• 然而对于财政刺激无法取得共识

    But no consensus exists on the need for fiscal stimulus.


  • 有时人们只能中庸想法取得共识

    SOMETIMES the only thing people can agree on is a mediocre idea.


  • 美国国会议员还在努力就这项救市计划取得共识

    S. financial system, something U. S. lawmakers continue to struggling to achieve.


  • 显然这个问题上还非常需要展开讨论取得共识

    It is, however, evidently necessary that more discussions be held to get to a common view on this problem.


  • 企业文化作为一种管理方式已经在理论界企业界取得共识

    As a management mode corporate culture has been agreed by arena of researchers and entrepreneurs.


  • 对于驱使股票市场相关业务来看更加积极,全球这一主题取得共识

    There is general consensus on the broad global themes that will drive ECM, and on which sectors will see the most activity.


  • 有效沟通体系架构使得决定权衡能够争论促进了回顾并且最终取得共识

    An architecture that is effectively communicated allows decisions and tradeoffs to be debated, facilitates reviews, and allows agreement to be reached.


  • 这个世界这种计划上达成一致难度肯定不会逊于哥本哈根条款取得共识

    They will surely be no easier for the world to agree on than the provisions of Copenhagen were.


  • 实现目标,审计集团必须就某一方法取得共识其推广至所有客户

    For that to happen the four large audit groups must agree an approach and extend it across all their clients.


  • 比尔希拉里对于政策细节控制过于严密,但是同仁那里取得共识上面力量明显不足

    Bill and Hillary were far too controlling of the details of policy and not skillful enough at forging political consensus.


  • 德里力量之一精通如何取得共识,特别是可能的话银行理事会中的共识

    One of Mr Trichet's strengths was his mastery at mustering consensus, where possible, on the bank's governing council.


  • 为了解决卖方买方之间的争议与冲突大多数情况下我们采用谈判的方式取得共识

    In order to resolve conflicts between buyer and seller, in most cases we use negotiation to reach a consensus.


  • 人文学科学术术语附带价值情感信念诸多主观因素解释多歧,难以取得共识

    Academic terms of humanities are hard to interpret because of their attached factors such as value, emotion and belief.


  • 会议取得共识双方共同努力结果,表明中国与东盟关系取得重大进展,进入一个阶段

    The consensus reached at the meeting should be attributed to the joint efforts of both sides, evidencing that China-ASEAN relations have made new headways and entered into a new stage.


  • 那些最好专家处理的国际条约既复杂又无聊、到处都细枝末节,因此很容易取得共识

    It is easier to sell international agreements when they appear to be technical, boring, nuts-and-bolts issues best left to experts.


  • 基本学习周期是个人性的社会学习周期慢得而且许多过程贫乏副产品取得共识

    The fundamental learning cycle is individual, and the social learning cycle is much slower and the byproduct of many processes, the poorest one being consensus.


  • 双方相互工作方式思路取得共识签订相关具有法律效力合作合同。客户支付约定预付款。

    The two sides on mutual work methods and ideas consensus has been reached, the signing of the relevant legal effect of a cooperation contract. , Agreed to pay the advances.


  • 这些研究成果揭示教学动力本质作出了积极的贡献但是教学动力的本质问题,远取得共识

    Their research achievements contribute to the revelation of teaching motive essence but fail to bring about a commonly accepted conclusion.


  • 新的政策文件努力儿童定义取得共识,以便根据这个定义确定解决问题方案筹集资金,找到方法

    A new policy document will strive for a common understanding of what a child soldier is that can be used to shape programs, financing and approaches to the problem.


  • 福特要求品牌一起出售因为它们运营早已紧密结合一起,对两个品牌的合理报价取得共识不是简单的事。

    But reaching a sensible valuation of the two marques, which Ford says must be sold together because their operations have become so tightly integrated, is not proving easy.


  • 不过承担任务过于艰巨,因为任何条约生效不但27个成员国取得共识,同时还要所有成员国批准。

    Yet the task she has taken on is immense. Any new treaty must not only be unanimously agreed on but also ratified by all of the union's 27 members before it can take effect.


  • 福特要求品牌一起出售因为它们运营早已紧密结合一起,对两个品牌的合理报价取得共识不是件简单的事。

    But reaching a sensible valuation of the two marques which ford says must be sold together because their operations have become so tightly integrated is not proving easy.


  • 举例说明,《哈姆雷特》这部作品主要特点深奥以致350多年来评论家们对这部作品的道德诗人中心简单解释方面不能取得共识

    The depth and profundity of Hamlet, for example, is so integral to the work that for over 350 years commentators have been unable to agree on a single interpretation of its moral and poetic center.


  • 过去几十年里,人们如何美国取得成功似乎已经达成了普遍共识接受大学教育找到一份可靠的工作,然后一栋自己房子

    For the past several decades, it seems there's been a general consensus on how to get ahead in America: Get a college education, find a reliable job, and buy your own home.


  • 如果员工合作方式取得成功共识就会开始形成

    If employees' ways of working together succeed over and over, consensus begins to form.


  • 双方友好气氛中两国关系共同关心重大国际地区问题交换了意见取得广泛共识

    The two sides exchanged views on bilateral relations and major international and regional issues of common concern in a friendly atmosphere and reached broad consensus.


  • 双方友好气氛中两国关系共同关心重大国际地区问题交换了意见取得广泛共识

    The two sides exchanged views on bilateral relations and major international and regional issues of common concern in a friendly atmosphere and reached broad consensus.


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