• 该市记者,其中袭击发生在白天,导致齐齐军事基地周围部分墙壁倒塌

    Correspondents in the city say the raids, one of them in daylight, caused the collapse of sections of the walls around the Bab al-Azizia military complex.


  • 枪击案发生基地原计划将要举行一个士兵毕业典礼

    It happened shortly before a graduation ceremony for soldiers was due to start at the base.


  • 本次对峙事件发生在距某重要海军基地以南75英里地方。

    The stand-off took place 75 miles south of a major naval base.


  • 如果能够出来鲨鱼攻击活动基地可以指导你在哪里可以避免鲨鱼袭击的发生表示

    But if you could figure out the base of operations for the great whites, it would give you a good idea of places to avoid if you were worried about shark attacks, he said.


  • 在Colonel·Lewis到达第二天,叛军就冲着基地发射火箭类似事件这些年并没有发生过。

    The day after Colonel Lewis arrived, insurgents fired a rocket at the base, the first such attack in nearly a year.


  • 昨天位于美国德克萨斯州的美国胡德(Fort Hood)军事基地发生士兵枪击事件,12死亡31人受伤

    Twelve people were killed and 31 wounded yesterday when a US soldier went on a rampage at Fort Hood military base in Texas.


  • 事情是这样发生的:交通高峰期名101空降师的军人开着普通的SUV基地驶往摩苏尔没有携带任何装备

    It had gone like this: Two soldiers with the 101st Airborne Division had climbed into a regular S.U.V., no armor, and driven off the base and into Mosul at rush hour.


  • 爆炸发生阿富汗巴基斯坦接壤东南边境Khost一个防御牢固的名叫查普曼前线工作基地Forward OperatingBase Chapman)。

    The bombing took place inside Forward Operating Base Chapman, a well-fortified compound in Khost province near the southeastern border with Pakistan.


  • 朋友当中唯一一个人——我们所有的人都经过学术培植,所有艺术而献身的人都像士兵驻扎遥远基地(或是我们想象的)——没有什么可怕的事情发生的身上。

    I was the only one of my friends-all of us academic transplants, all soldiers of art stationed on a far-off base (or so we imagined it) -who hadn't had something terrible happen to her yet.


  • 泰瓦罗瓦角是世界上唯一处信天翁大陆繁殖基地,据称,过去70年里该地发生雌鸟共同筑巢的先例。

    Taiaroa Head - the only mainland albatross breeding colony in the world - has recorded only two previous instances of females setting up a nest together in the past 70 years.


  • 火星基地似乎很多功能[28],但是其中最重要当然当意外的事情发生我们地球家园确保人类物种得以幸存

    The Mars base apparently has a number of functions28 but among those would certainly be the ensured survival of the human species should anything untoward happen on or to our home planet.


  • 记得发生什么”,霍尔斯特德是被派驻当时的沃什湾麦科德空军基地战斗控制员。

    "I don't remember what happened," said Halsted, a former combat controller who was stationed at then-McChord Air Force Base, Wash.


  • 施特丹补充印度巴基斯坦上次在格尔吉尔发生冲突中国曾经24试图控制斗拉特别奥基地,印度这个问题认识较

    Adding that China made 24 attempts to take hold of the Dalulatbeg air base during the last India-Pakistan conflict in Kargil, Stobdan says India has awakened late to the problem.


  • 但是诸如胡德军事基地枪击案之类事件暗示发生更多类似事件可能性背后的原因动机会引致更多事件的发生

    But episodes like the shooting at Fort Hood suggest the possibility of more, and the sort of reasons and motivations that could make for more.


  • 美国警告叙利亚不要大马士革上个月发生恐怖袭击之后再次黎巴嫩进行干涉。 叙利亚说那次袭击是以黎巴嫩为基地的激进分子发起的。

    The United States is cautioning Syria against new intervention in Lebanon following a terrorist attack in Damascus late last month that Syria has blamed on Lebanon-based militants.


  • 消息表明这次袭击的目标SalehAliNabhan肯尼亚人,据信与2002年发生肯尼亚主要港口城市蒙巴萨的一次基地炸弹袭击事件有关。

    Some sources suggest the target was Saleh Ali Nabhan, a Kenyan alleged to have been involved in an al-Qaeda bombing in Mombasa, Kenya's main port, in 2002.


  • 另一次类似行动发生2001年1月荒原附近皇家空军基地预备役志愿者们利用先进军用夜视设备搜寻这种生物。

    Similarly, in January 2001, reserve volunteers from a nearby Royal Air Force base used state-of-the-art night-vision military equipment to hunt for the creature.


  • 上星期克伦南部地区林赛基地区(Kyarinseikyi)发生了一些零星的冲突

    Over the past week, separate clashes have also broken out in Three Pagodas Pass and Kyarinseikyi in southern Karen State.


  • 美国发生多起因玩具安全质量问题引发召回事件,在圣诞节销售旺季前夕,位于中国广东这个全球最大玩具生产基地一些生产厂家正在艰难度日。

    Some of southern China's toy makers, which turn out most of the world's playthings, are struggling this holiday season after a spate of massive safety-related recalls in the U.S..


  • 枪击事件发生地点位于瓦科(Waco)以南50英里处军事基地内。当天按照日程将举行基地内几所大学毕业典礼,而枪击事件便发生典礼开始30分钟之前

    The shootings took place about 30 minutes before a scheduled graduation event involving universities located on the base, 50 miles south of Waco.


  • 意大利基地遭袭的同时,在繁忙交叉路口隐藏摩托车里的炸弹发生了爆炸,努尔·可汗·内科扎,一名警察发言人如是说到

    About the same time the Italian base was hit, a bomb apparently concealed in a motorcycle went off at a busy city intersection, said Noor Khan Nekzad, a Herat provincial police spokesman.


  • 协议中,美军士兵除非他们基地之外非因执行公务发生严重的事故,依旧享受免于处置权

    Under the agreement, U. S. soldiers are still guaranteed immunity except in cases of serious felonies committed while off duty outside their bases.


  • 如果一个基地阿姆斯特丹尼日利亚诈骗犯网络诈骗法国澳大利亚美国信用卡持有者,那么犯罪行为哪里发生的呢?

    If a network of Nigerian scammers based in Amsterdam defrauds French, Australian and American credit-card holders, where does the crime occur?


  • 如果一个基地阿姆斯特丹尼日利亚诈骗犯网络诈骗法国澳大利亚美国信用卡持有者,那么犯罪行为哪里发生的呢?

    If a network of Nigerian scammers based in Amsterdam defrauds French, Australian and American credit-card holders, where does the crime occur?


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