• 如果一项发现取得专利,下一步大学国家卫生研究院技术授权中心寻找商业伙伴开发教授发现

    If a discovery is patented, the next step is for the university or NIH technology licensing office to find a commercial partner to develop its professors' discoveries.


  • 如果一项发现取得专利,下一步大学国家卫生研究院技术授权中心寻找商业伙伴开发教授发现

    If a discovery is patented, the next step is for the university or NIH technology licensing office to finda commercial partner to develop its professors' discoveries.


  • 发现每日称重无法准确描述我在健身房付出努力取得进步

    I also found that weighing myself daily did not provide an accurate depiction of the hard work and progress I was making in the gym.


  • 调查发现如果年轻人商务数学英语物理化学等学科中取得A 等成绩,他们就业前景更好

    The survey found that young people would improve their job prospects if they studied business, maths, English and physics or chemistry at A-level.


  • 借助于一个发现全新方法,他取得了成功

    He succeeded with the aid of a completely new method he discovered.


  • 现在状态起初状态进行比较时,你发现已经取得进步吗?

    When you compare your current status with the starting point, you'll find you've made progress, right?


  • 1001年,维京取得重要发现

    In 1001, the Vikings made their most important discovery.


  • 然后1001年,维京取得重要发现

    Then, in 1001, the Vikings made their most important discovery.


  • 运用这项技术后,取得一些非常重要发现尤其是考虑太空中的一些物体会发出无线电波不会发出任何

    Some very important discoveries have been made by this technology, especially you consider that some objects in space give off radio waves but don't emit any light.


  • 400名成年人(他们生活各个方面取得卓越的成就)的研究中,研究人员发现,这些人中有五分之三的要么学校表现得很糟糕,要么在学校过得不开心。

    In one study of 400 adult who had achieved distinction in all areas of life, researchers found that three-fifths of these individuals either did badly in school or were unhappy in school.


  • 声称已经发现人们如何取得成功

    She claims to have uncovered how people achieve success.


  • 工作视为完整人生经历一部分时,会轻易发现一方面取得成功往往另一方面起着促进作用。

    When you think of work as part of a full life and a complete experience, it becomes easier to see that success in one aspect often supports another.


  • 俄亥俄州立大学一项研究发现白人室友同黑人学生大学生涯取得更高学业成就

    An Ohio State University study also found that black students living with a white roommate saw higher academic success throughout their college careers.


  • 在又冷又湿的天气里呆了几个小时,于是伸手取出钱包,想能找到身份证,以便与司机取得联系,结果却发现钱包里装着400英镑钞票,旁边还有50英镑的零钱。

    After hours in the cold and wet, he reached inside and pulled the wallet out hoping to find some ID so he could contact the driver, only to discover it contained £400 in notes, with another £50 in spare change beside it.


  • 如果发现花这么少钱来取得这么浅的景深——足以把对象相片中突出,为什么马上配备个呢。

    If you can get that level of depth of field for that cheap in order to single out your subjects in your photos, why not go for it?


  • 特默相信随着恐龙生理学不断取得重大发现我们现在处在恐龙生物学黄金时期”。

    Witmer believes we're now "in a golden age of dinosaur biology, " with important discoveries on dinosaur physiology being made too.


  • 特别重要的是素食主义,当然日益发现很难购买任何产品没有取得动物产品中一种另一种方式

    This is especially important for vegans, of course, who are increasingly finding that it's difficult to buy any product that isn't made with animal products in one way or another.


  • 不错很多科学发现就是通过动物试验取得的。

    Yes, many a scientific finding was achieved by animal experimentation.


  • 拥有了冷静专注后,你发现这些态度取得个人成就的必不可少条件。

    If you cultivate calmness and concentration, you will find that these attitudes are essential assets in the way of your personal achievement.


  • 探测引擎耶路撒冷取得初步的成功,发现消火栓实际在用来为一个私人泳池蓄水。似乎,供水的突然停止让这个的家伙目瞪口呆。

    One of its early victories was in Jerusalem, where it found that a fire hydrant was indeed being used to fill a private swimming pool—pulling the plug, as it were, on a very surprised water thief.


  • 取得重大突破有些时候引领着自己发现前世

    She was having breakthroughs that sometimes led her to discover past lives.


  • 哈洛宁表示访中国发现中国取得巨大进步

    Halonen said that China has made great progress since her last visit.


  • 编剧们都喜欢设计情节反转的桥段,英雄看起来正在取得一些进展突然发现自己陷入大的困境中。

    Screenwriters often employ a plot device called a reversal, in which a hero who seems to be making progress abruptly finds himself worse off, and facing a much greater menace.


  • 发现取得硕士学位后,你的世界与众不同了。

    You will find that once you have done a masters degree it separates you from the pack, "he said."


  • 它们都最终史诗般的斗争取得胜利,并且于此发现它们处于世界唯一超级大国的地位。

    Both ultimately triumphed in their epic struggles and found themselves the lone superpower in a unipolar world.


  • 经过测试发现以下参数32JVM取得最佳的性能,如图1 所示

    We have found the following parameters optimal on a 32-bit JVM, as shown in Figure 1


  • 其他有人在半开半着眼的情况下取得成功,但是发现我会结束冥想去思考我看到东西

    Others have had success with keeping their eyes half open but I find that I just end up thinking about what I'm looking at.


  • 皮埃尔·居里决定应否我们发现取得经济上的利益时,我们认为这是违反我们纯粹研究观念的。

    When my husband and I had to make a decision whether we should gain some benefits from our discovery, both of us thought it violate our pure concept of studying.


  • 皮埃尔·居里决定应否我们发现取得经济上的利益时,我们认为这是违反我们纯粹研究观念的。

    When my husband and I had to make a decision whether we should gain some benefits from our discovery, both of us thought it violate our pure concept of studying.


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