• 运动功能感觉功能受到影响

    Both motor and sensory functions are affected.


  • 保险费会不会受到影响现在判定还为时过早

    It is too early to say whether insurance premiums will be affected.


  • 新的提案使神职人员和平信徒都会受到影响

    The new proposals affect both clergy and laity.


  • 整个食物链农业过度使用化学制品受到影响

    The whole food chain is affected by the overuse of chemicals in agriculture.


  • 居民心脏肺部因此而受到影响

    Residents' hearts and lungs are affected as a consequence.


  • 他们担心图书馆安静因为游客的粗鲁行为受到影响

    They fear that the quietness of the libraries will be influenced because of visitors' rude behavior.


  • 即使生长季节缩短5%,南亚超过3亿可能受到影响

    More than 300 million people in South Asia are likely to be affected even with a 5% decrease in the length of the growing season.


  • 公司此前宣布关闭计划没有哪些地点受到影响

    The company had previously announced the planned closures, but had not said which locations would be affected.


  • 如果一份办公室工作不能经常到户外或者足够多运动健康就有可能受到影响

    If you have an office job you might not be getting outdoors enough, or getting enough exercise, and your health might suffer.


  • 如果气候变化减少了狩猎诱捕因纽特人尽管实际上可能不会挨饿他们健康肯定会受到影响

    While the Inuit may not actually starve if hunting and trapping are curtailed by climate change, there has certainly been an impact on people's health.


  • 包括绿色和平组织在内土著环保组织表示如果过度开发,安第斯山脉许多地区受到影响

    Indigenous and environmental groups, including Greenpeace, say that many parts of the Andes will suffer if they become over-developed.


  • 两者都消耗了宝贵时间资源而且一个公司必须尽快产生订单否则企业士气财务状况都会受到影响

    Both consume valuable time and resources, and a small company's efforts must soon result in orders, or both the morale and the financial health of the business will suffer.


  • 很难理解为什么它们不会受到影响恐龙却因为残疾而无法生存,尤其是如果恐龙一些科学家认为的那样温血动物。

    It's hard to understand why they would not be affected, whereas dinosaurs were left too crippled to cope, especially if, as some scientists believe, dinosaurs were warm-blooded.


  • 如果山达干获胜按照计划2021年扩展南北环形道路肯定引发更多驾车者强烈反对他们受到影响

    If Sandakan wins and extends it to the North and South Circular roads in 2021 as he intends, it is sure to spark intense opposition from the far larger number of motorists who will then be affected.


  • 如果萨迪克·获胜按照的计划,2021年将其推广南北环线道路,肯定引发更多驾车者强烈反对因为他们受到影响

    If Sadiq Khan wins and extends it to the North and South Circular roads in 2021 as he intends, it is sure to spark intense opposition from the far larger number of motorists who will then be affected.


  • 降低成本产品质量就会受到影响

    When costs are cut product quality suffers.


  • 政府削减开支学校首当其冲受到影响

    Schools will bear the brunt of cuts in government spending.


  • 坏的情况下,有一万多人可能受到影响

    In the worst-case scenario more than ten thousand people might be affected.


  • 所有无意识身体功能甚至呼吸受到影响

    All of the automatic body functions, even breathing, are affected.


  • 无论他们是否精神障碍,都会受到影响

    They affect everyone, regardless of whether they have a mental disorder or not.


  • 卫生教育数百其他项目受到影响

    Health, education and hundreds of other programs will be hit.


  • 珊瑚礁几乎一些珊瑚没有受到影响

    There are almost always pockets of coral on the reefs that remain unaffected.


  • 鳄鱼乌龟鸟类昆虫似乎很少受到影响

    Crocodiles, tortoises, birds, and insects seem to have been little affected.


  • 每个孩子第一受到不公平待遇时都会受到影响

    Every child is affected thus the first time he is treated unfairly.


  • 有趣的是我们发现男性女性容易受到影响

    We find, quite interestingly, men are more affected than women.


  • 令人困惑的第二表现可能受到影响时,这会带来什么好处

    The puzzle was what benefit would be gained from it when performance might be affected the following day.


  • 有些其他人容易受到影响比如儿童老人残疾人有色人种。

    We know that some people are more affected than others, like children, the elderly, people with disabilities, and people of color.


  • 6%受访者表示:“他们人际关系由于过度使用互联网受到影响。”

    About 6% of respondents reported that "their relationships suffered because of excessive Internet use."


  • 登山者常见危险之一高原反应,即使是非常有经验的登山者受到影响

    One of the most common dangers to climbers is altitude sickness, which can affect even very experienced climbers.


  • 活跃叶绿素分子产生氧气破坏性强秋天衰弱树叶随后变得容易受到影响

    The weakened fall leaf then becomes vulnerable to the highly destructive effects of the oxygen created by the excited chlorophyll molecules.


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