• 的妈妈认为我应该发展和提高我的汉语语言能力。

    My mum thought that I should develop and improve my Chinese language skills.


  • 同时栽培技术方面得到了长足发展提高

    Simultaneously, quiet great progress and improvement are also made in cotton planting.


  • 提高捕捉储存技术需求进一步刺激发展

    It would raise the demand for technologies such as carbon capture and storage, spurring their further development.


  • 随着经济发展人民生活水平提高人们饮食中加入越来越多的营养食品

    With the economic development and the improvement of people's living standards, more and more nutritious foods have been introduced to people's diet.


  • 随着技术工人社会地位工资水平提高相信中国职业教育体系开始中国发展发挥大的作用

    With the rising of the skilled workers' social position and pay, it is believed the vocational education system in China will start to play a bigger role in the development of China.


  • 如今随着经济发展生活水平提高越来越多的中国人包括许多农民外出务工人员都飞机出行

    Nowadays, with the development of China's economy and the improvement of people's living standards, more and more Chinese people, including many farmers and migrant workers, can travel by air.


  • 发展国家可以更好地利用现代技术实践大幅提高生产力

    Developing nations could score substantial gains in productivity by making better use of modern technologies and practices.


  • 类似桌面Web应用程序发展前景提高速度敏捷性

    The growth of desktop-like Web applications is requiring increased Web application speed and agility.


  • 目标读者是应届毕业生处于事业发展希望提高成功机率的职场人士。

    It is aimed at recent graduates, as well as for mid-career types who want to enhance their prospects of success.


  • 努力工作提高我们的管理能力我们的公司发展壮大,进一步加强我们投资者的沟通联系。

    I will diligently work to strengthen our execution capabilities to grow our Company and to further enhance our communication with investors.


  • 这些数据证明旅游业作为全球最应优先发展产业雇主,其重要性也会继续提高

    This confirms that Travel & Tourism will continue to grow in importance as one of the world’s highest-priority sectors and employers.


  • 回顾报告表明,调整贷款实际上变得具有长期性发展质量不断提高

    The retrospective finds that adjustment lending has grown more long-term and developmental in nature, and that its quality has been rising.


  • 引入绩效为基础合同提高管理契约关系艺术签约方式私有化也许有着乐观发展前景

    By introducing performance-based contract and improve the art of managing contract relationship, contracting out may have a bright future of furthur development.


  • 必须加快改造提升传统产业大力发展高新技术产业,提高产品质量市场竞争力

    We must accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, energetically develop new - and high-tech industries, and raise product quality and competitiveness.


  • 社会学家的确近年由于信息技术产业兴起网络技术的提高,使得互联网我国得到飞速发展

    Sociologist: Indeed, thanks to the rising of the IT industry and the improvement of network technology, the Internet has been able to develop rapidly in our country in recent years.


  • 现代社会中,随着科技经济飞速发展人们身份识别技术重视程度进一步提高

    In modern times, going with the development of science, technology and economy, people think much of identity recognition more and more.


  • 随着电子计算技术飞速发展实验技术不断提高医学资料经常出现包含较多自变量的大型回归问题

    With the development of the computer technology and the improvement of the experiment technology, there often are the regression problems which include more independent variables in medical data.


  • 我们已经驻在台湾威尔士苏格兰旅游发展联系了,他们提高自己区域年轻人比例有意向我们合作

    We've been in touch with the Wales and Scottish Tourist development offices here in Taiwan and they're interested in working with us to promote their regions to the youth segment.


  • 科学技术信息技术迅猛发展需要科研管理者提高信息素质

    The quickly development of scientific technology and information technology demands that scientific research governor should improve their information sensitivity.


  • 随着交通基础设施工程建设飞速发展公路等级不断提高大型互通桥梁高架桥梁日益增多,支座广泛地使用于桥梁中。

    With the rapid development of traffic base devices and continuous improvement of highway grade, such as large interchange bridge and viaducts are widely used in bridge construction.


  • 论述CVD技术合成金刚石方法及其发展趋势包括提高CVD速度改进CVD金刚石性质

    The synthesis of diamond using CVD techniques and its development trends including to increase the growth rate of CVD and enhanced the properties of CVD diamonds are discussed.


  • 随着经济迅猛发展居住生活水平不断提高居住物质条件日趋改善

    With the rapid development of China's economy and increasing improvement of people's living standard, material conditions of dwelling become better and better.


  • 使用结果表明,该微肥具有补充作物所需微量元素提高作物抗旱能力的双重功能,是很发展前途的新型肥料

    The micronutrient fertilizer have to make up microelement which crops need and enhance the combat drought capability of crops. This is a new fertilizer which has good prospects.


  • 情况下,房地产企业如何抓住机遇进行快速质量跨区域扩张提高企业竞争能力发展潜力,已成为企业亟待解决的首要问题

    So in this situation, it is the chiefly matter for the enterprise to get hold of the opportunity to expand in high quality and to improve its competitive ability and its development potential.


  • 实施结果证明教学行动研究不但可以有效地提高教学质量而且可以促进师生共同进步教育长足发展

    The research shows that it can effectively improve not only the teaching quality but the progress of students and teachers and the considerable progress of education.


  • 强大互联网络信息传播提供了最有效途径,借助互联网迅猛发展网络优势可以有效提高信息服务能力,丰富服务手段。

    Internet has provided an effective way for information transmission, the quick development and network superiority of Internet may effectively promote information service and enrich service methods.


  • 随着现代通信技术飞速发展市场需求不断提高,对射频接收机性能提出了更高要求

    With the rapid development of the communication technique and the growing demand of the markets, the better performance of radio-frequency (RF) wireless receivers is requested.


  • 随着经济飞速发展人们生活水平不断提高型钢产品应用前景广阔

    With the rapid development of economy and continuous increasing of people's living level, the cold roll forming products take splendid application foreground.


  • 随着经济飞速发展人们生活水平不断提高型钢产品应用前景广阔

    With the rapid development of economy and continuous increasing of people's living level, the cold roll forming products take splendid application foreground.


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