• 因此提出爆炸应该我们可以看到月球部分发生这样产生的“蘑菇云可以清楚地看到,太阳照亮

    As such, it was proposed that the explosion happen on the border of the visible part of the moon, so that the resulting mushroom cloud would be clearly visible, being illuminated by the sun.


  • 若是有人提出质疑反而大家群起而攻之;事情发生以后,大家开始拼命原因而且开始相互推卸责任

    If someone doubts about it, he will be attacked by all others. When something wrong takes place, everyone is busy finding reasons and begins to push the buck to each other.


  • 这家法院可以调查发生非会员国内暴行条件是这些暴行认为威胁到地区国际和平安全,而且联合国安理会提出要求

    But it can also investigate atrocities in non-member states at the request of the UN security Council, if deemed to threaten regional or international peace and security.


  • 上次月全食发生冬至期间的时候,天文学家伽利略因为自己提出“日心说”理论而软禁着。

    The last time a lunar eclipse occurred on the winter solstice, astronomer Galileo Galilei was languishing under house arrest for suggesting the Earth circled the sun.


  • 以后瓶装葡聚糖警告提出如果过敏反应一旦发生注射立即停止实施有效地治疗

    Later, it was recommended that a warning be placed on bottles of dextran that if an anaphylactoid reaction developed, the infusion must be stopped at once and active treatment instituted.


  • 本文提出一种不用校正彩色电视同步信号再生电路它能使电视特殊效果发生彩色摄象录象视频信号同步锁相,对其实际电路进行了详细分析

    This paper describes a circuit that enables special effect generators or colour video cameras to be genlocked with VTR's without the need of time base correctors, and analyses the circuits in detail.


  • 一种意识击退,觉得没有理由提出要求,没有权利期望别人我孤独命运发生兴趣

    I left them, and came back again, and again I wandered away: always repelled by the consciousness of having no claim to ask — no right to expect interest in my isolated lot.


  • 伯吉先生的发言德维尔潘向清流审判提出诉讼而无罪释放的几天,那是发生九月十四项污点战役案例

    Mr Bourgi's claims came just days before Mr DE Villepin was acquitted on appeal in the "Clearstream" trial, a political smear-campaign case, on September 14th.


  • 没有解决某些提出特定问题我们声明并不是因为听起来可怕的预兆或者预言会要发生

    Without addressing the specific issues being questioned, we state that no dire-sounding prognostications or predictions will come to fruition;


  • 当作分支机构风险发生于下列场合:外国企业当局美国子公司只是提出建议而是发号施令美国子公司非经来自国外准许指示又是不得作出决定的。

    This risk arises where the foreign management issues orders, instead of Suggestions, to the US subsidiary, and where the US subsidiary make no decision without permission or direction from abroad.


  • 当作分支机构风险发生于下列场合:外国企业当局美国子公司只是提出建议而是发号施令美国子公司非经来自国外准许指示又是不得作出决定的。

    This risk arises where the foreign management issues orders, instead of Suggestions, to the US subsidiary, and where the US subsidiary make no decision without permission or direction from abroad.


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