• 两国关系由于突袭变得冷却其实在这之前美国视为敌人巴基斯坦人就远远过视其伙伴者

    Since the raid, relations have darkened. But even before it, far more Pakistanis saw America as an enemy than as a partner.


  • 罗马观察到,火山灰混合然后冷却火山灰变得非常坚硬几乎不可能分解

    The Romans observed that, when volcanic ash mixes with water and then cools, it gets extremely hard and almost impossible to break up.


  • 果被咬的地方变得又热又红,先试着把它冷却下来。

    If the bite becomes hot and red, try to cool it down first.


  • 人们变得紧张有压力时他们外周血管会收缩,进而使皮肤冷却

    When people become tense or stressed, their peripheral blood vessels contract, cooling the skin, she said.


  • 随着时间的推进,变得非常擅长辨别冷却那些热烘烘无意识思想

    With time you will get very good at recognizing and cooling those hot automatic thoughts.


  • 作业环境对于工人来说正在变得越来越危险意味着修复冷却系统以及重要测量仪器将花费更长的时间

    And conditions for workers are getting more dangerous, which means that fixing up the cooling systems and hooking up vital measuring instruments takes longer.


  • 冷却输入温度就让输出温度变得更高,达65摄氏度

    The high input temperature of the coolant results in an even higher-grade output heat of about 65 degrees c.


  • 但是随着宇宙不断膨胀冷却无序变得有序一个小小的波动就足以造成巨大变化

    However, as the universe expanded, cooled, and went from a disorderly state to an orderly one, it reached a point where very small fluctuations created very large changes.


  • 他们利用红外线激光束捕获超冷锂原子气团,将其冷却到仅比绝对零度高亿分之十五开尔文。逐渐增加原子间斥力时,研究人员观察到的几个现象表明气体已经变得具有磁性

    When they gradually increased the repulsive forces between the atoms, they observed several features indicating that the gas had become ferromagnetic.


  • 为了实现真正基态,物理学家不得不光束冷却接近绝对零度他们还要通过使光束保持静止增大频率,让量子尺度变得尽可能

    To reach the ground state, physicists had to cool their beams to nearly absolute zero.They also had to make the quanta as large as possible by making a beam stiffer to increase its frequency.


  • 为了实现真正基态物理学家不得不光束冷却接近绝对零度他们还要通过使光束保持静止增大频率量子尺度变得尽可能

    To reach the ground state, physicists had to cool their beams to nearly absolute zero. They also had to make the quanta as large as possible by making a beam stiffer to increase its frequency.


  • 不管谁赢了,在需要冷却经济情况下,有些行动已经变得明朗了

    Whoever wins, some action seems certain, given the need to cool the economy.


  • 然而高纬度水面迅速冷却,海水变得更咸更加密集下沉溶解二氧化碳带到海洋最深部分

    However, at high latitudes, surface water quickly cools, becomes saltier and denser and sinks, carrying the dissolved carbon to some of the deepest parts of the ocean.


  • 此前日本内阁官房长官枝幸男14日记者招待会上表示,目前2号机组反应堆冷却作业如果顺利状况应该变得稳定

    Earlier, Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio branches in 14 wild night at a press conference that the current Unit 2 reactor cooling operation if successful, should the situation will become stable.


  • 冷却获得热量将其带走这种动作可以防止发动机变得

    The coolant picks up heat and carries it away. The action prevents the engine from getting too hot.


  • 如果火山变得不活动冷却下来围岩就可能剥蚀

    If the volcano becomes inactive and cools, surrounding rock may be worn away.


  • 描写秋天寂寥多了似乎变得衍生了,难道秋天便只是冷却落幕

    Describe the solitude of autumn more, it seems that the wind becomes absurd document intended to rise to, are they just cool and the curtain fall?


  • 他们尝试供应冷却的骨汤,发现汤“凝胶似的过粘稠”,于是决定干脆把汤冰冻变得甜。

    Though they tried just serving the broth cold, they found that it was 'too gelatinous', and instead decided to simply freeze it and sweeten it up.


  • 为了收缩弯翘控制可以接受程度,均衡的冷却设计变得非常重要

    An even cooling design becomes very important to control the shrinkage and warpage at an acceptable level.


  • 与此同时冷却系统工作由于发动机发生了爆炸变得发烫,随时加以冷却零部件就会爆裂或者熔化在一起

    Meanwhile the cooling system is at work. The engine gets awfully hot with all those explosion taking place in it. If it were not being cooled all the time, the parts would crack or melt together.


  • 如何冷却控制磷酸钙变得更为重要

    How to control calcium phosphate scale has become more important in cooling water systems.


  • 同轴负载结构实现使聚焦线圈加速管冷却系统的安装变得方便,使束流品质得以提高

    The collinear load can bring convenience to fix the focus coils and cooling system and enhance the quality of beam.


  • 新款护目镜采用防雾设计空气自由流动冷却,使图象变得清晰

    The newly styled goggles feature an anti-fog design, allowing free flow of air from top to bottom for cool, clear vision.


  • 不同射流角度的错排射流的冷却通道中,射流从射流孔冲击出来后在通道内形成旋涡使旋涡变得更强烈

    In the investigated cooling channel with different Angle stagger jets, the big jets cause swirl flow in the middle of channel and make the swirl flow stronger.


  • 压缩空气如果离开空气冷却机就会变得潮湿

    Compressed air is hot and saturated with moisture when it leaves the air compressor.


  • 因为工作太忙很少MSN和QQ变得越来越沉默寡言了,讨厌对生活渐渐冷却

    Because of my busy working schedule, I rarely have time to chat with my friends through MSN or QQ and I find myself become very quiet.


  • 因为工作太忙很少MSN和QQ变得越来越沉默寡言了,讨厌对生活渐渐冷却

    Because of my busy working schedule, I rarely have time to chat with my friends through MSN or QQ and I find myself become very quiet.


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