• 这些资料以色列社会不同圈子传播发展几个世纪。

    These materials were transmitted and developed by different circles within Israelite society over centuries.


  • 如果技术传播应用发展得更快工人们不得不持续更新他们的技能

    If technological diffusion and implementation develop faster, workers will have to constantly refresh their skills.


  • 可能是独立发展起来许多学者认为农业铁器在整个非洲传播将非洲与近东区域和地中海区域的主要城市中心联系了起来。

    It may have developed independently, but many scholars believe that the spread of agriculture and iron throughout Africa linked it to the major centers of the Near East and Mediterranean world.


  • 可能电视一样发展起来——作为一种奇怪嘈杂音乐信息叙事传播的方式。

    It might have developed like televisionsas a strange, noisy transfer of music, information and narrative.


  • 今天网络数字技术推进信息传播两个发展趋向。

    Today's Internet digital technology is propelling information communication to develop in two ways.


  • 用影像声音传播新闻唯一真正发展前途的新的新闻形式

    The journalism of sight and sound is the only truly new form of journalism to come along.


  • 这样博客社区允许单个博客不断发展壮大,基于一个目标帮助传播信息

    This way, blog communities allow the popularity of an individual blog to grow, and help to spread the message on a cause.


  • 运用整合营销传播理论大力发展网络营销,加强网络营销传统营销方式结合

    So we should integrate theories of marketing communication, make great efforts to develop the marketing on line and strengthen the combination between it and traditional marketing.


  • 随着计算机通信技术飞速发展网络成为我们这个世界重要信息源之一主要信息传播媒介

    With the development of network communication technology, Web, as an important information media, more and more, becomes one of the most fundamental information sources.


  • 强大互联网络信息传播提供了最有效途径,借助互联网迅猛发展网络优势可以有效提高信息服务能力,丰富服务手段。

    Internet has provided an effective way for information transmission, the quick development and network superiority of Internet may effectively promote information service and enrich service methods.


  • 20世纪以来随着网络媒体电子科技飞速发展影像制作图像传播技术成熟

    Since in the 20th century, along with network media and the electronic technology swiftly development, phantom manufacture and image dissemination technology maturity.


  • 随着数字技术广泛运用网络传播迅猛发展,“媒介融合成为媒介变革过程最为明显趋势

    With the extensive use of digital technology and the rapid development of communication of network, "media convergence" has become the most obvious trend in media reform process.


  • 随着信息传播技术迅猛发展人类现有教育内容教育手段教育方法受到极大的挑战

    With the swift development of information dissemination technology, mankind's existing education content, educational means and educational method, etc. are receiving the great challenge.


  • 模型可以较好的预测SARS发展趋势,且可以就此趋势提出如何控制SARS传播措施

    This model well forecasts the spreading trend of SARS, according to which proper advices can be put forward on controlling policies.


  • 结语部分互联网健康传播发展趋势作出预测

    In the end, we give ideas on the future development trend of Internet health communication.


  • 总体而言大众传播蓬勃发展尤其是媒体铺平道路的假、不真实新闻发生方面考虑

    Overall, the prosperous development of mass communication, especially the new media should pave way to the occurrence of fake or inauthentic news, when taking the two reasons into considerations.


  • 图书馆未来发展趋势看建立计算机网络技术数据库信息系统知识传播途径网状,是一个互联空间。

    The development trend of future library should be the data bank information system built on the computer net technology. Its spread knowledge way is net work and the space of Internet.


  • 2007年中期TED传播迅猛发展,并且预测了巨大金融风暴

    By the middle of 2007 the TED spread was exploding, signaling enormous financial turmoil.


  • 随着我国体育事业快速蓬勃发展电视媒体逐渐成熟,电视已经成为体育传播领域一个主流载体。

    As the sports undertakings in our country are booming and the TV media has gradually turned to be mature, TV has become the main-trend element in the sports transmission.


  • 理论国外传播中国迅速成为中国社会各界关注热点,成为21世纪中国企业发展趋势。

    When it was brought to China from abroad, the theory of learning organization quickly became a focus in the circles of Chinese enterprises and the trend of Chinese enterprises in the 21 century.


  • 随着大众传播活动迅猛发展媒介道德问题显得日趋突出。

    With the rapid progress of mass media activities, media morals are getting more and more important.


  • 随着信息技术飞速发展远程教育传播手段日益丰富

    Along with the development of information technology, the means of distance education communication are increasingly rich.


  • 随着高频电磁波技术迅猛发展复杂环境下电波传播特性预测已经成为一个重要研究课题

    Along with the rapid development of high frequency radio technology, predicting characteristics of radio propagation in complex environments has become an important research subject.


  • 互联网络的迅猛发展使信息传播面临场深刻的变革

    The rapid development of Internet is bringing about a radical revolution in information spreading industry.


  • 互联网络迅猛发展,使信息传播面临一场深刻变革。

    The rapid development of the Internet greatly changed the spreading of industry information.


  • 随着现代传媒技术飞速发展大众媒介科学传播中发挥着越来越大的作用科学传播的媒介化转向

    By the rapid development of modern mass media, the mass media has grown more and more effective during the course of scientific communication, namely the turn of mass media.


  • 同时影视艺术本身也向泛视觉发展。传统艺术视觉化传播同时具有积极消极审美后果。

    The visual communication of art brought forth some positive influence on aesthetics as well as negative one.


  • 作为种源起美国融资工具金融资产证券化短短的30时间内,迅速发展成熟在世界范围内得到广泛传播

    As a kind financial tool coming from America, only in 30 years for Securitylization of financial assets shortly has developed and been mature, and be brought widely spread rapidly in the world.


  • 作为种源起美国融资工具金融资产证券化短短的30时间内,迅速发展成熟在世界范围内得到广泛传播

    As a kind financial tool coming from America, only in 30 years for Securitylization of financial assets shortly has developed and been mature, and be brought widely spread rapidly in the world.


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