• 决策时候很强的认知偏见跟风效应(Bandwagon effect),即众所周知心理现象(请参阅参考资料)。

    When you make decisions, one strong cognitive bias is the bandwagon effect, a well-known psychological phenomenon (see Resources for a description).


  • 为了对比一个已知直流参考未知交流信号效应计量人员可以确定段时间内直流交流有效值(电压电流)。

    By comparing the heating effect of an unknown AC signal to that from a known DC reference, metrologists can determine the RMS AC quantity (voltage or current) in terms of the DC quantity.


  • 另外重要临床效应可能不至于使个体超出于人群参考范围之外

    On the other hand, important effects may not drive an individual's values outside of the population reference range.


  • 理论计算实验结论能够精确一致,理论模型评论同类激光效应以及激光对抗激光加固提供了参考

    The academic calculation is accurately accord with experiment conclusion. It provides reference for review of the same laser domino effect and laser reinforce of laser opposition.


  • ECM位于前方滑轮后边霍尔效应传感器参考

    The ECM takes its reference from a Hall effect sensor that is located to the rear of the front pulley.


  • 研究生物量不同植物水质改善效应影响试验得出生物量的影响结果工程应用提供参考

    Study the biomass impact on water improvement effect by different kinds of submerged macrophytes. The results interpreted from the experiments provide the reference to project.


  • 烷基诱导效应贯穿整个有机化学大多数教科书参考资料都从烷基电子作用来解释其诱导效应

    The induced effect of alkyl is supposed to penetrate organic chemistry, which pushing electron of alkyl is used to explain in most text books and reference books.


  • 全部参考普通股数量普通股数量重新陈述适合提出的全部时期追加效应给到那里。

    All references to the number of common shares and per common share amounts have been restated to give retroactive effect to the stock split for all periods presented.


  • 一个调制周期内预先求出几个电压矢量合成矢量,控制软件的方法实现参考空间电压矢量校正从而消除死区效应

    During a modulation period, several dead voltage vectors were synthesized. Using the control software, the reference voltage space vector could be corrected. Thus the dead-time effect was eliminated.


  • 合同条款条件英文文版法律效应版本翻译版本参考

    The original English language version of these Terms and Conditions is the legally-binding version. The translated version is for information only.


  • 本文利用信息博弈论分析激励强度确定,分析其他因素替代效应,对于有效管理销售人员具有重要参考

    This paper analyzes the stimulation intensity using the game theory, and also studies the substitution effects of kinds of stimulation methods.


  • 他们找到问题描述参考偏见具有历史意义追求轰动效应

    They all sourced the problem by reference bias historic description with sensationalism.


  • 本文通过大型试验研究分析结构截面剪力效应翼缘有效分布宽度设计提供参考

    In the paper, spear lag of beam plated construction and effective distribution width of flange plate are analysed through model test and research. It provides a reference in design.


  • 研究激光技术领域进一步应用,提供可资借鉴的实验依据;激光生物学效应的物理机制研究提供一定参考

    The research result provides an experiment foundation for the field of laser employing in alga research and experiment base for laser biological effect mechanism research.


  • 同时,根据试验资料,建立非充分灌溉施肥条件下水肥耦合函数,分析其水肥耦合效应稻田水肥管理和预测产量提供参考

    Water and nitrogen fertilizer interaction coupling effects were analyzed. The reference for the region's water and nitrogen management and the estimate yields can be provided by all the work.


  • 目的探讨非线性混合效应模型交叉试验等级资料中的应用,临床试验交叉设计资料的正确分析提供方法学参考

    Objective To explore the application of nonlinear mixed models in ordered categorical data of cross-over trial analysis and hence provide methodology reference.


  • 论述数字化参考咨询与信息技术用户其他参考咨询机构之间互动效应

    Discusses the interaction effect among digital reference service, information technology, users and other reference service organizations.


  • 针对现有地磁场模型精度偏低、模型边界效应等问题,深入分析了传统补充国际地磁参考场值缺陷。

    Taking aim at lower precision and boundary effect of the current region geomagnetic field model, the shortage of appending the IGRF data to the regional boundary was analyzed deeply.


  • 接受美学对文本接受关系全新理解新闻传播效应研究提供了参考和借鉴。

    Receptive aesthetics′brand-new comprehension to text and receptive relation offer references to the study of effect of communication.


  • 本文研究结果于光血液相互作用机理研究,生物效应研究,以及光谱学方法在临床检验中的应用研究均具有参考价值

    The research in this paper can offer reference to mechanism of interaction between light and blood, the optical biological effect and clinic diagnose technology in virtue of spectroscopy.


  • 这些结果工程设计提供参考依据,MRRM给工程结构地震效应分析提供了一个新的途径

    These results can be used as reference in engineering design. MRRM provides a novel approach for the analysis of earthquake effects in engineering.


  • 结论P16基因异常促进胃癌转移效应作为胃癌预后的一个参考指标。

    Conclusion the abnormality of P16 gene may promote the metastasis of gastric carcinoma, and it may also ACTS as the reference mark of prognosis of gastric carcinoma.


  • 由于所用参考不同,因而各种文献给出了不同形式多普勒效应表达式。

    There are different formulae for Doppler effect using different frames of reference in literatures.


  • 如果承认存在绝对参考系,兹杰惹-洛伦兹长度收缩效应洛奇·洛伦兹时间延缓效应,就可以消除滑落悖论

    If the absolute reference frame is admitted, in accordance with FitzGerald-Lorentz length contraction effect and Lodge-Lorentz time dilation effect, the slide down paradox can be eliminated.


  • 对比结果可知:合理利用鞭梢效应结构合理设计提供参考

    Comparison of the results, it can conclude that it provides some reference for appropriate design by reasonable utilization of the whiplash effect.


  • 最后得出效应相关可供工程参考的相关结论。

    Finally, conclusions about anchor group effect and anchor cable "s layout scheme were drawn and can be referenced by the intact rock slope engineering."


  • 本文作者通过自己工作中的摸索和积累,总结出了更换末级场效应功放管方法操作步骤,以供同行参考

    Based on his work experience, the author puts forward a method and operation procedure for replacing final power FETs for the colleagues' reference.


  • 由于关卡互连电缆引起热电效应偏移电压采用短路通道建立一个零参考从而进行补偿。

    The thermoelectric offset voltage due to the switch card and the interconnecting cable may be compensated for by using a short-circuited channel to establish a zero reference.


  • 由于关卡互连电缆引起热电效应偏移电压采用短路通道建立一个零参考从而进行补偿。

    The thermoelectric offset voltage due to the switch card and the interconnecting cable may be compensated for by using a short-circuited channel to establish a zero reference.


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