• 午九点半的时候,完整的红黄绿信号灯变换周期大概为140秒。

    At 9:30 am, the full red/yellow/green signal cycle might be 140 seconds.


  • 建立了充填国产s101催化剂、单段流向变换周期操作固定反应器均相动态模型

    The heterogeneous transient model of a fixed - bed reactor packed with vanadium catalyst, S101, for catalytic oxidation of SO2 and operating in a flow direction switched periodically was developed.


  • 这会导致变换静止活动周期-堆砌崩塌非常相像

    This results in alternating periods of quiescence and activity - remarkably like the build-up and collapse of a sand pile.


  • 含义应该外界获得配置(更多注入),生命周期状态变换同样也应该从外部进行控制

    The implication is that classes should be given their configuration (more injection) and lifecycle state-changes similarly controlled from outside.


  • 常规横向剪切干涉仪基础上,利用周期假设,基于小波变换方法实现前重构。

    On the assumption of wavefront prolongation, a new optical phase retrieval algorithm by conventional lateral shear interferometer with wavelet transform is introduced.


  • 快速傅里叶变换同步采样非整数周期截断的情况存在较大误差无法获得精确间谐波参数

    The fast Fourier transform (FFT) will bring on higher error under nonsynchronous sampling and truncated non-integral period, thus more accurate interharmonic parameter values cannot be obtained.


  • 实例计算表明相对周期函数响应求解通常采用拉氏变换方法方法更为简便广泛的适用性。

    It has been proved by the example calculation that this method is simpler and more applicapable in comparison to La's transformation commonly used in resolving the response of periodic function.


  • 结果表明通过改变系统变量之间线性变换矩阵可以实现混沌系统各种不稳定周期轨道稳定控制

    The results show that the UPOs embedded in the chaotic system can be stably controlled by changing the linear transformation matrix of system variables.


  • 提出一种稳定精确坐标变换闭合积分方法,用以求解描述周期布朗粒子定向运动的乘性朗之万方程。

    A stable and accurate integral closed algorithm is presented, which is used to solve multiplicative Langevin equation describing the directed motion of a particle in a periodic potential.


  • 需要通过变换周期来恢复图像

    The restoring of images does not need through transformation cycle.


  • 首先通过变换关系求解简单微分方程得到了(3 +1)破裂孤子方程丰富的孤立波解和周期波解。

    Many of the exact solutions of (3 + 1) dimensional breaking soliton equation are obtained by using a simple transformation relation and solving the ordinary differential equation.


  • 然而语音信号一个平稳过程因此适用周期信号、瞬变信号或平稳随机信号的标准傅立叶变换不能用来直接表示语音信号。

    But voice signal is an instable process, so standard FT that fit to the period signal and stable signal can not be express the voice signal directly.


  • 行星的公转周期为37意味着上面的四季变换非常迅速。

    It takes just 37 days to orbit its sun which means its seasons last for just a few days.


  • 这个方法根据周期函数里叶级数的性质利用数学抽象性质直接推导出另外种形式的傅里叶变换

    According the basic properties of Fourier series of period function and using of the abstract nature of mathematics, the method directly derives other 3 kinds of Fourier transform.


  • 利用角谱分析傅里叶变换方法得到一种描述几个周期宽度脉冲光束传输脉冲修正方法。

    By use of the angular-spectrum analysis and the Fourier transform method, a correction method is obtained to describe the propagation of few-cycle pulsed beam with constant beam waist.


  • 全部采样处理过后,可在基本周期最后一个时间间隔得到离散傅立叶变换一样结果

    When all the sample points are handled after the basic cycle of a time interval finally received and discrete Fourier transform as a result of the introduction of DFT algorithm and the Z-transform.


  • 本文介绍一种基于频率变换时间放大技术用于正弦周期信号相位精确测量延迟时间测量。

    This article introduces a technology of time amplifier based on frequency converter. It can be used for phase detection of sine period signal or determination of time delay.


  • 研究结果表明:基于EWC阈值小波变换能够有效地抑制GIS特高频PD信号中的周期窄带干扰

    The results show that the EWC threshold method of complex wavelet transform can effectively suppress the periodic narrowband interference from GIS UHF PD signals.


  • 即将来临知识经济时代,技术老化的周期人们职业变换进度将越来越

    With the coming of knowledge economy the ageing period of technology and the speed of the people's occupational change become more quickly than before.


  • 地球地磁北极南极随时间作周期变换或许是地核内部流体运动的结果

    The periodic switching of the magnetic north and south poles of the Earth throughout time, probably as a result of movement of fluid within the Earth's core.


  • 文中利用并元变换进位性质,给出了一种构造最佳周期互补二元序列族的方法

    By taking advantage of the characters of dyadic theory, a new method for constructing families of perfect periodic complementary binary sequences pairs (PCSPF) is proposed.


  • 提出了一种改进快速付立叶变换(MFFT)计算方法采样持续时间不是信号周期整数条件下,能够准确地提供此信号中各周期分量的特性。

    Anew approach, named Modified Fast Fourier Transform (MFFT), is proposed to analyze the components of a periodic signal when sampling duration is not equal to an integer multiple of the fundamentals.


  • 用小波变换分析期货螺纹钢RB1610周期源代码数据直接执行程序即可;绝对可以

    Wavelet, future, RB1610-Wavelet transform, analyze futures rebar RB1610, the cycle of the source code, including data, direct executor can definitely use.


  • 周期1531变换矩阵,解释变换矩阵的特性

    By the examples of transformation matrices with period 15 or 31, the properties of transformation matrices are illustrated.


  • 于是语音产生模型入手,详细分析声门闭合时刻语音信号性质找到了浊音信号经过小波变换周期消失极值点个数增多原因

    Based on the speech produce model, we find the reason of periodicity disappearance and the extremum number increase by analysing the character of speech signal when the glottal closes.


  • 电压合成矩阵变换需要每个周期输入输出电压划分成若干扇区

    The input and output voltages in matrix converter based on two voltage synthesis are supposed to be divided into some sectors in each period.


  • 通过预处理滤除工周期分量消除小波变换信号峰值处极大值从而避免了故障误判

    As wavelet module maxima occur at peaks of signal, the pretreatment removes power frequency periodic components from electric signal and thus avoids misjudgments of fault.


  • 流向变换强制周期操作催化燃烧技术我国引进最新的净化含有有毒有机物废气研究课题

    The catalytic combustion technique of the flow direction alternation is a latest research subject, which is about how to purify poisonous waste organic gas.


  • 流向变换强制周期操作催化燃烧技术我国引进最新的净化含有有毒有机物废气研究课题

    The catalytic combustion technique of the flow direction alternation is a latest research subject, which is about how to purify poisonous waste organic gas.


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