• 负责邀请吧负责洽办酒席忙了。

    Let me take care of the invitationsyou've enough on your hands with the caterers.


  • 以 Fitbit,该公司周一布了第一款智能手表,它的销售目标很明确——提高健康水平将其宣传工具,而不是玩具”。

    Fitbit, for example, released its first smartwatch on Monday, selling with a clear purpose—to improve your fitnessand promoting it as a "tool, not a toy".


  • 网上一些没用广告并且希望人们相信垃圾邮件(除非是个靠着点击率过活的卑鄙小人)的那些日子不复返了。这个同样也证实了生命中的任何事情。

    Gone are the days when you spam the web with useless ads and expect people to buy into your message (unless you're a soulless pay-per-click jockey, you're out of luck).


  • 一旦到了第一个一百万,电子邮件我知道,这样道贺了。

    And once you make your first million, please send me an email and let me know so I can congratulate you.


  • 知道这个数据每月知道该博客里什么样帖子了。而且知道这种能引起共鸣内容走向

    Knowing this data, you can line it up next to your blog posts published each month and see trends in the the kind of content that resonates.


  • 但是现在一位明家已经通过一系列智能钱包解决了这个问题缺现金的时候,这些钱包真的会提醒

    But now an inventor has solved the problem with a set of 'smart' wallets that actually tell you when you are low on cash.


  • 是不是老板邮件了?

    So maybe you should start emailing the boss more?


  • 就是81- 82年的事情2,但是必须明白时代不同了。

    That's what happened in '81-82 but you have to remember that times are different.


  • 我们现这样一个事实这些程序只能传统方式通信电话短信或者电子邮件、现在的联系人管理器为什么提供可以功能,或者好友的涂鸦墙上留言了?

    There's also the fact that they only let you communicate in traditional ways: call, text message, or email. Why don't contact managers offer features that let you send a tweet to your friend?


  • 撒娇扮嗲十分受用,高兴:“明天广州业务部上班去吧,一个空间好好想想,别整天坐在办公室门口了。”

    Her act coquettishly made sense, so Mr. Hu happily speaks to her, ” Go back to Guangzhou office tomorrow. I will give you space to think about that and don’t sit out of my office’s door anymore.


  • 没有注意了错误,失了良机,身心疲惫失去控制怒火一触即

    You do not pay attention to what you are doing, make mistakes, miss opportunities, get tired quickly, lose control and get angry quickly.


  • 当然看看的这个视频了-好久都没有的消息了呢!

    Well sure, you think, I'd love to see a video from you - it's been a long time!


  • 雇主的一份证明单.说明多少.以及工资中扣了多少钱.

    It`s a certificate from your employer which tells you how much money you have earned and how much has been taken out of your checks.


  • 主题为“愿意吗”求婚邮件就匆匆下线以为个可爱的亲吻笑脸一切搞定了。

    Nothing says I'm too lazy to get offline like an E-mail with the subject line "will you marry me." And please don't think adding in a clever kissy smiley face will help matters at all.


  • 如果自己被人讨厌了(而且份工作中没有犯罪),可以一封信给他们请他们停止对的厌恶,因为诽谤

    If you find that you're being slimed (and if you didn't commit a crime on your last job) you can send a letter (or get a lawyer to do it for you) to stop the slime machine. It's called defamation.


  • 那种购买辆汽车杂志预示如何投票的想法已经俘获了好大论班们(the chatteringclasses)的想象力但是最好指南在于是否参加党内初选的投票。

    The idea that which car or magazine you buy predicts how you will vote has captured the imagination of the chattering classes, he says, but the best guide is whether you vote in a party primary.


  • 微软刚刚Windows7布了新的季节性主题包,稍微修改一下名字就可以轻易地将其中的壁纸提取出来使用其他操作系统上 -包括Ubuntu

    Microsoft have released two new seasonal-themed ‘themepacks’ for Windows 7. With a bit of renaming you can easily grab the wallpapers inside for use on any operating systemincluding Ubuntu.


  • 巴不得线快点白雪痕迹容易

    I wish you hair line up with traces of snow, but not easy.


  • 如果知道句话是怎么只要想一想浓重的澳大利亚口音AuSTRAlian”,就会明白了。

    To understand where the term comes from, imagine someone saying the word “AuSTRAlianin a thick Australian accent.


  • 记得电脑屏幕看起来平淡无奇只不过充斥了一些无聊字母数字觉得自己已经看厌倦了的情景吧。 还有的信息技术生活不过就是几封email处理处理文档,做一做电子表格的情景吧?

    Remember when your computer screen looked flat, filled with boring old letters and numbers, when your info-tech life was about nothing more than e-mail, word processing, and spreadsheets?


  • 杂乱无章拖延者:是不是觉得每次的邮件好似被吸入黑洞一样再也渺无音讯了

    Disorganized procrastinator: Do you feel like every time you send her an email it gets sucked into a black vortex, never to be seen again?


  • 而当喜欢女孩短信时——真的知道一天过得怎么样——突然,这条短信有了新的意义

    When you send this text to a girl you like - and your intentions are genuinely to find out how her day went - suddenly this text takes new shape.


  • 悄悄的告诉今年爷爷奶奶66了,我和爸爸妈妈早就商量好,爷爷奶奶压岁钱呢!

    I quietly tell you: this year, grandpa and grandma is 66 years old, my parents and I have arranged that, to send grandma and grandpa lucky money!


  • 来电话了,信息长途漫游领情东西妈妈那里了,正好我拿,我十五回。

    Call me, I don't pick and information, long-distance roaming you do not appreciate, hum! Things my mother there, back when I get you, I had fifteen only.


  • 如果主题已经有了打印机有好的CSS在这儿一个链接。

    If your theme already has a printer friendly CSS, post a link here.


  • 如果主题已经有了打印机有好的CSS在这儿一个链接。

    If your theme already has a printer friendly CSS, post a link here.


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