• 上海方面取得一定成果存在问题很突出

    In a certain sense, Shanghai has obtained some achievements in this field, but the existing problems remain outstanding.


  • 全国农村村落社会调查课题经过有关单位进行,并已取得一定成果

    The social research project about countryside has been carried out and fruitful.


  • 韩国数据库振兴院成立目的就是为韩国相关产业数据质量、数据安全提供支撑取得一定成果

    The establishment of Korea Database Agency is to provide supports towards the data quality and data safety of the relevant industries in Korea and up to now has obtained certain achievements.


  • 检察理论研究取得一定成果同时存在着不少问题较强部门化倾向意识形态化话语较多、研究范式成性为主等。

    But meanwhile there exist some problems, such as the trend of departmentalization in the stand, the ideological language and mode of justifying for the existing systems.


  • 在默默地作好教学工作同时,重视教学和教育科学研究部分领域取得一定成果,为教学质量提高起到了一定的积极作用

    Quietly make teaching work, the importance of teaching and education research, and in some areas have achieved some results, improving the quality of teaching has played a positive role.


  • 这个国家一半有意识地,另一半是乘着经济成长的顺风解决这些问题上取得一定成果

    The country is making some headway against its problems, partly by design and partly thanks to rapid growth.


  • 最好还是努力开展一些行动——任何行动都行表示,“或许1520年内取得一定成果”。

    Better trying to get something-anything-off the ground, he says. "Maybe in 15 or 20 years something might come of it."


  • 区间判断矩阵研究越来越受到更多学者关注,有关理论方法的研究也已经取得一定成果

    The research about interval judgment matrix has attracted more and more attention recently. Some achievements on the study of the theory and methods have been obtained.


  • 目前,体育统计方法体育领域应用达到一定水平取得可喜成果

    A fairly high level has been reached, and gratifying results have been achieved, in the application of statistical methods in the sports domain.


  • 国内外许多著名学者也各自不同角度团队组建管理进行了深入细致地探讨并且取得丰硕的研究成果仍然存在一定理论缺口

    Many foreign scholars discussed the establishment and management of team from different point of views, and made great achievement, but there are still a lot of theoretical indentations.


  • 集料混凝土强度影响一个悬而未决难题许多学者一直致力于方面的研究,取得一定成果

    The effect of aggregate on concrete still be a pending difficulty, therefore, numerous researcher study it constantly, and have made some achievements.


  • 我国科技工作者硫铁矿烧渣综合利用进行多方面研究实践取得一定成果

    The comprehensive utilization to that the pyrite cinder of scientific worker of our country has carried on the research and practice in many aspects, and gain some achievements.


  • 虽然大学生网络成瘾成因研究取得一定成果,但许多因素有待确定机制尚不明确

    Despite certain outcome has been achieved in research on it, lots of factors are still unknown and the its mechanism is unclear.


  • 语感训练理论基础我们进行一个学期英语角课程化的实践取得一定成果

    Based on the theory of language sense pattern, we have conducted practice of English corner for one term and obtained encouraging results.


  • 拓扑关系方向关系复合推理基础上提出了将拓扑和方向结合起来进行拓扑关系定性推理方法,并取得一定成果

    In the foundation of complex reasoning of topological relationship and directional relationship, the paper gave a topological relationship qualitative Reasoning method using topology and direction.


  • 电力高压设备运行状态在线监测绝缘状态在线监测研究电力系统已经取得一定研究成果

    There already have some outcomes in studies of on-line monitoring of the running condition and the insulation condition of the high voltage equipments in power system.


  • “民族考古学产生以来,学术界对其学术史理论基础、研究方法学科定位等问题进行广泛深入的讨论,取得一定成果

    Since the Ethno archaeology in China come into being, the history, theory, methods and subject orientation of the Ethno archaeology have been discussed widely and great achievements have been made.


  • 国内会计理论界对于法务会计研究虽然取得一定成果存在不足

    Domestic accountant the theorists serve accountant's research regarding the law although has yielded the certain result, but also has the insufficiency.


  • 目前,在方面研究取得一定成果

    At present, the two directions have both achieved a certain degree of success.


  • 时期以来艾芜小说研究取得一定成果

    During the new period, research on Aiwu's novels has already achieved good successes.


  • 单层型板受力蒙皮体结构试验研究已经取得一定成果

    The study and research of the single panels stressed skin diaphragms has already get much achievement.


  • 关于药物依赖成瘾的机制治疗手段的研究目前取得一定成果

    The mechanisms of drug addiction and its treatment methods have obtained some results at present.


  • 藁城市利用地下储水空间蓄水,进行地下水人工回灌试验取得一定成果

    The fine results are achieved by the artificial groundwater recharge experiment and using the underground storing space for water storage in the Gaochen City.


  • 20世纪20年代,学界已开始关注边塞诗研究取得一定成果

    In the 20's of the twentieth century, the frontier poems were paid attention to by the literary world, and achievements were made in this field.


  • 本次大马矿石试验研究不论是矿石工艺矿物学研究、选矿工艺研究、还是成果应用等方面都取得一定成果

    This research ore of Da Malu achieves some result not only in ore mineralogical research and mineral processing technology, but also in result application.


  • 不可否认一方面联想确实取得一定成果

    Undeniable, in this on one hand, associated to obtain certain positive result really.


  • 虽然减少煤炭依赖的进程上我们取得一定成果,但未来还有很长的一段。 荆棘遍布,困难重重。

    Although we have made much progress in reducing our coal dependence, we still to have a way to go, and we understand how difficult the challenge is.


  • 我国供电企业危险源评价控制方面取得一定成果,但仍存在评价方法主观性较强、控制措施不力等题目。

    Although we get some achievement in safety assessment and control, there also exit subjectivity about the method and weakness of the measures.


  • 我国供电企业危险源评价控制方面取得一定成果,但仍存在评价方法主观性较强、控制措施不力等题目。

    Although we get some achievement in safety assessment and control, there also exit subjectivity about the method and weakness of the measures.


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