• 开证付款法律基础地位

    Second , the legal base and status of payment of the issuing bank .


  • 产品消费者当中享有较高声誉地位

    The product of marketing in consumers enjoy high reputation and status.


  • 阐述湿地文化起源地位,重点研究15景观文化内容

    We studied further scientifically the wetland culture's origin and position, and expounded further the contents of the 15-type wetland landscape cultures.


  • 所以女子保留娘家关系,有助于罗马上层阶级,平衡不同户的规模地位

    By keeping women under the household of the men of their original family, the upper-class Romans tried to balance these different households in size and importance.


  • 本文从身份地位爱情婚姻、金钱权力、奋斗复仇几方面阐述了二悲剧命运

    The paper reveals their tragic fate in terms of the status and position, love and marriage, money and power, including struggle and revenge.


  • 立体声耳机手机耳机USB采用进口优质零件精工制作国内占有一定声誉地位

    Stereo headphones, phone headset, USB high-quality imported spare parts, produced by Seiko at home has a certain reputation and status of possession.


  • 接着第三第四章章中分别提出说明集团管理部门财务公司资金控制模式中的作用地位

    After that, in third and forth part, brings forward and describes the functions and statuses of the group administrative departments and the financial company in capital control mode.


  • 这本说到研究中,妇女一直表现出拥有匀称身材遗传适合度地位微妙标志男性偏好

    In studies, women have consistently shown preferences for men with symmetrical bodies, a subtle mark of genetic fitness and status, the book said.


  • 文章针对问题,探讨AI概念功能价值分析了目前听觉识别系统的运作现状地位,探究了AI的可行性和未来发展趋势,并就如何恰当地运用AI系统了阐述。

    For the problem, the article made a research of the concept, the function and the value of AI, take an analysis of the system to identify the status quo and the status of AI.


  • 第三香料神秘起源各种香料的神秘地位

    Third, mysterious origins and kinds of mythical status of spices.


  • 通过给别人当庇护人来提高自己政治金融地位

    He started getting more power politically and financially by setting himself up as the patron of the patronless.


  • 现在相信平板电脑我们家庭生活拥有重要地位

    So I'm now convinced that tablets will have an important place in our homes and our lives.


  • 公司不仅是一家普通投行更是艘资本战舰资本筹集股票债券交易领域都处于领先地位

    The firm is less a boutique and more a pocket battleship, with a leading position in capital-raising and dealing in shares and bonds.


  • 研究中心定期舆论领导者样本公众样本提出一系列“美国世界地位”的相关问题

    The Pew Research Centre periodically asks a sample of opinion leaders, and another sample of the general public, a barrage of questions about "America's place in the world".


  • 相反地,从某种程度上当今这个制造商追求成本生产分销寻求市场世界里金砖四国的地位似乎少了几分夸大其词,倒多了几分真实了。

    Rather there seems to be less hype and more reality about BRIC's place in a world in which manufacturers are chasing lower costs of production and distribution and seeking new markets.


  • 鉴于亚洲生产商成本成熟市场地位这些国家无法成为竞争力的劳动密集型产品服务出口国

    These countries are uncompetitive exporters of labour-intensive goods and services, given the low costs and established positions of Asian producers.


  • G7缩减为G4美国日本欧元区中国构成。包括新兴发达国家G20相应地位提高

    The G7 should be pruned to a G4, consisting of America, Japan, the euro area and China; and the status of the G20, which already includes emerging as well as advanced countries, should be elevated.


  • 巧克力最初发明是作为一种庆祝的啤酒-就像饮料作为马雅人阿兹·特地位象征

    Chocolate was originally invented as a celebratory beer-like beverage and status symbol for the Aztecs and the Maya.


  • GlobalHand通过联合国经济社会理事会(ecosoc)认可,具有特别咨询地位

    Global Hand is accredited with special consultative status through the United Nation's.


  • 的确ClearQuest可以自动化获取、划分优先级,变更请求特性储备分配上占有地位本文开头所提到的。

    Certainly ClearQuest can have a place in automating the capture, prioritization, and allocation of a typical change request and feature backlog, as I mentioned at the beginning of this article.


  • 他们离职的原因,人们经常归结Ellison首席执行官地位牢固Ellison的性格特点。

    Their departures were often portrayed as aresponse to Mr. Ellison’s well-entrenched position as chief executive and hispersonality.


  • 葡萄牙赋予PlanITValley项目“对国家具有潜在重要性”的地位意味着享有廉价土地慷慨减税等种种优惠。

    Portugal granted the PlanIT Valley project "potential national importance" status, which among other things means cheap land and generous tax breaks.


  • 超模地位冷静的处事态度都让觉得她的美遥不可事实上她接触后你会发现是个有幽默感的人。

    Her supermodel status and mature demeanor project an inaccessible and unapproachable image but those who get to know her find she is outgoing with a keen sense of humor.


  • 尽管美国超级大国地位的下坠感到焦虑,为其赤字疲软经济感到忧心,仍然对其作为创新者实力而感到自豪

    FOR all America's anxieties about its decline as a superpower, its deficits and its weak economy, it can still be proud of its strength as an innovator.


  • 尽管美国超级大国地位的下坠感到焦虑,为其赤字疲软经济感到忧心,仍然对其作为创新者实力而感到自豪

    FOR all America's anxieties about its decline as a superpower, its deficits and its weak economy, it can still be proud of its strength as an innovator.


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