• 泉水上部石块绿色生物膜覆盖通过阳光硫化物自然发生化学反应生存

    The top of the springs' rocks are covered with green biofilms, which use both sunlight and sulfide-naturally occurring chemicals from the springs-to survive.


  • 但是不能增加测试覆盖你对使用者对于应用软件如何反应理解

    But that doesn't increase your test coverage or your understanding of how users interact with the application.


  • 然后你们会有屏障完整性反应冷却系统行为覆盖失效

    Then you have, in terms of the barrier integrity, reactor cooling systems activity, cladding failure.


  • 他们越来越覆盖秘密感到厌烦,打翻福岛反应放弃了人们居住几个世纪的城镇村庄。

    But increasingly they are fed up with the shroud of secrecy thrown over the Fukushima plant and the abandoned towns and villages where families had lived for centuries.


  • 此举增加水量吸收热量确保反应完全覆盖这样高温不会进一步损坏反应堆。

    This greatly increased the amount of water available to soak up the heat, and should have made sure that the reactor was fully covered by water and thus not hot enough to damage itself any further.


  • 随着25过去覆盖反应混凝土石棺出现很多裂缝被认为具有故障保险功能。

    The concrete sarcophagus capping the reactor has developed cracks over the past 25 years and is not considered failsafe. (Sergei Supinsky/AFP)


  • 因此美国覆盖着爆炸反应保护层的BradleyStryker战车不在居民区使用

    As a result, when America's Bradley and Stryker fighting vehicles are clad in explosive-reactive armour they are not used in civilian areas.


  • 对于室内使用用布覆盖地板上以免地板底部发生化学反应导致不可清除的斑点。

    For indoor use please put textile cover on the floor to prevent either chemical reaction between top of floor and the flocked bed bottom part, as this might lead to non-removable spots!


  • 抗体两个单克隆混合物,以便可以覆盖更大反应范围

    The antibody is formulated from two rabbit monoclones in order to cover broad range of reactivity.


  • 记录必须反应实际发生了什么任何变更应该没有覆盖或者删除原始信息禁止使用涂改液或者修正液

    The record must reflect what actually happened. Any changes should be madewithout obscuring or obliterating the original information, the use of whiteoutor correction fluid is prohibited.


  • 结晶中的液面上覆盖厚厚的反应保护导致结晶器弯月面区域处于良好状态之中。

    The steel in the mould is covered by a thick layer of unreacted flux and these results in favorable thermal conditions in the meniscus area of the mould.


  • 同时化物覆盖表面中心,堵塞了孔道,因而提高反应的选择性;

    At the same time, boride thus formed covered the surface acid sites and blocked the pores and channels, leading to higher para-selectivity.


  • 电位大于622mV后,电极反应产生大量PbSO4沉淀,并覆盖在电极表面,矿物表面亲水性

    When the electrode potential is over 622 mV, the hydrophilicity on jamesonite becomes strong due to covering an amount of PbSO4 from the electrochemical reactions.


  • 模型首先将问题空间DNA分子固定固体载体然后通过进行相应生化反应来求得图最小顶点覆盖问题的所有

    The DNA molecules of the solution space are fixed on the solid carrier, and then get the all solutions of minimal vertex covering problem by the biochemical actions.


  • 可用低温供热反应堆池水覆盖液体

    It can be used as covering liquid for water of pool type low temperature heating reactor.


  • 溅射速率方程反应粒子输运方程得出化合物覆盖

    The compound fraction of target surface was gotten from the rate equations of sputtering and the transport equations of reactive particles .


  • 上海地区土层地震反应分析例,讨论覆盖土层地震反应分析中的几个典型问题

    Several typical problems in the seismic response analysis of soil layer with deep deposit have been discussed according to the seismic response analysis of the soil layer in Shanghai region.


  • 焦炭催化剂酸中心覆盖抑制骨架异构反应,但其影响幅度小于裂化反应的影响。

    The suppression of skeletal isomerization caused by coke deposition on the active sites of catalyst is in a lesser extent than that of cracking.


  • 结果血管损伤反应轻,吻合口有完整内膜覆盖

    Results Complete intima coverage was also found in titanium stapler group;


  • 覆盖添加活性稀释性单体延长曝光时间有利于其光交联反应的进行

    It is shown that overlaying oxygen barrier layer, appending active diluent monomer and prolonging exposure time are in favor of the photopolymerization of the product.


  • 通过扫描电镜等实验手段研究发现,反应型聚氨酯整理后羊毛纤维表面树脂覆盖,纤维之间存在接点。

    It was developed by SEM that the surface of wool finished by hot-reacting PU is covered by resin, and there are bond points between fibres.


  • 现在已经搞清楚,大脑中的片区域覆盖种能酸性物质激发活性蛋白质,这构造很可能人体窒息的反应有关

    Now, this brain region is packed with a type of protein that's activated by acid, and seems to be involved in an animal's response to fear.


  • 这里总结工程覆盖先天免疫适应性免疫反应以及克服它们从而防止异种移植排斥反应策略

    The works summarized here cover both the innate and adaptative cellular immune response as well as strategies to overcome them and consequently prevent xenograft rejection.


  • 这些玄武岩还会二氧化碳发生化学反应,从而减少二氧化碳泄漏由于这个海床覆盖着一层沉淀物,二氧化碳泄漏便又得到了进一步的减少。

    The basalt and the CO2 would react with each other, reducing the scope for leaks, which would be further diminished by the blanket of sediment that covers the ocean floor in that area.


  • 油田配电网覆盖面积大,对故障事件难以迅猛反应

    It is difficult to monitor fault event occurrence in distribution systems in oil. fields.


  • 有一天清晨五点钟醒来发现校园被皑皑白雪覆盖,不禁兴奋起来,想象着孩子们看到下雪的反应

    One morning I woke up at five o' clock to find Maple Leaf bathed in white snow;


  • 于是,利用溴代吡啶基的反应证实甲醇进行的这个沉淀聚合产物表面覆盖吡啶基。

    Then, it was verified with hydrocarbon bromide that pyridyl was grafted on the surface of microsphere prepared in methanol by precipitation polymerization.


  • 于是,利用溴代吡啶基的反应证实甲醇进行的这个沉淀聚合产物表面覆盖吡啶基。

    Then, it was verified with hydrocarbon bromide that pyridyl was grafted on the surface of microsphere prepared in methanol by precipitation polymerization.


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