• 因为所有事情都基于网上,所以没有什么版本控制或者同步-只是内容流畅输入无需担心哪里以后怎样取得它。

    And because everything is web based, there isn't any version control or syncing - just the fluid input of content without having to be concerned about where it's going or how I'll access it later.


  • 另外一些可选的原始同步对象就是Monitormutex确保所有将来事件排队直到当前事件处理函数执行完成

    Another option would be to use a synchronization primitive such as Monitor or a mutex to ensure that all future events are queued until the current handler has finished executing.


  • 这些应用软件可以通过PC软件同步平板电脑或者直接通过wifi3g下载,软件实物销售已经不复返了。

    This can be synced through your PC software or done directly on the tablet via wifi or 3g, but the physical aspect of software is long gone.


  • MobileMe同步服务它允许MacPC用户通过一个web界面同步他们联系人日历电子邮件相片更多东西

    MobileMe is a syncing service that allows Mac and PC users to sync their contacts, calendars, mail, photos and more, all from a web interface.


  • 需要手动同步的Instapaper账户

    You will need to manually sync to your Instapaper account.


  • 作为第五代操作系统一部分,不再需要插上iPhone同步而是准备更新清除一些空间一次观看标准同步特性值得的。

    As part of iOS 5, you'll no longer have to plug in your iPhone to sync, but to get it ready for the update and clear out some space, it's worth visiting the standard sync features one more time.


  • 同步攻击很难对付依然一个悬而未决的课题。

    The desynchronization attack is very difficult to tackle and still an open question.


  • 艺术作用不是科技保持同步而是提供一种逃避这些力量的途径。

    The function of art is not to keep pace with science and technology but rather to provide an escape from these forces.


  • 第四本文主要部分,开始分模块说明字节处理部分的研究:数据格式变换、解扰、RS译码交织同步头搜索。

    The fourth chapter is this paper's emphasis , focuses on the byte processing part(outer code) module by module: data reverse transformer, de-randomizer, RS decoder, de-interleaver and synchronization.


  • 实验结果表明算法可有效抵抗常规信号攻击,尤其去同步攻击有较好的鲁棒性

    Experimental results show that the proposed watermarking scheme is robust against synchronization attack and general signal processing.


  • 改进了一种抵抗同步攻击数字音频盲水印算法,该算法通过修改多个采样的统计均值嵌入同步,解决了空域嵌入同步码的不稳定性问题。

    A robust digital audio watermarking algorithm is presented, which can resist desynchronization attack effectively. We embed synchronization code by modifying the mean value of several samples.


  • 结合数字音频时频域统计特性同步技术,提出可有效抵抗去同步攻击的混合域数字音频水印嵌入算法

    In this paper, a new robust digital audio watermarking algorithm against desynchronization attacks is proposed, in which the audio statistic characteristics and synchronization code are utilized.


  • 结论脑电信号相位相干性指数随时间变化事件相关同步事件相关同步现象相一致

    CONCLUSION: The mean phase coherence of EEG changed with time is coincident with event-related desynchronization and event-related synchronization.


  • 如何有效抵抗去同步攻击数字图像水印研究领域的热点问题之一。

    In this paper, a new robust image watermarking scheme against desynchronization attacks is proposed.


  • 目的研究视觉空间记忆抽象几何图形记忆工作记忆负荷脑电事件相关同步化和去同步化的影响

    Objective To examine the effect of visual working memory load on the event related EEG synchronization and desynchronization.


  • 针对多种可能情况进行了多通道数字斜算法仿真,并从实验结果中分析了通道LPI信号相位同步系统检测性能影响

    On basis of them, the influences of mismatch factor and unsynchronized phase on the detection performance of the digital LPI radar detector are analyzed.


  • 通过PI控制方法仿真实验验证所开发电梯永磁同步电动机驱动系统具有良好性能能够很好地满足电梯性能要求

    Simulation experiment of PI control confirms that the PMSM which elevators use has good performance and can satisfy the requirements of elevators.


  • 我们将要结束章简单一下他们的共享资源中用有效同步机制防止来自多线程

    We'll conclude the chapter with a look at the synchronization mechanisms available to prevent multiple threads from viewing inconsistencies in their Shared resources.


  • 其中的视频同步信号生成电路以及视频图像数据地址生成电路采用PLD器件,这样可以方便改变视频制式,也便于调试

    PLD is used to produce the video synchronization signal and the logical address of the video image. So it is very convenient to change the forms of the video and easy to debug!


  • 对所得仿真数据利用求和平均方法动力产生的短周期效应通过分析短周期项后的数据揭示出逆行地球同步轨道的演变特点

    Numerical solutions are periodically summed and averaged to get rid of short-periodic-term effects. By analyzing polished data, its orbit characteristics are revealed to us.


  • 对所得仿真数据利用求和平均方法动力产生的短周期效应通过分析短周期项后的数据揭示出逆行地球同步轨道的演变特点

    Numerical solutions are periodically summed and averaged to get rid of short-periodic-term effects. By analyzing polished data, its orbit characteristics are revealed to us.


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