• 它也没有用随机精度数来填充数组矩阵函数

    Also, no function fills an array or matrix with random doubles.


  • 第三代码开始发生变化使用内置getline函数参数形式返回需要重新对齐的行的列表

    The changes begin in the third code block, which USES the two-argument form of the built-in getline function to return a list of all the lines in the range to be realigned.


  • Meschach返回0,1之间随机精度数的函数,它Meschach的特色,可用于简化明显踏脚石程序编写

    One of the Meschach features that simplifies writing the obvious stepping stone programs is a function that returns a random double in 0, 1.


  • 精度数复数提供了400个函数

    It provides nearly 400 functions for doubles and complex Numbers.


  • 尽量尝试将扩展函数设计使用精度字符串节点作为参和返回的类型。

    Try to design your extension functions so that they use only doubles, strings, booleans, and node-sets as both arguments and return values.


  • 正弦、余弦正切函数会以常见或特殊形式出现各种计算

    The sinh, cosh, and tanh functions also all appear in various calculations in special and general relativity.


  • MooTools(还有其他)提供了简单方法实现此功能美元符号(dollar - dollar)函数

    MooTools (and some of the other libraries) provide a very simple method to do this-the dollar-dollar function.


  • 三角函数就是曲线应用三角函数就是说,想象这些放在笛卡尔平面上来得到t所有可能

    The hyperbolic trigonometric functions are to hyperbolae as the trigonometric functions are to circles. That is, imagine you plot these points on a Cartesian plane for all possible values of t.


  • Blitz的Unifor m提供返回0,1精度数的成员函数

    Blitz's Uniform class provides a member function that returns a double in 0, 1.


  • 虽然Meschach1.0填充矩阵函数,但不幸的是,没有用一个任意精度数填充矩阵的函数没有用随机精度数填充矩阵的函数

    Although Meschach has a function that fills a matrix with 1.0s, it unfortunately lacks a function for filling a matrix with an arbitrary double or with random doubles.


  • 同样,与使用美元符号函数根据标记检索元素不同的是,YUI使用Y.all 函数

    Similary, rather than using the dollar-dollar function to retrieve elements by tag or class name, in YUI you use the Y.all function instead


  • 其中个构造函数精度浮点数作为输入个以整数换算因子作为输入,还有一个以小数String表示作为输入。

    One takes a double-precision floating point as input, another takes an integer and a scale factor, and another takes a String representation of a decimal number.


  • 本文首次建立了实现函数齿轮曲柄机构优化设计数学模型

    In this paper the mathematical model of optimal design of the double-gear crank mechanism for generating a function is first established.


  • 可以了解如何使用所有性格制片厂工具4运动混合混合议案文件工作台调整函数曲线

    You'll also find out how to use all the new tools of character studio 4 such as the motion Mixer for mixing motion files, and the Workbench for adjusting biped function curves.


  • 根据位移原理计算得到扭杆弹簧横臂非线性悬架刚度车轮跳动函数关系。

    The function of the nonlinear suspension stiffness with tire skipping distance was obtained by virtual displacement theory.


  • 基于改善动力学性能、提高输出运动平稳性,实现了六杆输出函数脉冲发生机构传动比要求的等价四杆机构的综合原理方法。

    To control and improve the properties of mechanism dynamics, a synthetical parameter model of high-grade motion was created for three-grade functional generator mechanism with double output.


  • 计算结果表明增加径向函数不是改善结果办法应该更多函数引入互易边界元

    The numerical example shows that increasing the item of radial basis function is not a right way to improve the accuracy of results, and more approximation functions should be employed in the DRBEM.


  • 讨论了公用齿轮机构优化设计目标函数约束条件

    Then in this paper the object functions -and restrained conditions for optimum design are discussed.


  • 本文研究平面函数结构得到了平面上的单跳函数图象的明确简洁、清楚的结构。

    The struction of single jump twin increase function of plane is researched, simple, clear and definite struetion of single jump twin increase function graph of plane is obtained.


  • 综合大量实例的基础上,提出高斯函数逼近多模光纤脉冲输出的解析近似方法,使时域法确定光纤带宽精度大为提高

    On the base of a plenty of facts we suggested a method in which bi-Gaussian form is approached the output pulse in multimode fibers The accuracy measuring band in time domain can be improved highly.


  • 本文给出了BASIC语言一些常用标准函数精度计算算法程序

    In this paper, algorithms and routines about the double precision computation of some standard functions in BASIC language are presented.


  • 讨论均匀磁场向同性带电谐振子函数描述得到量子和经典极限条件下的结果。

    Double wave function quantum theory is applied to describe the motion of three dimension isotropy charged harmonic oscillator in a uniform magnetic field.


  • 原理模拟高斯分布函数投影平行卷积重建模拟的温度

    On this foundation, it simulates the projections for double Gauss distribution function and reconstructs the simulating temperature field by the convolution method for parallel beam.


  • 涡旋空气压缩机两个函数方程线相互啮合

    Vortex air compressor is made up of two double function equation type line dynamic and static vortex plate mesh with each other and become.


  • 函数工作区用于应用程序一部分

    I've made a function for that in this dual workspace one part for the app.


  • 海洋工程领域计算软管流体阻力采用莫里逊公式,其中阻力系数参数迎雷诺数函数

    In ocean engineering realm, fluid drags are computed by Morison equation with drag coefficient defined by a function of Renold number and attack Angle.


  • 第三中,我们利用格林函数方法研究对称的量子点分子性质电子输运性质。

    In chapter three, we study the spectral properties and electronic transport properties of asymmetrical double-dot molecule using causal Green's function approach.


  • 第三中,我们利用格林函数方法研究对称的量子点分子性质电子输运性质。

    In chapter three, we study the spectral properties and electronic transport properties of asymmetrical double-dot molecule using causal Green's function approach.


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