• 回调函数参数包括事务句柄错误对象

    The arguments to this callback function include a transaction handle and an error object.


  • 程序执行时,10连接一次中用随机参数反复执行相同事务

    When the program executes, the same transaction with random parameters is executed over and over in each of the 10 connections.


  • 这个回调函数参数包含事务句柄一个结果

    The arguments to this callback function include a transaction handle and a result set.


  • 运行事务中的参数标志替换具体,这些值是从可配置随机分布输入列表中提取的。

    At run time, parameter markers in the transactions are replaced by concrete values drawn from configurable random value distributions and input lists.


  • 因此如果应用程序调用具有罕见事务文件根据您的日志设置包含频繁提交操作或者更新数据库日志记录参数也许办法

    So if your application calls a file that has unusually long transactions, it may be wise to include frequent commits based upon your log Settings, or to update your database logging parameters.


  • 操作特定事务管理器需要参数改进DB2性能

    This parameter is required to improve performance of DB2 when operating with the particular transaction manager.


  • 创建JMS会话创建事务参数此时忽略——所有消息都将作为容器所启动全局事务一部分进行接收

    The transacted parameter passed when the JMS session is created is ignored this timeall messages will be received as part of global transaction started by the container.


  • 例如如果数据库参数LOCKWAIT设置20一个等待事务在过了 20 秒的等待时间后被

    For example, if the database parameter LOCKWAIT is set to 20 seconds, a transaction waiting for a lock is rolled back after 20 seconds of wait time.


  • 可以秒钟事务进行采样调整参数适应每秒钟峰值事务量(或者采用某个较大百分比)。

    You could also sample the number of transactions per second and adjust this parameter to accommodate the peak number of transactions per second (or some large percentage of it).


  • 第三参数表示全局事务中的事务分支

    The third argument represents the transaction branch within the global transaction.


  • 而言之,短小查询OLTP事务参数占位符预置语句一样,具有更快的速度。

    In a nutshell, short queries and OLTP transactions are faster as prepared statements with parameter markers.


  • 通过发出带有管道参数LINKXCTLSTART会话return,当前管道调用程序事务实现。

    The current channel is set by the calling program or transaction by issuing a LINK, XCTL, START and pseudo-conversational RETURN with the channel parameter.


  • 如果事务数据库运行那么就将参数设置成1用于数据库的物理存储设备数目之间值。

    If transactions are run against the database, set this parameter to be between one and the number of physical storage devices used for the database.


  • 如果事务标识或者说Xid作为IIOP调用一部分方法参数一起传播远程对象

    If so, the transaction id, or Xid, is propagated to the remote object as part of the IIOP call along with the method parameters.


  • 示例中,事务管理器流程使用以下参数连接数据库

    This example causes the transaction manager process to connect to the database with these parameters.


  • 参数会当超过logprimary才会分配日志文件这种情况最有可能一系列长时间未提交事务期间发生

    This parameter only causes an allocation of log files when the logprimary value is exceeded, which most likely can happen during a series of long uncommitted transactions.


  • 按照MINCOMMIT配置参数定义事务提交事物提交

    A transaction commits or a group of transactions commit, as defined by the MINCOMMIT configuration parameter.


  • 我们测试其他方面包括LotusDominoDirectory存储实验性很强)、事务日志存储 view_rebuild_directoryNotes.ini参数使用

    Some of the areas with which we experimented were storage of the Lotus Domino Directory (highly experimental), storage of transaction logs, and usage of the view_rebuild_directory Notes.ini parameter.


  • 清理性能影响最大参数事务(transaction slice)大小

    The parameter with the most influence on cleaning performance is the transaction slice size.


  • messageconsumptionbatchsize参数定义监视器模型针对单个事务其JMS输入目标中一次性读入事件数量

    This message consumption batch size parameter defines the number of events a monitor model reads from the monitor model JMS input destination at a time, for a single transaction.


  • 传递方法参数就是我们已经知道事务id第二参数包含了用于该xa事务一些附加信息

    The arguments passed into this method are our well known transaction id and a second argument gives some additional information for this XA transaction.


  • 第二参数定义全局事务ID(global transaction ID)。

    The second argument defines the global transaction ID.


  • 如果更改了logfilsiz参数具有事务数据现有日志文件并不影响,将创建新的日志文件的日志文件的大小增加新值。

    If the logfilsiz parameter value is changed, the existing log files with transactional data will not be affected while new log files are created and empty log files are increased to the new size.


  • 通过数据库配置参数数据库级别控制事务日志记录

    Transactional logging is controlled at the database level through database configuration parameters. The following are parameters that affect transactional logging


  • 参数可以预防失控事务(runaway transaction)。

    This can prevent runaway transactions.


  • 可以每秒事务数目进行取样调整参数适应每秒事务数目的峰值(或它的某些较大比例)。

    You could also sample the number of transactions per second and adjust this parameter to accommodate the peak number of transactions per second (or some large percentage of it).


  • 设置为after_commit参数,发起事务客户服务器存储引擎写入数据接受得到确认之后才返回状态

    With AFTER_COMMIT, the client issuing the transaction gets a return status only after the server commits to the storage engine and receives slave acknowledgment.


  • 根据接收数据包识别lan本地事务没有表示服务原语参数

    The identification of the LAN to which a frame is to be transmitted is a local matter and is not expressed as a parameter of the service primitive.


  • 建议描述了事务处理能力消息使用单个信息单元参数

    This Recommendation describes individual information elements and parameters used within transaction capabilities messages.


  • 时间里XD建筑师事务迅速崛起,目前成为中国具影响力的年轻建筑事务之一参数设计领域处于领先地位

    In the last three years, XD Architects has grown rapidly into one of the most influential burgeoning architectural firms in China, and holds today a leading position in parametric design.


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