• 目的评估边远山区及营以下军官身体健康状况

    Objectve To access physical healthy condition of officers in or below battalion's rank in remote mountain areas.


  • 苹果本季再创净利新高纪录,顺势推出一系列产品

    Apple has broken another record this season in terms of profit and revenue, and has also launched a series of new products.


  • 经济学过程中价格一项货币表现形式商品服务资产所订立价值数字

    In economics and business process, the price is manifested in the form of a money for goods, services and assets, the value established by the figures.


  • 全天候网络覆盖专才数据、一站式关键的专业服务大大提高人事效率,促进推广机会

    By extensive coverage, centralized professional information and one-stop manpower service, the efficiency of human resources and hence the business opportunities can be greatly enhanced.


  • 乔装警察进入该岛这个夏令中的600名青少年开火他们参与为期一周种族主义讲习班,研讨会运动会

    He entered disguised as a policeman and opened fire on the camp's 600 youngsters, who were attending a week-long programme of anti-racism workshops, seminars and sports.


  • 迪70%来自电话互联网付费电视在线视频游戏订收费广告市场不景气对集团的业绩影响很小

    Vivendi gets 70% of its revenues from phone, Internet, pay TV and online video games subscriptions, and has little exposure to the slump in advertising markets.


  • 终有一天和平来临和平来临时,最终协议与在戴维以后漫长六个月里提出建议非常相似

    Someday peace will come, and when it does, the final agreement will look a lot like the proposals that came out of Camp David and the six long months that followed.


  • 1991年马德里乔治·h·布什,2000年戴维比尔·克林顿,2007年安纳波利斯的乔治·w·布什皆难力挽狂澜,和平依然遥不可

    Neither George H. Bush at Madrid in 1991 nor Bill Clinton at Camp David in 2000 nor George W. Bush at Annapolis in 2007 succeeded in making peace or even bringing it visibly closer.


  • 比如苹果公司第三的实际净利润分别超过公司给出的净利润指导性预期24%54%。

    For instance, Apple beat its own fiscal third-quarter sales forecast by 24% and its profit forecast by 54%.


  • 亚马逊(Amazon)周二收盘公布第二季度业绩利润均超出外界预期。尽管净利润下滑,但受整体业绩提振,盘后交易大幅上扬。

    Amazon beat both top and bottom line expectations as it posted second quarter earnings after the bell on Tuesday, sending its stock through the roof despite a drop in net income.


  • 利洁时首席执行官巴特·白克(BartBecht)表示收购SSL使公司健康护理个人保健业务销售额出现36%以上的增长率。 目前,两个部门占公司总额三分之一

    The takeover will increase Reckitt’s health and personal- care sales by more than 36 percent, to one third of the company’s total net revenue, Chief Executive Officer Bart Becht said in the statement.


  • 百度公布第二业绩报告,净利润双双超过分析师预期,这个总部位于中国北京互联网搜索门户网站股价因此交易中暴涨5.9%,报166.50美元。

    reported second quarter results that surpassed analysts’ forecasts on both the top and bottom lines, sending shares of the Beijing, China, Web portal 5.9% higher in after-hours trading to $166.50.


  • 收购成功,使得卡夫公司的长期增长目标先前公布收年增长4%每股净收益年增长7% - 9%分别调高至5%9% - 11%。

    A takeover would also boost Kraft's long-term growth targets to 5%-plus for revenue and 9%-11% for earnings per share, from its previously announced 4%-plus and 7%-9% respectively.


  • 今年随著参加人数的增加,尚不至于没有机会其他灵请益寻求协助的机会,因此个人对写作期待也不致于落空

    With more participants joining this years retreat, I was hardly lacking in any help or advice and I had no cause to be disappointed in my expectations.


  • 这些因素必须同时顾挑选钻石分级浓度提供最佳表现一个适当费用

    These factors must be balanced by the selection of diamond grade and concentration that will provide the operator with optimum performance at a suitable cost.


  • 北京大学校园内银杏树分布喜鹊情况进行了调查

    This experiment investigated the distribution of Ginkgo trees and the nesting rate of Pica pica in Peking University.


  • 如同守则其他条款常识战俘条件影响高军衔人员组织履行它们职责

    As with other provisions of this code, common sense and the conditions of captivity will affect the way in which the senior person and the other POWs organize to carry out their responsibilities.


  • 组织开展督导训练钻石训练现场观摩,收集反馈课件更新

    Organize the supervise and diamond training camp, on-site view, collect feedback and update the courseware.


  • 如今作为一名指挥官釜山仁川的表现良好

    Now, as a battalion commander, he had done well at Pusan and Inchon.


  • 当季网络游戏广告服务增长,部分抵销毛利润下滑

    Restrain growth season network game and advertisement service battalion, partial countervail of gross profit embellish glide.


  • 本文通过技术经济比较,对煤矿条件下,煤层采区分层分组合理布置方式作分析。经济分析法确定了在这种条件下采区分组布置的合理界限。

    Through the comparison of technical economy, this paper has analysed the proper layout of individual beds or separate groups for multiple seams of thin and medium thickness in the Ying Cheng Colliery.


  • 避暑夏令孩子们提供便利那儿阳伞游泳衣塑料救生圈各类饮料等出租售货服务。

    The summer camp offers convenience to children. There, large sun shades, swimming suits, plastic life buoys can be hired and various drinks bought.


  • 本文通过土壤入渗灌水技术大田试验研究,指出西灌区土壤入渗规律田间灌水质量状况改进途径。

    The law of soil infiltration, the current quality of field irrigation and its improvement measures will show results from THD soil infiltration and field irrigation tests in the farmer's field.


  • 通过麦克斯韦尔学院复活节密封

    Pass Maxwell School and Easter Seal Camp.


  • 名球员兼教练首个到达球队训练最后一个离开的人。

    The Lions player-manager is the first to arrive at the club's training ground and the last to leave.


  • 《财富》杂志根据各个公司过去3增长率、每股收益增长率回报率三项数据统计了排名

    Companies are judged by revenue growth rate, earnings-per-share growth rate, and annualized total return. The overall rank is based on the sum of those 3 ranks over a 3-year period.


  • 《财富》杂志根据各个公司过去3增长率、每股收益增长率回报率三项数据统计了排名

    Companies are judged by revenue growth rate, earnings-per-share growth rate, and annualized total return. The overall rank is based on the sum of those 3 ranks over a 3-year period.


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