• 希望明白,参数方程考虑直线一个很好办法

    So, I hope you've seen here that parametric equations are a great way to think about lines.


  • 表明描述锚链线形状参数方程合理

    Numerical example showed that the parametric equation is rational to describe the shape of mooring line.


  • 我们建立两个变量φθ的球面参数方程,它们恰好,坐标系统一部分。

    We are finding a parametric equation for the sphere using two variables phi and theta which happen to be part of the spherical coordinate system.


  • 我们考虑运动轨迹的时候,轨迹可以称作参数方程

    And, so when we think of the trajectory of the moving point, that's called a parametric equation.


  • 我们学过怎样理解直线方程它们有些特性因为我们参数方程角度理解。

    Ok, we've also seen how to look at equations of lines, and those were of a slightly different nature because we've been doing them as parametric equations.


  • 实验方法确定经验公式回归方程中用最小二乘方法求得待估参数估计值往往一个很长的

    When determining empirical formula with test method, estimation value of estimated parameter in regression equation which is obtained with least square method always is a long number.


  • 所有基础方程都能用参数来描述正如熟知RLC电路情况,就称系统稳态的,时不变的,或常系数的。

    When all elemental equations can be described by a set of constant parameter values, as in the familiar RLC circuit, the system is said to be stationary or time-invariant or constant coefficient.


  • 本文MPI网络并行环境中,将求解二维物性方程参数问题正则方法结合并行遗传算法进行数值求解。

    This thesis focuses on determination of parameters in a two-dimension heat conduction equation on the MPI network parallel environment, by solving an inverse problem using the regularization method.


  • 算法在粗确定参数引入误差补偿值,通过求解矩阵方程提高插补点的计算精度

    The interpolation precision was improved by introducing error compensation and solving the matrix equation after interpolated points' parameter had been computed roughly.


  • 可惜当采用一个十分庞大附加参数组时,在某些几何条件导致很坏方程状态,从而使测求的平结果很差。

    Unfortunately, introducing a comprehensive set of additional parameters can produce a bad condition for normal equations under certain geometry, so that the adjusted results are poorly determined.


  • 参数识别问题微分方程反问题一类,自然科学工程技术领域比较常见的问题。

    Parameter identification problems belong to the partial differential equations inverse problems. They are also common in the field of natural science and engineering.


  • 这个新的立方状态方程目前计算平衡参数饱和湿空气性质好的数学模型

    This new cubic type of status equation currently represents a relatively good mathematical model for calculating the phase equilibrium parameters of water and the properties of saturated humid air.


  • 磨矿产品粒度特性参数不可能常数一个变数

    The Parameter in the equation of size degree feature for ground products is a variable rather than a constant.


  • 传输线可以看作集中参数端口网络联,其数学模型—电报方程阶双曲型微分方程

    Telegraph equations, can be looked as cascade connection of two-port network of lumped circuit of transmission line, is a hyperbolic partial differential equations.


  • 椭圆参数方程几何意义众所周知的(1)。

    The geometric meaning for the parametric equation of ellipse is a familiar thing (See example 1).


  • 本文通过准数方程钢包顶吹惰性气体搅拌最佳工艺参数进行模型研究结果

    This article is the result of the research for determining the optimum pro-cessing parameter of ladle top injection of inert gas, by using cold model imitation and criterion equation.


  • 其优点可选择少量参数公式简单,但需要求解较大阶数的方程确定模型的结构

    Nevertheless, it requires solving system of equations with larger degree and determining the optimum structure of this model.


  • 首先说明参数方程基本定义了解什么参数方程

    Firstly illustrates the basic definition parameter equation, understand what is the parameter equation.


  • 事实上这种方法不妥当错误主要来自于下述假定热传导方程一级修正物理学所有参数成立

    In fact, this method is improper. The mistake results mainly from the following hypothesis: the first order correction of the heat conduction equation is tenable for all parameters in physics.


  • 幂律流体的本方程许多工业过程流体流变特性参数模型

    The fluid rheology is modeled by the power-law constitutive equation, which is representative of many industrial process liquids.


  • 介绍一种求解微分方程混合问题方法——参数展开法,利用此方法求解一些实例方便的。

    In this paper, a new method to solve the mixed problem-the method of parametric development is given It is convenient to solve some examples.


  • 本文运用卡尔曼滤波原理提出一种新的神经网络学习算法。该算法的学习速度带时间参数的里卡蒂微分方程来确定的。

    In this paper, making use of Kalman filtering, we derive a new back-propagation algorithm whose learning rate is computed by Riccati difference equation.


  • 其中的反馈参数通过求解非线性微分方程组的两点问题得到的。

    The feedback parameters are obtained by solving a nonlinear, two-point boundary-value problem.


  • 工程控制系统重要情形受控对象分布参数系统,网络组成装置——控制器由常微分方程描述的集中参数系统。

    In an engineering control system it is of great importance that the control object is described by a distributed parameter system while the controller is governed by a lumped parameter system.


  • 波动方程叠前深度偏移复杂介质进行构造成像弹性参数反演重要环节

    The 3-D wave equation prestack depth migration is one of the most important techniques in the structure imaging and the inversion of elastic parameters of complex media.


  • 网络t参数理论计算通过建立基尔霍夫电压电流方程经过代数运算求出t参数

    The theory calculation of double network t reference data, based on the kirchhoff equation of electric voltage and current to get t reference data through algebra calculation.


  • 方法优点只要求解线性方程一次可以算出所有网络输出所有网络参数灵敏度阵

    The main advantage is that it can calculate sensitivities of all network outputs with respect to all network parameters by solving a system of linear equations only once.


  • 然而岩石破坏断裂紧密相联,岩石强度准则的材料参数和断裂理论的断裂韧度存在特定方程关系。

    But the damage and fracture of rock is closely related to each other. And the relationship between strength criterion parameters of rock and fracture toughness of fracture theory is particular.


  • 通过试验研究指出过程一个动态过程,故动力学方程参数也将变化的。

    In this paper, it is stated that grinding process is a dynamic one. Then the parameters of grinding dynamics equation will change.


  • 地面固定基座机器人不同,空间机器人运动学方程含有动力学参数

    Different from that of the fixed-base robot, the dynamic parameters exist in the kinematic equations of the space robot.


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