• 然而有些读者将会感到一种叙事承诺违背

    However, some readers will feel they have a good case for breach of narrative promise.


  • 如果麦卡锡叙事速度还不及读者停下来思考速度,如此用心险恶高谈阔论难免让人觉得荒谬可笑。

    Such sinister high hokum might be ridiculous if McCarthy didn't keep it moving faster than the reader can pause to think about it.


  • 不过要把叙述整部作品重任都放到不可靠第一人称叙事那摇晃肩膀上去,的确需要作家的自我克制,和对读者信任

    Surely, it takes much more restraint-and far more faith in one's readers-to place the full heft of a book in the bumbling hands of an unreliable first person.


  • 《千禧三部曲》的成功表明复杂人物性格节奏的叙事手法、加上对剌激性情节和次要情节进行眼花缭乱式的组接,是能够使读者着迷的。

    The trilogy’s success shows that complex characters, a fast-paced narrative and a dazzling mosaic of challenging plots and sub-plots can keep readers hooked.


  • 《千禧三部曲》的成功表明复杂人物性格节奏的叙事手法、加上对剌激性情节和次要情节进行眼花缭乱式的组接,是能够使读者着迷的。

    The trilogy's success shows that complex characters, a fast-paced narrative and a dazzling mosaic of challenging plots and sub-plots can keep readers hooked.


  • 英国公司XPT (RobBevanTimWright)发起,读者一起讲述故事基于网站反馈发送私信叙事视频剪辑读者邮箱中。

    Created by the UK-based XPT (Rob Bevan and Tim Wright), it told its story with the reader, sending personalised emails and narrative video clips based on feedback to the site.


  • 人们各种各样原因有些为了叙事描叙某事读者强烈的印象。而有些为了传达某种感情

    There are various reasons why people write poetry. Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way that will give the reader a strong impression. Others try to convey certain emotions.


  • 所以发现针对大众市场叙事读物呈现读者面前的书会越来越少自我标榜文学价值,哪怕再不协调也要把自己包装艺术作品的书会越来越多。

    So you're going to find fewer books presenting themselves as no-nonsense, mass market narrative and more assuming literary pretensions and being packages, however incongruously, as works of art.


  • 《日用家当作者母亲双重叙事话语读者均有误导。

    The narrative discourses of both the author and the mother in Everyday Use may misguide the reader.


  • 小说本身也由于叙事简约内涵丰富读者留下了一值得挖掘的冰山

    Meanwhile, with the concise narration and rich connotation, the novel is like an iceberg, which deserves readers' extended exposition.


  • 研究以往研究基础之上,综合文本读者的因素,从时间维度上探讨叙事时间转变和时间管理倾向情景模型建构影响

    Combined with the text and the readers, and based on previous researches, this study discussed effect of narrative time shift and time management disposition on the construction of situation models.


  • 亨伯特真实生动生活背景巧妙的叙事手法暗指技巧的运用使读者不得不相信自白的真实性。

    His real and vivid life panorama, sophisticated narrative strategy and allusions impel the reader to believe his confession.


  • 这一差异反映出读者斯蒂芬·恐怖小说叙事模式不同态度

    The differences in cultural thought are reflected as the different attitudes of readers in the two countries toward the same narrative model of Stephen King's horror fictions.


  • 结构主义批评叙事批评、读者反应批评、后殖民批评、女性主义批评、解构主义批评其它一些方法

    Main sub-themes are structural criticism, narrative criticism, reader-response criticism, post-colonial criticism, feminist criticism, deconstructive criticism and other ways.


  • 作者在谨慎控制叙事进程中,把一些人物自己看来很重要读者看来很可笑事件详尽展示出来,使整个叙事充满古怪狡黠荒诞的交流

    By cautiously controlling the narration, the author showed some events that the character thought important but the reader did not, making the narration full of eccentric crafty and absurd exchanges.


  • 多重叙事聚焦读者展开了一幅幅逼真的故事画面展现人物内心世界表现了作品的主题。

    The multiple narrative focalizations spread vivid pictures one after another for the reader, showing the inner world of the characters and revealing the themes …


  • 夏洛网》选取天生有缺陷的"人物"威尔作为叙事核心激发了读者童心提高读者阅读兴趣

    The hero Wilbur, an inborn defective, is selected as the narrative core in Charlotte′s Web to stimulate readerschildlike innocence and improve their reading interests.


  • 张爱玲意象化”客观叙事一种既能继承中外文学传统满足现代读者阅读习惯叙事方式。

    The objective narrative of imagery of Chang is the heritage of the Chinese and foreign literature tradition, and also the habitual reading habit to meet the needs of modern readers.


  • 基于人类经验叙事读者之间四个层面认知图式,每一个层面下包括相应的认知参数

    Between the experientiality-based narrativity and the reader reception are located four levels of cognitive schemata (or frame) which , in their turn, reply on cognitive parameters.


  • 以帮助读者理解掌握英语句法结构为初衷文章首次尝试从叙事角度揭示英语句法结构本质

    The aim of this dissertation is to throw a light on our comprehension and command of the nature of English syntactic constructions.


  • 读者创造持续意识分散引用特定字符宣读了作为个“嵌入式叙事小说整个叙事这种意识。

    Readers create a continuing consciousness out of scattered references to a particular character and read this consciousness as an embedded narrative "within the whole narrative of the novel."


  • 有些诗是为了叙事或者说是描述某件事读者强烈印象

    Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way that will give the reader a strong impression.


  • 隐含作者叙事读者距离出发,叙事分为可靠和不可靠种类型。

    Narrators can be roughly divided into two groups, reliableness and unreliableness, judged from the distance respectively perceived from hidden author, narrators and readers.


  • 留给读者印象一部仓促写就手稿叙事结构凌乱,长篇引文泛滥,各方言论加以烦冗的细解,而严密分析却因此难现其间。

    It has the feel of a manuscript written in a hurry. The structure is messy and the author makes use of too many long quotes, tediously parsing speeches at the expense of providing rigorous analysis.


  • 留给读者印象一部仓促写就手稿叙事结构凌乱,长篇引文泛滥,各方言论加以烦冗的细解,而严密分析却因此难现其间。

    It has the feel of a manuscript written in a hurry. The structure is messy and the author makes use of too many long quotes, tediously parsing speeches at the expense of providing rigorous analysis.


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