• 房地产市场开始变化时候,因为我们一个多样化代理,所以我们能够房地产市场坚持时间其他行长得多

    When the real estate market began to change, it was because we had a diverse agent pool that we were able to stay in the real estate market much longer than others in the same profession.


  • 撒哈拉沙漠虽然干燥,但却是一个高度多样化地区公元前10000年以来经历了重大气候变化

    The Sahara is a highly diverse, albeit dry, region that has undergone major climatic changes since 10,000 B.C.


  • 除了过去二十人类观察之外,关于这些代表多样化绿洲,我们所知甚少,例如他们年龄以及他们气候变化的反应。

    Except for in-person observations made over the last two decades, little definitive was known about these oases of diversity, like their age or how they might respond to changes in climate.


  • 研究人员注意到,这些结果说明人类引起环境变化导致这些鸟类200世代内出现生物多样化

    The researchers noted that these results suggest human caused environmental change can lead to animal diversification in about 200 generations for these birds.


  • 除此之外,欧洲需要使能源来源更加多样化如果实现雄心勃勃的气候变化目标必须这么

    Beyond this, Europe needs to work harder to diversify its sources of energy, something that it must do anyway if it is to meet its ambitious climate-change targets.


  • 全球性竞争越来越激烈传统串行设计模式已远远不能适应个性化多样化用户需求快速变化市场

    During the global competition becomes more and more drastic, traditional series design mode can't adapt the individuation and diversification of customers' demands and rapidly changing market.


  • 全球性竞争越来越激烈传统CAE分析过程不能适应个性化多样化用户需求快速变化市场

    During the global competition becomes more and more drastic, traditional CAE analysis mode can not adapt the individuation and diversification of customers' demands and rapidly changing market.


  • 装配线准时制生产方式具体应用之一在不引起大产品库存变化的条件下满足用户的多样化需求

    The mixed-model assembly line is one of the applications of JIT production, because it can meet diversified demand of customers without the need for large product inventories.


  • 随着现代科学技术进步社会对高精度多样化产品需求量的增加机床技术也发生巨大的变化

    With the progress in science and technology and the increase in the need of high-precision and wide-variety products, great changes have been taking place in machine tool technology.


  • 网络本身具有尽可能多样化市场变化作出迅速反应。

    The network itself has to be diversified as much as possible, in order to react promptly to market changes.


  • 这些土地保有制度变化意味着社区必须适应多样化生活方式而这当地可靠供水增加压力

    These land tenure changes mean that the community must adopt a more diversified lifestyle, which is increasing the pressure for a reliable local water supply.


  • 当今企业竞争表现如何最快速度响应市场要求满足不断变化多样化需求

    Nowadays the representation of competition between enterprises is how to respond to the request of market as quickly as possible, and how to meet its diversified demands.


  • 混流装配线准时制生产方式具体应用之一,引起的产品库存变化条件下满足用户多样化需求

    It can not cause large changes storage to meet the conditions of the diverse needs of users. Work Time is the most important parameter of the assembly line.


  • 根据用户环境变化多样化布局方案

    According to the diversification of the user environment change the layout program.


  • 随着社会环境变化人们价值取向多元化,研究生生活方式越来越多样化

    With changes in social environment and the diversifying of values system, graduate students also have more diverse ways of life.


  • 世纪之交全球经济环境发生巨大的变化市场越来越复杂消费者需求更加多样化个性化

    Turn of the century, the global economic environment has undergone tremendous changes, changes in the market of increasingly complex, Consumer demand becomes more diverse, personalized.


  • 由于环境变化时代多元化现代山水画空间表现呈现出多样化

    Due to environmental changes and pluralism of the Times, modern landscape painting diversified in it's Space form of expression.


  • 需要多样化跟上技术状态和我们会员资格变化兴趣水平

    The need and want to diversify in keeping with the state of technology and the varying interest levels of our membership.


  • 如何适应市场个性化多样化企业生产经营带来巨大变化

    How to adapt to the fundamental changes in the production and operations of an enterprise arising from the market's rising request for customization and diversity?


  • 早期开发井水现象较为严重,油层水淹岩性也发生一系列变化,测井响应呈现多样化

    Because the flooding condition of early developed old Wells is serious, and its lithology and physical property change a lot after reservoir flooding, log response diversifies.


  • 随着社会环境变化人们价值取向多元化研究生生活方式也越来越多样化

    With the change of the social environment and diversification of people's view of value, the life-style of postgraduate becomes various.


  • 提出经济环境不断变化大学生就业需求多样化压力下,大学生就业指导理论选择和模式构建目前最为迫切问题

    The essay also proposes that to establish a theory and mode of vocation guidance is an urgent issue in the changing economic environment and with diversified needs of graduates.


  • 无论成龙好莱坞多么成功还是对于亚洲演员美国电影中缺少多样化角色变化自身无法对于美国电影拍摄中的一些方面做出控制而感到心有不甘。

    Despite his Hollywood successes, Jackie became frustrated by the lack of varied roles for Asian actors and his own in ability to control certain aspects of the filming in America.


  • 由于已建成环境始终发生变化变得越来越复杂因此城市景观都演变成为同等多样化设计空间社会地位

    As the built environment is in a permanent process of change and therefore gaining complexity, urban places and landscapes evolve equally into versatile Spaces of design and social status.


  • 由于已建成环境始终发生变化变得越来越复杂因此城市景观都演变成为同等多样化设计空间社会地位

    As the built environment is in a permanent process of change and therefore gaining complexity, urban places and landscapes evolve equally into versatile Spaces of design and social status.


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