• 自从去年年底2.6内核发布以后,这些资料有一些已经明显不再进行维护了。

    Some of these resources have obviously ceased to be maintained since the release of the 2.6 kernel late last year.


  • 直到去年生了重病住院一周那些重要事物变得明显起来,而健康无疑也是其中的一项。

    It wasn't until I became very sick last year and spent a week in hospital that the things which matter to me really became apparent, my health being one of them.


  • 只有泰国多哥去年取得明显进步自由国家变成了“有一定自由”国家。

    Only two countries, Thailand and Togo, made a clear leap forward last year, going fromnot free” to “partly free”.


  • 去年俄罗斯入侵格鲁吉亚继而决定承认南奥塞梯阿布·哈兹,这些都是普金放弃任何加入西方希望明显信号

    Last year's invasion of Georgia, followed by Russia's decision to recognise South Ossetia and Abkhazia, was the clearest sign that Mr Putin has given up any hope of joining the West.


  • 当然去年排名最大损失一些银行出现在25家大银行中,2010年许多糟糕银行来说是一个明显转折

    Of course, some of the largest losses in last year's ranking were among those top 25 Banks, and 2010 marked a significant turnaround for many of the most troubled players.


  • 经合组织去年份报告显示,英国父亲收入儿子的影响任何一个富裕国家明显

    In Britain a father's income determines that of his son more than in any other rich country, according to an OECD report last year.


  • 长远来看,爱德华兹的,去年金融灾难明显在为辩护

    But in the long run Mr Edwards turned out to be right, with last year's financial calamities his apparent vindication.


  • 这项法案明显针对中国,此前在去年就有众多抨击中国的提案

    The bill, which is clearly aimed at China, follows a flurry of China-bashing proposals over the past year.


  • 其中明显也门因为三角洲去年圣诞攻击有关

    One of the most obvious ones is Yemen because of its connection to the Delta plot, last year's Christmas attack.


  • 安吉里德斯要求布兰克详细阐述去年我们参与明显是错误的我们理由为此表示遗憾道歉”的声明

    Angelides asked Blankfein to elaborate on his statement last year that "we participated in things that were clearly wrong, and we have reasons to regret and apologize for."


  • 去年一次逃避联合国安理会追究核装置问题努力中,伊朗提出3周内解决所有明显争议问题。

    Last year, in an effort to avoid being referred to the Security Council for its egregious breaches of nuclear safeguards, Iran offered to clear up all outstanding issues in just three weeks.


  • 去年项民调显示只有44%的人说他们期待黑人生活会逐步改善,比86年抽调的57%有明显下降

    In a poll last year, only 44% said they expected life for blacks to get better, down from 57% in 1986.


  • 接近去年年末时美国汽车销量下滑了40%,为二十世纪七十年代最低点目前销量明显上扬已几成定局

    A pronounced increase in American vehicle sales, which fell by 40% towards the end of last year and have stayed at their lowest level since the 1970s, is a near certainty.


  • 供给冲击造成影响(譬如去年造成生猪大面积死亡)在今冬五十不遇的暴雪中显得更加明显,这场灾难不仅致使交通瘫痪,还造成粮食作物毁灭性的损失。

    The impact of various supply shocks, notably blue-ear disease which killed thousands of pigs, were aggravated last month by the worst snowstorms for 50 years, damaging crops and disrupting transport.


  • 亚洲所有的公司招工上要比去年乐观新加坡的公司最为乐观,日本的公司表现的不太明显

    Throughout Asia companies have become more optimistic about hiring than they were a year ago, most dramatically in Singapore but only slightly in Japan.


  • 明显,即使物质财富去年或是比现在少,人们完全可以快乐

    Clearly, people can be perfectly happy with less than we had last year and less than we have now.


  • 过去十年家乐福一直处在调整期中,增速明显放缓,但从去年开始,重回高速增长的轨道。

    Carrefour slowed its rate of growth late last decade in a bid to restructure, and then hit the accelerator again last year.


  • 毫无疑问,去年秋天公布财政削减20%明显可以看出人力方面遭遇重重一击。

    Manpower is undoubtedly going to take a hit now; this has been clear since the 20% fiscal cutback was made public in the autumn.


  • 尽管经济数据方面暗示出一些负面倾向但是已经去年夏天那么明显

    And while there is the hint of a negative trend in the economic data, it's not nearly as pronounced as was the case last summer.


  • IBM尝到降低成本的甜头;总收入涨幅明显利润去年增长了8.7%。

    IBM also benefited from cutting costs; its revenue hardly grew, though profit was up by 8.7% from a year earlier.


  • 汤普森夫人早在去年注意上了特,她注意到,特迪太合群,衣服脏又乱,身上还散发着味道(明显因为不经常洗澡)。还有,特迪有时使感到不舒服。

    Mrs. Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed that he did not play well with the other children, that his clothes were messy and that he constantly needed a bath.


  • 了解了一下情况,票务销售比起去年明显要好一些,仍然许多位置待价而沽。

    I scoped out the ticket situation, and while sales are apparently up over last year, there are still plenty of good seats upfor grabs.


  • 了解了一下情况,票务销售比起去年明显要好一些,仍然许多位置待价而沽。

    I scoped out the ticket situation, and while sales are apparently up over last year, there are still plenty of good seats upfor grabs.


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