• 而且发生任何人预期要快得

    And it's happening much faster than anyone expected.


  • 美国正在成为拉美裔国家而且发生任何人预期要快得

    The United States is becoming an Hispanic country. And it's happening much faster than anyone expected.


  • 况且平衡计算常常发生方程高次方程。

    Moreover equations of degree higher than quartic often arise in equilibrium calculations.


  • 研究表明,人体时间活动可能发生比平时危险的情况。

    Emerging research suggests something more sinister happens when we are inactive for too long at a time.


  • 事实上由于目前经济不景气,这种事情的发生2000年还要频繁。

    In fact, this situation is even more fraught than it was in 2000 because of the recession.


  • 如果真的是这样整个缅甸发生那些虚伪议会辩论上度过的时光大得多变化

    If true, that would be a bigger change in Myanmar than all those hours of bogus parliamentary debate.


  • 应该教会我们这一点:阻止问题发生问题变得几乎无法解决时才处理要简单当然成本也低。

    It should have taught us that preventing problems is easier, and certainly less costly, than dealing with them when they become virtually intractable.


  • 要是我们死了——否认有这种可能——那么你们该记得有时海上发生比更坏,总有人要死

    And if we're dead - which I don't deny it might be - well, you got to -remember that worse things' appen at sea and a chap's got to die sometime.


  • 没有人当地人了解北极,就是为什么当地人满足不发表任何看法,只外界专家来告诉他们发生什么

    Nobody knows the Arctic as well as the locals, which is why they are not content simply to stand back and let outside experts tell them what's happening.


  • 看上去平时高兴得多因为期待那天会有新鲜事情发生

    She looked much happier than usual, for she expected new things to happen that day.


  • 相对短暂时间里人们生活条件发生之前几千更大变化

    During this relatively short period of time, greater changes in people's living conditions have occurred than in the thousands of years which preceded.


  • 发生这样的事,难过。

    No one is sorrier than I am about what happened.


  • 他们单独留在房间时,那些知道哪些笔会对自己产生电击学生那些知道将会发生什么的学生按动更多,也受到更多的电击

    When left alone in the room, the students who did not know which ones would shock them clicked more pens and incurred more shocks than the students who knew what would happen.


  • 异常半球中的神经元成熟之前经历过多细胞分裂时,就会发生这种罕见疾病大脑一侧一侧大得多。

    The rare disorder, in which one side of the brain grows substantially larger than the other, occurs when neurons in the abnormal hemisphere undergo too many cell divisions before they mature.


  • 如果今天发生这样地震落基山脉大西洋都会震感而且密西西河谷大部分城市夷为平地。

    If such an earthquake happened today, it would be felt from the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean and would flatten most of the cities in the Mississippi valley.


  • 自然发生森林火灾甚至山体滑坡积雪更能促进白杨树的生长。

    Even more than mountainside slides of mud or snow, naturally occurring forest fires promote the survival of aspen trees.


  • 埃塞俄声明中,对发生黎巴嫩首都附近坠机事件没有明确解释”。

    The Ethiopian statement says that there is "no definitive explanation" for the crash near the Lebanese capital, which occurred during stormy weather.


  • 黄昏时分,索尔太太听到塞斯韦特庄园发生一切

    It was in these twilight hours that Mrs. Sowerby heard of all that happened at Misselthwaite Manor.


  • 在快速动睡眠期发生额外的呼吸变化甚至那些在非快速眼动期发生的变化还要显著

    Additional breathing changes occur during REM sleep that are even more dramatic than the changes that occur during NREM.


  • 经济学告诉我们避免气候变化,即避免风险支出也许处理可能发生后果所用的费用少。

    What the economics tells us is that it's probably cheaper to avoid climate change—to avoid the riskthan it is to deal with the likely consequences.


  • 历史学家认为,19世纪一再发生蝗虫入侵改变了美国密西西以西农业格局

    Historians credit repeated locust invasions in the nineteenth century with reshaping United States agriculture west of the Mississippi River.


  • 辆被盗车主驾驶同样的车容易发生事故偷车贼通常年轻人有时还喝醉了酒

    A stolen car is also far more likely to be involved in an accident than the same car driven by its owner; car thieves are often young and sometimes drunk.


  • 争吵特点强烈的言语攻击往往反复发生无法解决并且使男性女性更加愤怒

    Disputes were characterised by intense verbal aggression, tended to be repeated and not resolved, and made men, more than women, extremely angry.


  • 代理记录充分表明气候几千长的时间跨度内发生重大自然变化

    What the proxy records make abundantly clear is that there have been significant natural changes in the climate over timescales longer than a few thousand years.


  • 我不知道发生了什么,”鲁回忆道。

    "I had no idea what was happening," remembered Ruby.


  • 2020年1月26日,科在加利福尼亚的一次直升机事故中去世。就在事故发生前三天,他发出了春节祝福,并鼓励中国球迷实践自己的梦想,勇于胜利。

    Kobe died in a helicopter (直升机) accident in California on January 26, 2020. Just three days before the accident, he sent out Chinese New Year wishes, and encouraged Chinese fans to live (实践) their dreams and dare to win.


  • 法纳尔大厅山再哈佛大学从保罗·里维尔故居波士顿大屠杀发生地,游客们可以下午的时间里找到大块国家遗产

    From Faneuil Hall to Beacon Hill to Harvard, Paul Revere's house or the site of the Boston Massacre, visitors can find a huge chunk of the nation's heritage in one afternoon.


  • 防止错误发生往往发生错误帮助人们纠正更好

    Preventing errors from occurring is always better than helping people correct them once they occur.


  • 根据赫尔博士的研究,这种重组发生之前任何的都要快但是中途因为火山活动几度活跃沉寂而有所迟缓。

    According to Dr Bucher, it occurred faster than anyone had previously thought, but also stuttered on the way as the volcanic activity waxed and waned.


  • 不管更好更坏一切都发生一般的约会快。

    For better or for worse, it all happens much faster than it would even on a date.


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