• 尽管有这些发现我们还是被敦促支持垄断力量因为这种力量创造了一个支持创新环境

    Despite these finding, we are urged to support monopolistic power on the grounds that such power creates an environment supportive of innovation.


  • 测试创新没有好处除非发现展开好的实验抛弃实验。

    Testing innovations do no good unless the good experiments are identified and expanded and the bad ones are dropped.


  • 作为一个年轻人可能发现这项活动约束太多不够创新

    As a youngster, she might have found it too restrictive, not creative enough.


  • 耶鲁大学心理学教授保罗·基夫带领一项研究发现拥有兴趣增长型思维可能会激发这种类型创新

    A study led by Yale Professor of Psychology, Paul O'Keefe, found that having a growth mindset of interest may spark this type of innovation.


  • 发现使她在在上海和中国其他地方的青年创新比赛上赢得了很多奖项。

    The findings have won her many prizes in youth innovation competitions in Shanghai and elsewhere in China.


  • 重申美国作为科学发现技术创新全球引擎这一角色的作用从未像现在这样重要

    Reaffirming America's role as the global engine of scientific discovery and technological innovation has never been more critical.


  • 研究发现人们失去这些现代技术创新不是感到“终于解放了”,往往变得焦虑不安

    When cut off from these modern-day technological innovations, people tend to become anxious rather than feeling liberated, says a study.


  • 自然界已经发现创新解决方案,适用材料科学技术领域各种各样问题我们可以从中学到很多东西”。

    The originative solutions contained in the natural world have been found to apply for the various problems arsing from material science and technology. We can learn much from it.


  • 通过衡量每个占有的专利数量,他们甚至发现平等国家更具创新性。

    They even found that more equal countries are more innovative, as measured by patents earned per person.


  • 一点困难的,国家发现自己贫困国家的工资竞争者富有国家的前沿创新之间

    But this is hard to do when countries find themselves squeezed between low wage competitors in poor countries and cutting edge innovators in rich countries.


  • 就是创新窘境看看很多企业发现他们到达顶端然后没法继续前进了。

    So that's really the innovator's dilemma. If you look at a lot of companies what you see is they reached the top and then they are never really able to go further.


  • 全球范围发现事件应对公共卫生风险和突发事件方面,《国际卫生条例(2005)》引进了支持现有创新措施法律框架

    The IHR legal framework supports existing and innovative approaches in the global detection of events and response to public health risks and emergencies.


  • 采用活体大脑扫描技术一项创新研究设计研究者发现了大脑控制我们饮食的机制。

    Using live brain scanning techniques and an innovative study design, researchers have discovered how the brain controls food intake in humans.


  • 通过一个创新看法这些发现支持人们强烈激发感觉喜欢归属观点研究人员

    From an evolutionary perspective, the findings support the notion that humans are strongly motivated to feel they are liked or that they belong, the researchers say.


  • 某种程度上,这些进步归功于我国科学发现技术创新的持续投入以及未来坚定信心——即使困难时期也不例外。

    In part, what has made this progress possible was a commitment by our nation to scientific discovery and technological innovation, and an unyielding faith in the future - even during difficult times.


  • 主要目的促进中美两国间技术创新科学发现公共卫生医疗保健方面的合作。

    The main purpose is to foster China-US collaboration in technological innovation, scientific discovery, public health and healthcare.


  • 同时创新发现采用硫磺作为环氧树脂固化剂该体系的双固化特性、固化机理硫磺与其它固化剂的复配效果进行了深入研究

    And innovatively adopting sulfur as the curing agent of epoxy and deeply studying on the double-curing behavior, curing mechanism and the cooperating effect of sulfur and other curing agent.


  • 分析发现缺乏有效技术创新激励机制导致我国企业技术创新水平大多数企业的产品没有国际竞争力

    Analysis shows that shortage of technology innovation incentive mechanism results in low level of technology innovation of enterprises of China and many products do not have international competence.


  • 课程创新可以在线论坛改进发现的独到网络资源以及原创增进课堂互动活动

    Course innovations can include novel improvements to the online forum, exposure to unique web resources, and original activities for fostering classroom interaction.


  • 研究创新在于发现组织文化在变革型领导组织绩效影响中起调节作用。

    The novelty of this study lies in the finding that organizational culture mediates the effect of transformational leadership on business performance.


  • 虽然个人创新一贯被提创的,但我们发现团队合作通常能产生最好结果

    While individual creativity is always encouraged, we have found that team effort often produces the best results.


  • 用这句话形容库珀的工作恰当不过工作中常常发现前方道路,带领大家产业

    It's an apt image for Mr Cooper's career, during which he has repeatedly spotted what lies ahead and led others towards the creation of new industries.


  • 企业创业者发现机会方式与其所识别机会的创新,直接影响着新企业绩效

    Since the opportunity discovery patterns and the newness of opportunity play an important role in the performance of new ventures, more and more researchers become interested in this field.


  • 同时,中草药新型药效物质不断发现我国创新药物研究开发提供最主要支撑保证

    And the constant discovery of new effective matters of Chinese medicinal herbs will provide the research and development of new medicaments with major support and guarantee in China.


  • 美国研究人员发现,2010年全年鲨鱼主动攻击人类案例数量创新高。

    According to the Global Post, US researchers have found sharks launched 79 unprovoked attacks on humans in 2010. It marks the highest number in a decade.


  • 美国研究人员发现,2010年全年鲨鱼主动攻击人类案例数量创新高。

    According to the Global Post, US researchers have found sharks launched 79 unprovoked attacks on humans in 2010. It marks the highest number in a decade.


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