• 软件发布经理应该做些什么呢?

    What is a Software Release Manager to do?


  • 发布经理将会使用有关文件开发创建软件包

    The release manager would proceed to create the software package for deployment with the pertinent files.


  • 发布经理(Release Manager)控制发布管理过程

    The release Manager owns the release management process.


  • 上述部署模式相关角色包括发布经理构建专家以及部署专家。

    The roles involved in the above deployment scenario are the release manager, the build specialist, and the deployment specialist.


  • 通过使用软件工具过程讨论项目管理原则软件发布经理可以

    By using the software tools, processes, and project management disciplines discussed the Release Manager can.


  • 发布经理已经访问Tivoli软件包编辑/工作空间或者程序主机

    The release manager has access to the Tivoli software package editor on his/her workstation or source host.


  • 篇文章说明这个方法工具是怎样帮助软件发布经理来实现九个知识领域中的四个领域。

    This article will show how the process and tool can help the Software Release Manager enable four of the nine Knowledge Areas.


  • 一旦发布经理满意认为基线确实部署候选基线之一基线适当实践等级也就设置好了。

    Once the release manager is satisfied that the baseline is truly a candidate for deployment, the appropriate promotion level is set for this baseline.


  • 篇文章介绍实现方法使用IBMRationalClearQuest作为基本组件克服软件发布经理所面临一些挑战

    This article will present an implementation approach using IBM Rational ClearQuest as a foundational component to overcome some of the challenges facing a Software Release Manager.


  • 项目经理需要外部项目协调处理企业发布计划企业报告

    At this layer the project manager coordinates with external projects, with the enterprise release planning and enterprise reporting.


  • 项目经理敏捷团队负责人应该一起制定项目发布计划

    The Project Manager and the Agile Team Lead should work together to plan for the release.


  • 挥发性帮助QA经理理解是否发布对于一个适当测试来说稳定的。

    Volatility helps QA managers understand if a release is stabilized to the point where it can reasonably be subjected to test.


  • 周四发布这份调查报告调查了代表不同规模行业的392个美国公司经理主管

    The survey, to be released Thursday, polled managers and executives at 392 U.S. companies representing a range of sizes and industries.


  • 这个水平上项目经理需要十分了解他们小组活动同时还要非常清楚为了发布日期完成任务,他们项目能够承担多少任务。

    At this level, project managers need to be well aware of the progress of their team's activities, and also be very conscious of how much their project can take on in order to meet the release date.


  • 网站允许创建自己品牌主页,既可以在网上发布,也可以直接送给招聘经理

    The site allows you to create your own branded webpage which you can post online and send to hiring managers.


  • 预定发布策略使用时,发布管理人员项目经理必须紧密合作。

    The release manager and the project manager must work closely together when a scheduled release strategy is used.


  • 美国网站发布可口可乐”发源药店经理乔伊雅各布配方。

    The US website has also published a similar list by Joe Jacobs, owner of the pharmacy where Coca-Cola was first served.


  • 阮欣(音译)是深圳一家公司高级经理,他近日微博上发布简历希望能找到更好工作

    Ruan Xin, a senior manager with a company in China`s economic hub of Shenzhen, recently posted a microresume in the hopes of finding a better job.


  • InfoQ有幸采访到了Adobe高级产品经理Andrew Shorten深入了解此次发布相关信息以及他们如何适应整个Flash平台未来期望

    InfoQ spoke with Andrew Shorten, Senior Product Manager at Adobe, to learn more about these releases, how they fit into the overall Flash platform, and what to expect in the future.


  • InfoQ采访了Paremus的市场经理AndrewRowney了解关于这次发布Infiniflow新的应用服务器模型的更多细节。

    InfoQ spoke with Paremus Marketing Manager Andrew Rowney to learn more about this release and about Infiniflow's new application server model.


  • 第一发布社区构建工具关注backlog管理提供丰富的基于web界面产品经理能够一个地方就可以控制所有的用户故事

    This first release of the community built tool focuses on backlog management and provides a rich web based interface that allows product managers to control all of their user stories in one place.


  • 缺陷位置确定在Clearcase后,这个项目经理或者缺陷管理人员就可以Clearcase运行报告进度缺陷状况发布进行控制

    After the defect fix has been checked into Clearcase, the project manager or defect manager can run reports in Clearquest to monitor the progress and status of defects and issues.


  • 模式实践团队产品经理Grigori Melnik宣布发布EnterpriseLibrary 4.0Unity 1.1更新详细描述了所有特性

    Grigori Melnik, Product Manager from the patterns and practices team, announced the release of both the Enterprise Library 4.0 and the Unity 1.1 refresh, describing all the new features.


  • 在此之前系统管理领域Lotus产品经理,并组织发布了LotusNotesView

    Previously, he worked as a Product Manager for Lotus in the system management arena, where he orchestrated the release of Lotus NotesView.


  • 员工透露10月10日将一个经理讨论发布大事”的活动,有可能关于确定两iPhone5即将发布的相关事宜。

    The Best Buy employee also revealed that an event was scheduled for October 10 for managers to discuss upcoming "big releases"- which would fit with an iPhone 5 launch a fortnight later.


  • BrianHarry微软VSTS产品经理发布TFS 2008所有特性的一个最终列表

    Brian Harry, a VSTS Product Group Manager at Microsoft, has posted an extensive final list of all new features in TFS 2008.


  • 最近Groovy项目经理GuillaumeLaforge博客上宣布了Groovy1.5.7Groovy 1.6 - beta - 2发布

    Recently Guillaume Laforge, the Groovy Project Manager, posted about the release of both Groovy 1.5.7 and Groovy 1.6-beta-2 on his blog. The 1.5.x.


  • 发布日期确定以后希望他们一些功能置入这个发布中的项目经理必须这个发布日期向后进行工作

    As a release date is set, the project managers that hope to get some of their functionality into that release must work backwards from the release date.


  • 经理可能会觉得这些能力可以后续发布中逐步解决

    Managers may think that these abilities will be sorted out in the subsequent release.


  • 经理可能会觉得这些能力可以后续发布中逐步解决

    Managers may think that these abilities will be sorted out in the subsequent release.


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