• 中期选举还有。就现在高涨现任”情绪来看,政坛出其不意的事件还会波接一波地出现。

    With six months to go until the mid-terms, and with politics haunted by a powerful mood of anti-incumbency, plenty of political surprises no doubt remain in store.


  • 信息滥用工作组会议上小组成立僵尸网络缓解小组委员会专门研究因特网服务提供商抵御僵尸网络的最佳办法

    At MAAWG's previous meeting in September, the group created a botnet-mitigation subcommittee dedicated to developing a set of best practices for ISPs to combat botnets.


  • 这项公司4以来便开始谈判协议一项全面的“和贵协议”,对双有利。

    The agreement, which the two companies had been negotiating since April, is a full peace deal which should prove mutually beneficial.


  • 以下自2009年9俄罗斯萨琳首次金砖峰会召开以来全球危机活动时间表。

    The following is a chronology of global counter-crisis actions since the first BRIC summit held in Yekaterinburg, Russia, in June 2009.


  • 中国目前风险8到来奥运北京欢迎世界时,中国还要经受外国人情绪浪潮的冲刷洗礼。

    An immediate risk is that China could still be awash in antiforeigner sentiment in August, when Beijing will welcome the world for the Olympic Games.


  • 比如英国大使馆发起一场的种族主义音乐会,将8布达佩斯时举行。

    The British Embassy, for example, is sponsoring a Music Against Racism event at a Budapest festival in August.


  • 2009年8梅德韦杰夫毫不留情地写信给尤先科指责政策

    In August 2009 Mr Medvedev sent an insulting letter to Mr Yushchenko accusing him of anti-Russian policies.


  • 有消息称,86日广岛被周年纪念日,如果情绪高涨甚至可能辞职

    He might even quit, it is whispered, on the anniversary of the bombing on Hiroshima on August 6th, when anti-nuclear feelings run high.


  • 10最终决定使用斜杠作为操作符,从而解决所有语言设计适用性方面使用各种其他操作问题

    A final decision to use the backslash as the operator was made in October 2008, solving all the issues that using various other operators presented in terms of language design and usability.


  • 这个情况导致大西洋两岸在托拉法案上截然不同处理结果:美国司法部已经今年8批准了此项收购。

    The case has led to a rare difference of opinion between anti-trust regulators on either side of the Atlantic, with the US Department of Justice clearing the transaction in August.


  • 426日他们的工作中心发言人宣称发现一个红衫军领导者其他人物制定的、君主制的机密计划

    On April 26th their operations-centre spokesman claimed to have unearthed a secret anti-monarchist plot by red-shirt leaders and other opposition figures.


  • 雷声公司2010年5装甲作战会议上首次展示了狙击解决方案

    "Raytheon first demonstrated its counter sniper solution at the May 2010 Armor Warfighting Conference."


  • 中央情报局组织、由卡斯特罗古巴人组成的侵略军于1961年4登陆猪湾,那时的卡斯特罗已经准备就绪,因为阿本斯已经不在危地马拉了。

    By the time a CIA-organised invasion of anti-Castro Cubans landed at the Bay of Pigs in April 1961, Mr Castro was ready for them, as Arbenz had not been in Guatemala.


  • 日本水产表示由于环保组织海洋守护者协会(SeaShepherdConservation Society)骚扰日本捕鲸船自210日开始停止作业

    Japan's Fisheries Agency said that Japanese whalers have suspended their operations since Feb. 10, pointing to harassment from the anti-whaling environmental group Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.


  • 而对于流言,仍平息,菅直人可能会86日广岛核爆纪念日上表明自己态度。

    Even that did not entirely quash rumours that he may use the anniversary on August 6th of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima to make a dramatic anti-nuclear gesture.


  • 这个装置售价21美元,很隐蔽地安装除臭板里,目前已持续使用了3他们起到了预想的作用还是促使人们喝酒,还要拭目以待。

    The devices, hidden in deodorising blocks, cost $21 and last three months. Whether they work, or just drive people to drink, remains to be seen


  • 共和党11的胜出对堕胎热潮起推波助澜的作用。

    The Republican victory in November has fuelled this frenzy.


  • 1994年21日,美国成了折磨其他酷刑会议一个缔约国野蛮或者可耻对待惩罚

    On October 21, 1994, the United States became a State Party to the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.


  • 72日个检察官他们由于2007年媒体发表麦尔文章案件调走,麦尔他们算是赢得了一个小小的胜利

    On July 2nd they scored a small victory when one of the prosecutors was taken off the case for having penned an anti-Meinl article in September 2007.


  • 全国各大城市(包括省城)上旬进入“战斗你们速部署

    All our big cities (including provincial capitals) should start the struggle against the "five evils" in the first ten days of February. Please make prompt arrangements.


  • 交易广泛认为是对去年北京颁布一项第一检测

    The deal was widely seen as the first big test of an antitrust law that Beijing enacted last August.


  • 经济日报》116日报道,《价格垄断规定价格垄断行政执法程序规定2011年21日起实施

    According to the report of Economic Times on January 16th, "Anti-price-fixing provisions" and "anti-price monopoly law enforcement procedural requirements" will be implemented on February 1, 2011.


  • 泰加告诉CBS新闻阿姆斯特朗开出最后期限26日完全如实全面地美国兴奋剂机构合作换取可能减轻自己终身禁赛的责罚。

    Tygart also told CBS news, he's offered Armstrong a deadline, February 6th to cooperate fully and totally truthfully with USADA in exchange for a possible lessening of his lifetime ban from sports.


  • 当初我们多了六七分,但是一个以后现在,因为状态不好我们。”里奥接受每日镜报时候说

    "They were six or seven clear of us a month ago but it can all change quickly if you have a bad run, " the England international was quoted as saying in The Daily Mirror.


  • 周六德黑兰设立了一个期限,要求西方国家接受建议。

    Instead, Tehran on Saturday set a one-month deadline for the West to accept a counterproposal.


  • 结果培养RPE细胞培养皿存活23。顺极性极性培养不影响细胞形态和存活时间。

    Results Cultured RPE can survive 2~3 months in a culture dish either being placed right side up or up side down and maintain the typical morphological characters of epithelial cells.


  • 两个女人是之前监狱认识的,当时散布体制宣传”而入狱10

    The two women had met in prison, when Ms. Hashemi was serving a six-month sentence for "spreading propaganda against the system."


  • 其他方面也对此赞同OECD 2005年3就指责英国拖延执行行贿公约

    Others agree: the OECD complained in March 2005 that Britain was dragging its feet in implementing the convention.


  • 其他方面也对此赞同OECD 2005年3就指责英国拖延执行行贿公约

    Others agree: the OECD complained in March 2005 that Britain was dragging its feet in implementing the convention.


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