• 发明问题及时其他当事方主管税务机关沟通接洽,并按照规定给予调整

    Any problem found shall be timely communicated with the competent taxation authorities of other parities and shall be adjusted in accordance with relevant regulations.


  • 科勒黑猩猩这样动物可以通过制定策略来解决问题比如发明工具

    Animals such as Kohler's chimpanzees can solve problems by working out strategies such as the invention of implements.


  • 认为很多问题可以发明来解决

    I think there are a lot of problems that could be solved with new inventions.


  • 我们日常生活中碰到问题可能一些伟大的发明提供灵感

    The little problems that we meet in our daily lives may be inspirations for great inventions.


  • "这项技术发明之后武器设计者将其改造用来探测潜艇只是时间早晚问题

    After this technique had been invented, it was only a matter of time before weapons designers adapted it for the detection of submarines.


  • 仍然相对较新的交流方式——一种巨大潜力方式——其他发明一样,带来了一系列新的问题

    This is still a relatively new way of communication—something that has a huge amount of potentialbut also, as with any invention, it brings with it a new set of problems.


  • 为了解决这个问题,1670年英国发明一种原来纵装置的变体。

    To address this, a variation on the original escapement was invented in 1670, in England.


  • 发明摄影术后几十年里这个问题反映如何机械媒介融入传统艺术表达方案探索

    But in the decades following the discovery of photography, this question reflected the search for ways to fit the mechanical medium into the traditional schemes of artistic expression.


  • 只是注意到问题然后想出了一个解决办法,”发明者说道这项发明想法雨天产生的。

    "I just noticed a problem and thought up a solution," said the inventor. The idea for the invention began on one rainy day.


  • 每一项重大科学发现都是从发明独特视角看待问题开始的。

    Every major scientific discovery began with someone imagining the world to look differently from the way others saw it.


  • 创业博览会的主要目标是帮助孩子们了解真正的问题并找到解决问题的方法。

    The main goal of NICEE is to help kids know real problems and find ways to solve them.


  • 发明解决了现有液压工具手工操作较为费力、使用寿命技术问题

    The invention solves the technical problems of more laboursome manual operation and short service life of the prior hydraulic tool.


  • 好好想想这些问题可能会发现,辞掉自己高薪工作存款花一个发明想法上,这样做的风险超出了自己的承受力

    In thinking through these questions, you might determine, for example, that quitting your well-paying job and spending your savings to pursue an invention idea isn't a risk you find tolerable.


  • 另一个问题专利的申请可能促使一些公司一些发明尚未成型时就急于注册。

    Another problem is that first-to-file may make companies rush to put in for a patent before their invention is truly ready.


  • 当然机器人会玩体育运动并不稀奇这种发明我们次想起回避问题为什么我们买一个两个机器人放在家里呢?

    Sure, robots have been playing sports for ages, but seeing this here creature revived begs the question: why don't we all have one or two of these laying around the house by now?


  • 解决这个糟糕耳塞问题发明一种不是耳塞设备,能够放在耳朵里,并且真的感觉舒适

    Solve the crappy ear-thingie problem, create ear devices that are not earbuds, that stay in my ear, and that are actually comfortable.


  • 微小缺陷引起错误就不再是个大的问题,这多亏能够探测信号全部不是只有强度接收器发明

    Errors induced by imperfections are far less problematic thanks to the development of a new receiver that detects the whole electrical field of the signal, rather than just its intensity.


  • 欧洲数学学会通讯6月版上,位数学家仔细琢磨了数学发现发明问题

    Several mathematicians will ponder the question of whether math is invented or discovered in the June European Mathematical Society Newsletter.


  • 成为修复findResource问题需要线索:我只要发明自己的协议前缀称为onejar:。

    This was the clue I needed to fix the findResource problem: I would simply invent my own protocol prefix called onejar:.


  • 解决这个问题Yahoo开发人员决定发明yahoo !

    To solve this very problem, the developers at Yahoo! Decided to invent Yahoo!


  • 同样重要通用电气系统其它任何一个研发单位不能如此居功,就使下面问题无法回答:“到底在哪里发明的呢?”

    Equally important, no other R&D unit in the GE network can claim sole credit, either, which begs the question: "Where was it really innovated?"


  • 我们一起玩了DaleEmery发明游戏:“将阻力作为资源”——回答这个问题为什么一个聪明能干真诚友好抵触别人提出改变建议?”

    We were invited to play Dale Emery's: Resistance as a Resource Game - answering the question "Why would 'an intelligent, competent, sincere person of good will' resist a proposed change?"


  • 人们往往关注它们提出实际发明解决办法重视改变人们看待问题方式

    people tend to focus less on the actual invention or solution they are proposing, and more on trying to change the way people perceive it.


  • 许多涉及问题,都要求个人头脑中设想某些事情发明正在设想一种新的设备

    But many were related to problems that required individuals to visualize something in his or her mind, such as an inventor picturing a new device.


  • 但是现在一位发明已经通过一系列智能钱包解决了这个问题缺现金的时候,这些钱包真的会提醒你。

    But now an inventor has solved the problem with a set of 'smart' wallets that actually tell you when you are low on cash.


  • (毕竟牛顿发明微积分本来就是为了解决一个物理问题通常你可以申请在:太阳系中的月球行星轨道问题)。

    After all, Newton invented calculus in order to solve a physics problem: the orbit of the moon and planets in the solar system.


  • (毕竟牛顿发明微积分本来就是为了解决一个物理问题通常你可以申请在:太阳系中的月球行星轨道问题)。

    After all, Newton invented calculus in order to solve a physics problem: the orbit of the moon and planets in the solar system.


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