金加工制造工艺影响,并用合理方式设计处理。

    This paper discusses how the weld groove and the plate thickness affect the sheet metal manufacture processing, and how to design with reasonable method.


  • 本文分别通过急性亚急性吸入染毒方法,观察菊酯(FV大鼠EEG的影响。

    An EEG study of fenvalerate (FV) treated rats was carried out by acute oral and subacute inhaled methods respectively.


  • 最后减少交通冲突保证混合交通有序流动,针对公路交叉公路路段提出相应解决对策

    Finally, the corresponding countermeasures of highway intersections and sections are put forward in order to educe traffic conflicts and guarantee mixed traffic to flow orderly.


  • 防火进行双池设计,两池中进油出水不应同高或进低于这样才能形成虹吸排水贮油现象;

    Dual fireproof oil reservoirs should be designed, and the oil inlet height should not be lower than that of the water outlet to siphon oil in and drain water off.


  • 上游情况也不乐观,湖南旱灾1910年以来最严重的,影响110万157个城市地区供水

    Further upstream, Hunan is suffering the worst drought since 1910, affecting water supplies for 1.1 million people and 157 urban areas.


  • 成交量来看,大部分散户还是处于观望之中,入场积极性,也就是市场急于诱引散户进场走势。

    From the Handicap and volume terms, most of the retailers are still biding their time, whose enthusiasm for admission is not high, in which the market is eager to entice retail investors approach.


  • 目前能够饮用自来水的35亿无论在家周围地区无法饮用自来水另外30亿人之间存在分歧

    "Today there is a divide between 3.5 billion people who have access to tap water and the other three billion who have no access to tap water - either at home or in the immediate vicinity," Payen said.


  • 本文GDI映射方式入手,对基于设备坐标基于逻辑坐标的概念内涵及其相互关系进行了分析介绍。

    Beginning on the GDI mapping mode, the paper discusses the concepts, meaning and relation of view port based on logic coordinates and window based on device coordinates.


  • 同样的一种法国坦克,所有缝隙几乎没有希望能够穿,射击驾驶员观察口和炮塔后部其它一些可能射穿,几乎没有可能。

    Shoot for the driver's vision slits and there's a chance you might penetrate the armor of the crew hatch in the rear of the turret, but it's not likely.


  • Clustrix双核及四核设备包含1gbps以太两个20gbps的InfiniBand背板同时还装配32gbRAM7个160gb固态硬盘。

    The Clustrix dual quad-core appliance includes two 1gbps Ethernet front-end ports and two 20gbps InfiniBand back-end ports, along with 32gb of RAM and seven 160gb solid state drives.


  • 这个哈里马上交换了一个意味深长眼神

    Upon the utterance of this word, Dan and Harry exchanged a quick, meaningful look.


  • 了一咖啡,将黄油果酱涂面包卷上

    He sipped at his coffee and spread butter and marmalade on a roll.


  • 冬季大群海鸥会聚集垃圾场排污

    During the winter months, great flocks of gulls gather at landfills and sewage outfalls.


  • 一些机构终于了一,但是其他一些机构,包括教堂倡导生命之权团体澳大利亚医学协会尖锐地抨击这个法案,指责法案的通过过于仓促

    Some institutions have breathed sighs of relief, others, including churches, right-to-life groups and the Australian Medical Association, bitterly attacked the bill and the haste of its passage.


  • 面包一些坚果几乎没

    He asked for a bite of bread and a few nuts and then hardly touched them.


  • 面包一些坚果几乎没

    He asked for a bite of bread and a few nuts and then hardly touched them.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定