• 到家时候累极了几乎无法淋浴就瘫床上

    She arrived home exhausted and barely capable of showering before collapsing on her bed.


  • 不想吵醒妹妹起身淋浴了。

    To avoid waking her little sister, she went and cried in the shower.


  • 醒来之后,自己一杯水,大口然后淋浴

    Right after you wake up, pour yourself a glass, chug it down, then hop into the shower.


  • 即使运动后洗淋浴上下一节课时仍浑身是汗,很可能发出淋浴更衣室气味

    Even when I shower, I get to my next class wet, and probably smelling like a locker room.


  • 通常淋浴每天只有一个小时如果还要用水,必须花钱别处水槽提回来。

    Often, taps have run for just an hour a day, and additional water, brought in on tankers, must be purchased.


  • 格鲁吉亚出发十点钟到达小时洗了个淋浴多纳,开会时候我还以为是个恶作剧。

    I arrived from Georgia at 10am and three hours later I was having a shower to meet Julio. As I was going to the meeting, I thought it was some kind of hidden camera [show].


  • 天晚上前任老板淋浴出来,这时候妻子打来电话渡周末离家拉在地下室烫斗关掉。

    One evening my former boss was getting out of the shower when his wife called, asking him to turn off an iron she had mistakenly left on in the basement before she left for the weekend.


  • 马上让人修好淋浴清洁浴盆擦干地板卫生用品送到房间

    I'll have the shower fixed, the tub cleaned, the floor dried and the toilet items sent to your room immediately.


  • 可以享用这里的淋浴以及洗衣店工作之余也能有休闲场所放松。

    Hot showers and laundry facilities are at your disposal. Facilities to relax after working hours are available.


  • 老公主动一个慈爱的爸爸,让儿子运动或者酒吧,儿子一起淋浴晚安亲亲一定要亲嘴巴。

    Encourage him to be an active father, take your son to all of his sports and clubs, shower with him, and kiss him goodnight on the lips.


  • 这样可以购物直到12:30,然后离开机场之前淋浴

    That way I could go shopping, etc til 12:30, then shower before leaving for the airport.


  • 步行商店,我在淋浴“毛毛细雨”中瑟瑟发抖,我这样真的改变世界吗?

    Does my walking to the store or shivering under the drizzle of my anaemic shower head make any real difference to the world?


  • 锻炼使感觉糟透了即使淋浴之后,上下一节课时还是浑身是汗,起来大概有些更衣室的味道。

    Exercise makes me feel terrible. Even when I shower, I get to my next class wet, and probably smelling like a locker room.


  • 在家淋浴只是走进浴室这么简单然而大学里次浴可是一个过程:需要收拾起浴毛巾凉鞋

    Showers at home are a simple walk to the bathroom. However, it is a process at college to take a shower; it involves gathering up a shower basket, towel, and sandals.


  • 由于轻便塑料袋的p 21s毛巾,可放置手套准备突击淋浴干净的工作

    Thanks to it's handy plastic pouch, your P21S towel can be kept in the glove box ready to go for that surprise rain shower or wipe up job.


  • 每天不得不起床淋浴穿衣化妆早餐······上班

    I have to get up, take a shower, dress myself, dress up, have breakfast,... and go to work every day.


  • 我家一个浴盆由于洗澡淋浴要多,所以我们经常洗澡用来衣服,再用衣服的水厕所拖地

    I have a bath tub, due to morewater than take a shower with shower, so we will often take a shower with water used to wash clothes, and laundry water to flush the toilet, mopping the floor.


  • 我家一个浴盆由于洗澡淋浴要多,所以我们经常洗澡用来衣服,再用衣服的水厕所拖地

    I have a bath tub, due to morewater than take a shower with shower, so we will often take a shower with water used to wash clothes, and laundry water to flush the toilet, mopping the floor.


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