• 这个研究中,我们不仅参与者对于填写表单的评论,而且观察他们动作分析他们的眼部活动

    In this research, we not only listened to the participants' comments about filling forms, we also observed their actions and analysed their eye activities.


  • 今年他们全球观测想法参与者能够数百活动中观察了解月球

    This year, they are taking the idea global, with hundreds of events where participants can observe and learn about the Moon.


  • 这些志愿参与者当时隔离居住带有感冒病毒酒店房间里观察5他们中的54感冒了。

    The volunteer participants were then sequestered in hotel rooms, exposed to a cold virus and observed for five days. Fifty-four of them came down with colds.


  • 每一个主体可以观察其他参与者猜测反馈可以模仿其他人猜测如果他认为那样可以获得更高分数

    Each subject can also observe the guesses and feedback of other participants, and can imitate the guesses of the others if they are observed to score more points.


  • 关键的是,研究者发现参与者们把精力集中于观察慢跑者手与头接触次数时,其注意到那场打斗的概率则会大大降低

    Crucially, the researchers found that participants were far less likely to notice the fight when they were focusing their attention on how many times the jogger touched his hat.


  • 然后研究者观察他们另一个迟到并且实验过程需要帮助参与者(实际上研究人员同伴)的反应

    The researchers then measured their reaction to another participant (actually a research associate) who turned up late and thus needed help with the experimental procedure.


  • 观察每张脸2000毫秒39毫秒参与者要根据自己看法每个的攻击性程度进行至七级的等级评定。

    The participants then rated how aggressive they thought each person was on a scale of one to seven, after viewing each face for either 2000 milliseconds or 39 milliseconds.


  • 研究人员参与者大脑活化作用进行观察。 大脑活化作用对人类行为做出理解进行相应准备

    In all participants, activation was observed in areas of the brain previously associated with the observation, understanding and preparation of human action.


  • 为了检验这一理论研究者们进行了实验实验参与者观察一系列随机光点图形

    To test that theory, researchers conducted an experiment in which participants viewed a series of random dot patterns.


  • 绝迹邀请1114岁少年儿童参加科学侦探角色扮演然而年龄稍大参与者可以通过特殊观察账号来跟着一起玩。

    Vanished invites kids and teens 11 to 14 to participate in the role of scientific detectives, although older participants can also follow along with specialwatcheraccounts.


  • 其中一个实验中,参与者必须观察12个随机在屏幕上飘过快速估计总体运动方向

    In one, the participants had to watch 12 dots moving randomly on ascreen and quickly assess their aggregate direction of movement.


  • 他们参与者提问某张图片代表什么表情记录下参与者观察出来所需时间

    They asked the participants to look for a particular sort of expression, and measured the amount of time it took them to find it.


  • 这种特殊测试下坐在参与者后面米远的地方,观察记录发生所有事情。

    In this particular set of tests, I sat a few meters behind the participant and facilitator, watching and making notes on everything that was going on.


  • 跟踪观察两个所有参与者观察第3个6个月时情况,评定抑郁焦虑症状

    The participants in both groups were followed up at three and six months and assessed for symptoms of depression and anxiety.


  • 参与者观察视频片段黑色竖线,这些黑色竖线只占屏幕很小一部分竖线在向左向右移动

    Participants watched video snippets of black vertical lines that took up a small section of the screen and that moved either to the left or right.


  • 睡眠实验室参与者晚上进行睡眠观察并且进行睡眠呼吸暂停的筛查。

    The participants spent one night at a sleep laboratory under observation and were screened for sleep apnea.


  • 研究对象年龄在55岁到65岁之间之前年中接受过医院门诊治疗20年中研究人员跟踪观察1824名参与者,被调查人员样本一个缺陷是:人数分布不平均,其中63%是男性。

    The sample of those who were studied included individuals between ages 55 and 65 who had had any kind of outpatient care in the previous three years. The 1,824 participants were followed for 20 years.


  • 他们建议临床观察记录参与者种族分析来自种族患者某种特定治疗的效果是否差异

    They suggest that clinical trials should record participants' ethnicity and analyse whether there are differences in how patients from particular ethnic groups respond to a particular therapy.


  • 其中一个实验中,参与者必须观察12个随机屏幕上飘过点,快速估计总体运动方向

    In one, the participants had to watch 12 dots moving randomly on a screen and quickly assess their aggregate direction of movement.


  • 记忆中之于这个世界总是一个观察不是参与者

    She always remembers herself as seeing the world only as an observer of others not a participant.


  • 成为事情参与者而不能仅仅观察

    Becoming a participant in things rather than just an observer.


  • 不同市场之间校准使市场参与者容易混淆,因为影响容易观察支撑阻力水平要大得多。

    The alignment between dissimilar markets confuses participants because it exerts a greater influence than easily observed support and resistance levels, easily triggering well-placed stop losses.


  • 研究数据主要来源于作者参与性观察课后访谈,以及课程参与者课后反思报告。

    The qualitative data is obtained mainly from the writer's participant observation, a post-course interview, and the participants' end-of-course reflections.


  • 参与者观察时间段为研究项目开始到如下情况有一种发生:确诊卵巢癌输卵管腹膜癌,死亡最近随访时间

    Participants were observed from the date of study entry until: diagnosis of ovarian, fallopian tube, or peritoneal cancer; death; or the date of the most recent follow-up.


  • 参与者观察时间段为研究项目开始到如下情况有一种发生:确诊卵巢癌输卵管腹膜癌,死亡最近随访时间

    Participants were observed from the date of study entry until: diagnosis of ovarian, fallopian tube, or peritoneal cancer; death; or the date of the most recent follow-up.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定