• 任何情况下没有发现预测到化石并不表示它们存在发现矿床中。

    In any case, failure to find fossils of a predicted kind does not rule out their existence in an undiscovered deposit.


  • 通过观察存在极端环境下的生物,研究人员发现液态水只能有限范围温度压力下供生物使用这些发现会让科学家对外太空生命的搜寻集中到太阳系来。 莱恩威弗说:“我们猜想在地球上找到的这些限制条件是限制所有以水为支撑的生命的基础。”

    After compiling observations of life in extreme environments, the researchers found that liquid water in only a limited range of temperatures and pressures can support life.


  • 不过,这一发现意味着可能存在其他合适特洛伊小行星有待发现

    Nonetheless, its detection means it is highly likely there are other, more suitable Trojans out there waiting to be found.


  • 科学家发现这种黑素细胞干细胞缺少一种至关重要,这种酶存在皮肤发现类似的干细胞里,皮肤随着年龄褪色

    Scientists found that such melanocyte stem cells lacked a crucial enzyme that was present in similar stem cells found in the skin, which do not lose colour with age.


  • 其次也许是重要希望那些平常不善表达的人们发现易于写作,这样这里就存在一个机会让我们发现他们表达事物脉络。

    Second, and perhaps most important, I wanted people who wouldn't normally author to find it comfortable authoring, so that there stood a chance of us discovering the structure of what they had to say.


  • 发现XMLSXML之间一些有趣差别,发现两者在任何方面都存在明显直接对应关系。

    You'll find a number of interesting differences between XML and SXML, but also an obvious and direct correspondence between any given aspect of the two.


  • 后来发现行星可能,并不适合生命但是同一星系很快发现另一可能存在生命的行星。

    It was later discovered the planet might be too hot for life, but another potentially habitable world in the same system was quickly found to take its place.


  • 一方面,自己的患者身上,我发现几乎所有个案中我们发现了在现有关系存在需要调整不足之处。

    On the other hand, with my own patients, it's almost always the case that we've uncovered a disconnection in the relationship in need of healing.


  • 然后他们根据不同波长搜索紫外线,并且发现许多额外能量来源,这表明存在许多传统方法发现的遥远星系

    Then they searched for light on different wavelength and found many more sources of energy - indicating distant galaxies - that had not been spotted using the traditional technique.


  • 很多时候我们我们英明的发现如此兴奋以至于我们没有发现这个想法存在一个巨大的缺陷事实

    Many times we get so excited about our brilliant "Eureka!" ideas that we miss the fact that the idea has a huge flaw.


  • 今天发布一份联合报告中它们列举2006年至2008年搜集一些发现,而这些发现可能颠覆目前存在的一些全球农业状况的认识。

    In a joint report published today, they lay out findings gleaned from 2006 to 2008 that could overturn some current assumptions about the state of global farming.


  • 人类学家首次发现人类家族进化史一个成员存在这个发现来源于古代基因序列而不是化石的研究。

    A new member of the human evolutionary family has been proposed for the first time based on an ancient genetic sequence, not fossil bones.


  • 这种光合作用微生物亲密共存现象发现存在无脊椎动物中,比如说珊瑚但是从未脊椎动物中发现过。

    Such a close co-existence with a photosynthetic organism has previously been found in invertebrates, such as corals, but never in a vertebrate.


  • 是的我们发现各种不同肉类之间存在差异一样,我们很惊奇发现不同种类之间也有着非常的不同。

    Yes - just as we find differences between the various meats, so we find surprisingly large variations between fish species.


  • 即便离家火星我们发现另一含有细菌迹象陨石以便证实1996年存在争议的块(或者至少,我们连这块未还未发现)。

    Even closer to home, Mars has yet to cough up another meteorite bearing bacterial traces to confirm the controversial one described in 1996 (or, at least, we have yet to find it).


  • 研究人员今年4月类似发现他们当时发现首次有证据证明被称为司理星(24Themis)小行星存在

    The researchers made a similar discovery in April this year when they discovered the first evidence of ice on an asteroid called 24 Themis.


  • 美国航天局于美国东部时间122日,星期四下午召开新闻发布会讨论一个天体生物学发现,该发现将会影响外星生命存在证据

    WASHINGTON — NASA will hold a news conference at 2 p.m. Est on Thursday, Dec. 2, to discuss an astrobiology finding that will impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life.


  • 史密斯先生,“我们发现土壤含有营养物质,能源如果500万年前存在,我们就接近发现一个可能存在生命环境。”

    "We have nutrients in the soil, energy sources, and if there was liquid water five millions years ago, we're getting close to an environment where life could live," says Smith.


  • 检察官Kaufman之后拿出了一自己宣称发现了那把枪,而且枪是Madison兄弟的,Kaufman还虚构了两个根本不存在枪击目击证人

    Prosecutors said Kaufman later produced a gun he owned and claimed it had been found at the scene, belonging to Madison's brother, and invented two nonexistent witnesses to the shootings.


  • 食品毒素残留事件由海南最先被发现,虽然早2004年就已经海南已经禁用,但是低价并且偏远疏于监管地区很难被发现,但是还是普遍存在化学品的使用现象。

    They originated in Hainan, where the chemical was banned in 2004 but remained popular among farmers because of its cheap price and the low risk of discovery in a remote, poorly regulated region.


  • 上周,又有发现个火星存在生命证据夏季几个月里NASA科学家发现大量源自火星北部甲烷气

    Last week, the evidence for life on Mars received another boost, when scientists at Nasa reported enormous plumes of methane emanating from the planet's north during the summer months.


  • 这位名叫AndreiFinkelstein教授,在人类已知银河系围绕太阳旋转行星中,有近只分之一的行星的构造与表面情况都与地球非常相似如果这些星球发现存在那么发现生命便是可能的事。

    Professor Andrei Finkelstein said that ten percent of the known planets circling SUNS in the galaxy resemble Earth, and if water can be found on them, then so can life.


  • 较早前,人们发现,只有有限几个星星的种类现在的发现认为,成千上万的不同种类的星球散乱而孤独我们星系中

    Millions of the stellar sort could litter our galaxy alone, based on early discoveries of a few.


  • 矛盾存在的,发现面对矛盾的时候,查查前提,你发现它们有一个的。

    Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong.


  • 物理学发现那些统治心灵世界定律心理学则是去发现那些统治心灵世界的定律:他们认为,关于心灵自然科学可以存在的。

    Just as physics finds out about the laws which govern the non-mental world, so psychology finds out about the laws which govern the mind: there can be a natural science of the mind.


  • 研究发现似乎既往研究存在冲突,既往的研究没有发现氧化剂饮食卒中发生存在有益作用

    The findings of this study seem to conflict with those of previous research that failed to show beneficial effects of antioxidant supplements on stroke risk.


  • MRI不但可以发现骨骼信号强度改变可以发现同时存在脓肿渗出以及软组织改变蜂窝织炎炎)。

    MRI demonstrates not only signal intensity change within the bone but also coexisting findings such as abscesses, effusion, and soft-tissue changes (cellulitis, myositis).


  • MRI不但可以发现骨骼信号强度改变可以发现同时存在脓肿渗出以及软组织改变蜂窝织炎炎)。

    MRI demonstrates not only signal intensity change within the bone but also coexisting findings such as abscesses, effusion, and soft-tissue changes (cellulitis, myositis).


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