• 牛顿发现宇宙任何两个物体相互吸引而且这股引力与它们质量比例

    Newton discovered that any two objects in the universe attract each other, and that this force is proportional to their mass.


  • 我们发现宇宙万物

    We can discover things about the universe.


  • 之后十年或者迟一些,哈勃发现宇宙在膨胀的。

    Then, a decade or so later, Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe is expanding after all.


  • 我们意外地开启发现宇宙新的可能性大门。

    We've cracked open the door to what's possible elsewhere in the universe.


  • 他们吃惊它们发现宇宙膨胀完全没有减慢的意思。

    What they found, to their astonishment, was that the universe wasn't slowing down at all.


  • 需要看着生命就能发现宇宙喜欢显化

    By just looking at life, you can see that the Universe loves to manifest.


  • 今年诺贝尔荣获者因为发现宇宙一定的加速度扩展;

    This year's Nobel Prize winners were honored for, among other things, discovering that the universe is expanding at an accelerating pace;


  • 博士以往研究发现宇宙早期偶尔合并的大规模原星系相斥

    Dr Mayer knew from previous research that the early universe was awash with massive protogalaxies that would occasionally merge with each other.


  • 牛顿认为发现宇宙规律,即是在追寻上帝的痕迹。

    By discerning patterns in the universe, Newton believed, he was tracing the hand of God.


  • 好几个日子都会发现宇宙这边在事业上进步

    There will be several days when you will see the universe is on your side and will help you advance professionally.


  • 因为发现宇宙膨胀加速现象三位研究宇宙科学家被授予诺贝尔物理学

    Three cosmologists have Shared a Nobel prize in physics for their discovery that the expansion of the universe is accelerating.


  • 数学当作满足自己好奇心用以证明后来发现宇宙运行规律手段

    He adopted mathematics as the tool he would use to pursue his curiosity and prove what he would discover about the behavior of the universe.


  • 其次还有一个重要的观察发现宇宙所有事物一个形式不断演变历程

    The second crucial observation was that all objects in the universe have a formative history.


  • 必需发现宇宙精髓潜入大自然拥抱寻找人类自然界之间关系

    You must go to discover the universe's essence and submerge yourself into nature's embrace, looking for the relationship between man and nature.


  • 尽管宇宙很大如果LIGO科学家精确定位他们在哪搜索他们迟早发现宇宙涟漪

    But space is very large, and if LIGO scientists could pinpoint their search, they might detect those ripples sooner.


  • 首先似乎一位成功科学家充满好奇心发现宇宙怎样运行运行的原因

    First of all, it seems that a successful scientist is full of curiosity - he wants to find out how and why the universe works.


  • 之后,人们发现宇宙一直在膨胀的,远方星系正渐渐地远离我们表示它们过去彼此曾经更靠近。

    Then it was discovered that the universe was expanding. Distant galaxies were moving away from us. This meant they must have been closer together in the past.


  • 通过研究粒子对撞的结果,他们希望发现宇宙怎样含有形成星系恒星行星,或者至少是形成生命本身物质

    By studying what happens, they hope to discover why the universe contains the matter that has formed galaxies, stars, planets and, in at least one place, life itself.


  • 然而最近智利欧洲南方天文研究站西蒙克拉克带领文学家发现宇宙一个污点,确切地说是颗磁星

    Recently, however, a team of astronomers working at the European Southern Observatory in Chile, led by Simon Clark, spotted a fly in the cosmic ointment. Or, more precisely, a magnetar.


  • 科学家使用理论追踪我们的早期宇宙发现宇宙开始拥有最小体积,但是并不是,一个最大能量不是无穷大

    Scientists using this theory to trace our universe backward in time have found that its beginning point had a minimum volume that is not zero and a maximum energy that is not infinite.


  • 科学家发现宇宙中的一切物质都一小部分基本块(我们称之为基本粒子)组成的,这些基本粒子一些基本支配

    Scientists have found that everything in the Universe is made up from a small number of basic building blocks called elementary particles, governed by a few fundamental forces.


  • 美国(天体物理学家)萨尔·波尔马特、物理学家布莱恩·施密特以及亚当·里斯由于发现宇宙不断膨胀获得2011年诺贝尔物理学

    U.S.-born scientists Saul Perlmutter, Brian Schmidt and Adam Riess won the physics prize on Tuesday for discovering that the universe is expanding at an accelerating pace.


  • 我们向往一天科学工作者发现更多宇宙秘密

    We all look forward to the day when the scientists can discover more secrets of the universe.


  • 也许正是发现使得出宇宙日心说的结论。

    It was probably this discovery that led him to conclude that the universe is heliocentric.


  • 最近发现有力支持这样理论即银河系中心宇宙估计存在1000亿个其他星系中的许多里有一个黑洞

    Recent findings lend strong support to the theory that a black hole lies at the center of the Milky Way and of many of the 100 billion other galaxies estimated to exist in the universe.


  • 牛顿苹果树许多最终发现可以支配整个地球最伟大宇宙法则之一

    Newton, siting for many years under an apple tree, eventually figured out one of the greatest universal rules that govern the whole globe.


  • 文学家们认为,“地球宇宙中心”这种说法是非常直观合情合理以至于当他们发现地心不符现象时,也会想办法找理由解释

    It was so intuitive, so sensible that the Earth was the center of the universe that astronomers found ways to explain those seemingly inconsistent phenomena within the geocentric view.


  • 智利欧洲南方天文台西蒙·克拉克领导文学家团队发现宇宙中的一个飞行物

    A team of astronomers working at the European Southern Observatory in Chile, led by Simon Clark, spotted a flyer in the cosmos.


  • 水手宇宙飞船发现火星表面还有两个卫星表面太空坠落流星体造成的陨石坑

    The Mariner spacecraft found that the surface of Mars, as well as that of its two moons, is pitted with impact craters formed by meteoroids falling in from space.


  • 水手宇宙飞船发现火星表面还有两个卫星表面太空坠落流星体造成的陨石坑

    The Mariner spacecraft found that the surface of Mars, as well as that of its two moons, is pitted with impact craters formed by meteoroids falling in from space.


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