• 墓地发掘者打破沉默

    The grave-diggers broke the silence.


  • 今日许多电影明星最初人才发掘者发现的。

    Many of the great movie stars of today were originally discovered by talent scouts.


  • 发掘者认为,付岗墓地可能是邹湾遗址公共平民墓地。

    The excavator identifies the Fugang cemetery as the public cemetery for the commoner at the Zouwan site.


  • 1969年伯克利人民公园原初的“发掘者理想重生。

    People's Park in Berkeley 1969 revived that original Digger ideal.


  • 需要成为现实生活建筑师,你个人生活的统筹者发掘者

    You will need to become the architect of your own reality, the planner and developer of your personal life.


  • 根据墓志以及其他信息,发掘者它们的年代定为晚唐,或

    Epitaphs and other lines of evidence indicate that these tombs can be dated to the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties.


  • 曼联首席执行官大卫·吉尔高度赞扬俱乐部人才发掘者曼联再次夺冠所立下汗马功劳。

    United chief executive David Gill has saluted the club's talent scouts for the part they played in helping the Reds retain the title.


  • 发掘越多,该故事Digg.com的受欢迎程度的排名高,其他发掘者可以阅读进行评论

    The more people who Digg the same story, the higher it rises in the popularity ranking on Digg.com, where other Diggers can read and comment on it.


  • 后来的英国发掘者认为他们发现证据表明,格鲁伊克推测的历史年代存在三个世纪的误差,以东王国实际只能上溯公元前7世纪

    Subsequent British excavators believed they had found evidence that Glueck was off by some three centuries and that Edom actually dated to the seventh century B.C..


  • 长长的沉寂之后,其中一个发掘者洞里拿出装满蜘蛛、蠕虫各类千般昆虫罐子,打开盖子这些奥的对象展示那些冷笑者看。

    After a long silence, one of the diggers picked up a jar full of spiders, worms and a wide assortment of insects. He removed the lid and showed the wonderful contents to the scoffing visitors.


  • 这种花朵如同红宝石颜色植物维多利亚时代的植物发掘者乔治?福里斯特(George Forrest )中国西南部一万五千英尺的高山上发现的。

    The plant, which is currently displaying a mass of ruby red flowers, was first discovered by Victorian plant hunter George Forrest 15, 000ft up a mountain in Yunnan provence, south west China.


  • 这种花朵如同红宝石颜色植物维多利亚时代的植物发掘者乔治?福里斯特(George Forrest )中国西南部一万五千英尺的高山上发现的。

    The plant, which is currently displaying a mass of ruby red flowers, was first discovered by Victorian plant hunter George Forrest 15,000ft up a mountain in Yunnan provence, south west China.


  • 一些匈牙利考古人员刚刚结束了那个地区发掘工作,另一些法国考古者神庙围墙外侧挖掘出土了一些古罗马人风格的浴缸

    A group of Hungarian archaeologists had just concluded excavations at the site, and French archaeologists had excavated Roman baths just outside the walls of the temple.


  • 通过这种做法,他们发掘更多存在内容消费者之间市场机会

    To do so, they exploit far more of the marketing opportunities that exist between the content and the consumer.


  • 成为素食主义者不必困难——事实上如果发掘出其它一些新的食物民族美食也会感到很多乐趣

    Becoming vegetarian doesn't have to be difficult - in fact, it can be a lot of fun if you explore new foods and ethnic cuisines.


  • 这个故事不仅仅数百个弗朗哥主义者压迫故事中的个 ———这些故事作为一个公民发掘确认死难者行为结果出现

    This story is just one of hundreds of tales of Francoist repression that have emerged as the result of a citizens’ movement to disinter and identify victims.


  • 研究者在不断研究辨认标本同时,还在发掘物种

    Researchers continuously study specimens and identify them, all the while hunting for new species.


  • 研究者科科附近小镇发掘出了六个原始棚户居所的遗迹包括石器工具残片一些食物小组成员安德·鲁菲尔·贝恩透露。

    Researchers have unearthed the remains of about six camps, including fragments of stone tools and food, in an area near the town of Kokoda, said an archaeologist on the team, Andrew Fairbairn.


  • 那些过去没被注意支持者正一批批发掘出来.

    Pockets of support that might have gone unnoticed can be ferreted out.


  • 通过数据公开使用任何一付费方式,数据拥有者可以发掘新的业务收入机遇赚取利润。

    By making the data public and using one of those paying models, the data owners can make a profit opening the gate to new business revenues and opportunities.


  • 他们发掘的内容,如果公之于众,相当于增强了投资者主张甚至可能引出新的主张。

    What they unearth, if they gopublic with it, can bolster investors' claims or even lead to new ones.


  • 50家“发电机”中,41经营消费者业务。在这一业务中他们可以发掘同胞口味的精深理解

    Of its 50 dynamos, 41 are in consumer businesses, where they can exploit a more intimate understanding of their compatriots' tastes.


  • 比如发掘资助者之一的卡勋爵,在考古学家发现图坦·卡门木乃伊之前就去世了。

    Lord Carnavon, for example, one of the financier's of the expedition, died long before archaeologists reached Tut's mummy.


  • 在发掘没有发现她的因此研究者一直在争论是否真的现代人类一样行走,亦仍然保留着类似于猿利于攀爬的介于行走和爬行之间的移动方式。

    But she was found without her foot bones, so researchers have debated whether she walked as we do or retained some apelike adaptations for climbing in trees that altered her gait.


  • 那里发掘出人类骸骨首次提供了关于西班牙征服者造成印加人不幸命运直接证据

    Human skeletons unearthed there have yielded the first direct evidence of Inca fatalities caused by Spanish conquerors.


  • 研究者发掘出生更高质量晶状半导体精密方法以减少电子或者正电穴由于杂质而受阻的可能性

    Researchers developed sophisticated methods to grow high-quality semiconductor crystals, reducing the likelihood that electrons or holes will become trapped by defects.


  • 那时Akula先生潜在投资者只能期望近乎7百万承保人”,SKS称他们为客户,能继续做好发掘潜良性借款人工作

    Until then Mr Akula, and potential investors, will have to hope that "nearly 7m underwriters", as SKS calls its clients, continue to do a good job of screening potential borrowers.


  • 那时Akula先生潜在投资者只能期望近乎7百万承保人”,SKS称他们为客户,能继续做好发掘潜良性借款人工作

    Until then Mr Akula, and potential investors, will have to hope that "nearly 7m underwriters", as SKS calls its clients, continue to do a good job of screening potential borrowers.


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