• 小牛每年改造阵容记录可是去年夏天他们选择了微妙方式升级板凳而没有破坏“化学反应”。

    The Mavs have a record of annually reshaping their roster, but last summer they took a more subtle approach by upgrading the bench without disrupting the chemistry.


  • 大部分孩子来自俄国(去年4,491人)中国(4,206人),但是每年数千个孩子是来自南美亚洲东欧的。

    Most children come from Russia (4,491last year) and China (4,206) but there are also thousands of others adopted annually from South America, Asia and Eastern Europe.


  • 答谢餐会产生了很好的效果:去年公司收入增加27%。鲍威琳看来,主要应该归功于每年大约举办10客户答谢午餐活动。

    The appreciation lunches have paid off: Last year, revenues at the company increased by 27%, mostly as a result, she says, of the client appreciation lunches, which are held about 10 times a year.


  • 根据去年一份协会报告这个纪念馆平均每年每亩地收进3.26$。

    According to an association report last year, the monument receives about $3.26 per acre in federal money annually.


  • 去年营运利润率54%;收入每年20%的速度增长

    Its operating margin last year was 54%; revenue is growing at close to 20% a year.


  • 每年其中几百只在无人照看的农场丢失——去年确实有几百这样偷盗记录

    Each year a few hundred of these find their way out of carelessly guarded farms-indeed, last year saw a record number of such thefts.


  • 智者曾经告诉什么叫(商业)二b。二b就是每年去年一样却期待着能不同结果

    A wise man once told me that the definition of business insanity is to do the same thing this year as you did last year and expect a different result.


  • 巴基斯坦每年消耗大约2200万小麦去年秋季产量多余2300万吨。

    Pakistanis consume an estimated 22m tonnes of wheat annually, and last season's yield was more than 23m tonnes.


  • 空洞致敬不要了——怀念当初Billy Crystal每年奥斯卡美好夜晚”,不过去年音乐剧致敬”的段落吧,基本也就是向·杰克曼致敬。

    No Salutes --I have fond memories of Billy Crystal’s annual “It’s a Wonderful Night for Oscar.” But last year’s big “salute to the musical” extravaganza was solely a salute to Hugh Jackman.


  • 胡国斌,公司长期产量达到每年25万30万铜陵有色金属去年加工了4.4万吨精矿

    Production in the long-term may reach 250,000 tons to 300,000 tons a year, Hu said. Tongling produced 44,000 tons of copper concentrate last year.


  • 虽然哈佛大学每年学费都会增加,但申请入学的人数还是1992年的13029人增加到了去年的18167人。

    Despite annual tuition hikes at Harvard, its applicant pool swelled from 13,029 in 1992 to 18,167 last year.


  • 美国对华服务贸易顺差每年36%的速度增长去年美国对华服务出口总额超过了160亿美元。

    The U.S. trade surplus with China in services has grown 36% every year, and the overall value of U.S. export services to China exceeded $16 billion last year.


  • 胡国斌,公司长期产量达到每年25万30万铜陵有色金属去年加工了4.4万吨精矿

    Production in the long-term may reach 250, 000 tons to 300, 000 tons a year, Hu said. Tongling produced 44, 000 tons of copper concentrate last year.


  • 印度落后许多,去年只有大约五千万乘客(2600万乘坐国内航班,2400万乘坐国外航班),但是空中交通最近已经增长非常大,达到30%每年

    India is a lot further behind, with some 50m passengers last year (26m on domestic services and 24m on international flights), but traffic has recently been growing at a whopping 30% a year.


  • 他们世界顶级五大慈善家之一,他们每年实施援助,包括去年巴基斯坦洪水大地震

    They are, year after year, among the top five humanitarian donors in the world, including to both the Pakistan floods and the Haiti earthquake last year.


  • 情况令人喜忧参半:尽管估计数不止两倍于去年干旱影响产量低于前四每年水平。

    It's a mixed picture: this is more than twice last year's drought affected production, but still below that of each of the preceding four years.


  • 这些每年一度全属玩票性质颁奖授予某些冷辟科学有所建树的人士.以下去年一些得主名单!

    These tongue-in-cheek annual awards are bestowed upon those who dabble in some very strange science. Here are some of last year’s winners.


  • 每年都有一次长假这样就能家人呆在一起了。去年

    Every year I have a long holiday. Then I can stay with my family. Last.


  • 去年美国汽车销量下降了18%达1千3百20万市场预期2009年甚至接下来的几年只有每年只有1千万辆的市场需求。

    Last year, United States car sales dropped 18 percent, to 13.2 million, and industry executives expect just 10 million car sales in 2009 and possibly for years to come.


  • 过去十年来卢旺达经济每年超过5%的增长率成长,去年则增长了超过11%。

    Rwanda's economy has averaged a more than five percent annual growth during the past decade, and grew more than 11 percent last year.


  • 从20002007年,它们平均每年出售520去年尽管价格飙升,但来自央行黄金流量几近枯竭,只有41吨黄金流入市场

    Last year the flow of central-bank gold almost dried up, even as the price soared. Only 41 tonnes made it to market.


  • 新房销售速度加快,季节调整后每年384 000户,去年11月以来的最高水平

    The pace of home sales rose to a seasonally adjusted rate of 384, 000 a year, the highest level since November.


  • 非常特殊的是,二十世纪八十年代中期开始,铁矿石的价格基于去年供求关系每年确定

    Uniquely among traded commodities, from the mid-1980s prices were to be set once a year, based on the latest year's relationship between supply and demand.


  • 儿童节我们最喜爱节日每年我们举行一个聚会去年搞笑的聚会。

    Children n's Day is our favorite festival. Each year we will hold a party. The most interesting party last year.


  • 2000年以来每年数字在不断地增加,2005年147名记者死亡紧接着去年这个数字破纪录地达到了167。

    Since 2000, the annual toll has steadily increased, with 147 dying in 2005, followed by a record 167 fatalities last year.


  • 不过中国每年国考人数居高不下。去年竞争为46比1。崅。

    Butt China sees similar figures every year. Last year's applicant to job ratio was 46:1.


  • 不过中国每年国考人数居高不下。去年竞争为46比1。崅。

    Butt China sees similar figures every year. Last year's applicant to job ratio was 46:1.


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