• 为了抑制高频发射噪声引起电磁波泄漏需要开发频率损耗的电磁波吸收材料,有效地吸收噪声能量

    Electromagnetic absorbing materials with high frequency and high loss are required to absorb the noise energy, aiming at restraining the electromagnetic leak induced by high-frequency emission noise.


  • 阐明武器发射装置发射噪声控制研究重要意义归纳了潜用武器发射装置的分类以及武器发射噪声主要来源

    We illustrate the importance of noise reduction of underwater weapon launch tube, and summarize the classification of underwater launch tube and the main sources of launching noise.


  • 轮船噪声可以干扰鲸鱼为了融进这片海洋也许轮船制造噪声可以发射信号提醒鲸鱼我们的存在。

    Loud noises from ships can disturb whales. To accommodate Marine life, perhaps vessels could emit signals before making a ruckus, warning whales to tune us out.


  • 传呼机噪声塑料发射一个安静的。

    Beepers are small plastic cones that emit a quiet beeping noise.


  • 目的了解畸变产物耳声发射DPOAE监测噪声性聋方面的应用价值

    Objective:To understand the value of using distortion product of otoacoustic emissions(DPOAE)in monitoring noise induced hearing loss.


  • 本文介绍了模态发射检测技术基本原理信号特征噪声剔除定位等内容

    This paper introduces modal acoustic emission evaluation technique, including its fundamental principles, signal characteristic, noise rejection and source location etc.


  • 电磁检测方法主要有材料磁性量测巴克好森噪声发射

    Magnetism measuring, Barkhausen noise and magnetic acoustic emission were often used for electromagnetic testing.


  • 发射接收讯号传感器距离以及环境噪声电平选择频带主要依据。

    The distance between the acoustic-emission source and the receiving transducer, and the background noise level are primary factors in selecting a particular frequency band.


  • 首次研究高斯噪声AWGN信道下超宽带无线电通信系统单个数据包单元发射信号能量优化

    In this paper, the optimization of the transmitted signal energy for a data packet unit in UWB radio communications in additive white Gaussian noise(AWGN) channel is firstly investigated.


  • 表面发射激光放大器检测器组成接收器噪声任何增益非均匀性增加

    The noise of an optical receiver consisting of a surface emitting laser amplifier and a detector is enhanced by any lack of gain uniformity.


  • 瓦斯突出征兆显现——煤体发射然而实际采样到煤体声发射信号往往含有许多噪声严重影响预测可靠性

    There is a sign before coal and gas outburst-acoustic emission, but a lot of noise included in acoustic emission affects reliability of prediction severely.


  • 本文研究了SA W线性调频信号相位噪声雷达发射性能的影响

    In this paper, influence of SAW linear FM signal phase noise on radar transmitter is analyzed.


  • 通过水池联调海上实测验证,表明:模拟器除了能够发射CWLFM等常用的水声信号外,能够模拟产生具有特定特征舰船辐射噪声

    Experiments on the test pool and open sea have proved that this simulator could not only transmit acoustic signals like CW and LFM, but also generate ship radiated noise with specific characteristics.


  • PET重建迭代过程此种负反馈迭代算法利用最近的一次重建图像更新噪声探测到发射正弦图数据

    Methods the CF iterative algorithm was applied to update the noisy detected emission sinogram data using the latest reconstructed image in the iterative process of PET reconstruction.


  • 便携式火箭发射产生的冲击波脉冲噪声稳态信号具有较宽的频率范围

    The shock wave and strong pulse noise, which produced by light rocket launcher, are belong to a non stationary signal process with a wide frequencies.


  • 正电子发射成像PET)中,很多方法用来抑制重建图像中的噪声效果,其中。

    In positron emission tomography(PET) image reconstruction, regularization methods are used to suppress noise effects on reconstructed images.


  • 基于混沌同步理论,设计出噪声混沌发射接收机电路阐述了实现同步和保密通信原理

    Based on the theory of chaotic synchronization, a chaotic transmitter and receiver circuit with low noise was proposed, and the principles of synchronization and secure communication were expounded.


  • 本文主要火箭发射遥测噪声数据研究对象,探索研究了无损数据压缩技术数据采集系统中的应用

    Taking the remote noise data as the object of the research, the paper discussed the application of lossless data compression technology in the field of data acquisition.


  • 目的了解噪声飞行员畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE)影响及其纯音听阈关系

    Objective to investigate the effect of noise on DPOAE in pilots and its relation with pure tone auditory thresholds.


  • 围绕超高速这一特点系统相位噪声接收机噪声系数发射功率、系统门限接收电平等详细论证,以确定总体设计方案。

    Round the feature of the ultrafast speed, make the detailed description of phase noise, receiver noise figure, launch power, threshold level of system.


  • 方法干扰接收存储雷达发射信号噪声信号相卷积转发出去。

    The jammer receives the radar signal and convolves it with noise signal. Then the convolution result is retransmitted.


  • 由于各种噪声影响,以及发射信号传播过程复杂性,又给声源识别带来一定的困难

    Because of the noise and complex of AE signal transmission characteristic, the recognition of AE source is very difficult.


  • 实际地光通信系统发射光束高斯型的情况下,跟瞄误差大气闪烁星地激光链路中的主要信道噪声

    The transmitter beam is Gaussian for real satellite-ground laser communication system. The pointing jitter and atmospheric scintillation are the main noise sources for satellite-ground laser link.


  • 方法能够克服空间噪声影响,所估计参数自动配对阵列孔径损失并且适用发射接收阵列满足平移不变结构的情况。

    This method can eliminate the effect of the spatial colored noise and pair the parameters automatically without array aperture loss, and is applicable to senor arrays without an invariance structure.


  • 进一步考虑发射指向性以及环境噪声因素,同时分析发射信号有效宽度接收器检测性能影响

    The directional source and environmental noise are further considered, and the effects of the effective length of transmitted signal on the receiver performance are investigated.


  • 微波辐射计一种无源微波测量装置本身不发射微波信号,只是被动接收目标环境辐射随机噪声

    Microwave Radiometer is a passive microwave measurement device. It passively receives the random noise radiated by the objects and environment.


  • 系统无线发射接收组件核心,根据鱼塘溶氧含量、噪声和温度的检测决定增氧机的启停。

    The paper point out that wireless chips is regarded as core of the automatic controlling system.


  • 本文分别噪声信号信号源采用计算机仿真软件MATLAB声波在声发射接收之间的飞渡时间的互相关估计进行了计算机仿真研究。

    In this paper we separately use White noise and chirp signal as signal source, and apply simulate software MATLAB to research the time delay between the transmitted signal and the received signal.


  • 本文分别噪声信号信号源采用计算机仿真软件MATLAB声波在声发射接收之间的飞渡时间的互相关估计进行了计算机仿真研究。

    In this paper we separately use White noise and chirp signal as signal source, and apply simulate software MATLAB to research the time delay between the transmitted signal and the received signal.


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