• 自己方法去养海鸟的。

    He was treating the seabird the same way he treated himself.


  • 即使他们建成小区肯定也地方奶牛。

    Even if they built small, certainly no place to go Yang Nainiu.


  • 几年幻想年后原谅一张一身伤。

    The illusion of a few years ago, a few years later, forgive me, for a face to a wound.


  • 如果试着宠物,你会忙碌生活中找到乐趣的。

    If you try to raise them, you will find the interest in busy life.


  • 上千个喜爱熊猫熊猫便利中国东南部最新处所

    Thousands of panda lovers turned up to greet the newest residence at the panda's breeding facility in sounthwest China.


  • 父母高兴看到变得成熟最后他们同意只猫

    My parents are happy to see me become mature, at last, they agree to allow to raise a cat.


  • 在,每当我听到朋友失亲人,我不再打电话礼貌地提出“如果有什么我能做的……”相反,我试图想出一个特定的适合那人需要的任务,如带狗寄宿犬处,或在葬礼时看房子。

    Now whenever I hear of a friend who's lost a loved one, I no longer call with the polite offer, "If there's anything I can do…" Instead I try to think of one specific task that suits that man's need, like taking the dog to the boarding kennel, or house sitting during the funeral.


  • 提前下车午餐时间公园转一孩子上下学,狗,感受自己流动空气移动观察倾听吸收

    Get off a stop earlier, make a circuit of the park at lunchtime, walk the child to and from school, get a dog, feel yourself moving in moving air, look, listen, absorb.


  • 邻居就建议:「不能这样老是托钵啊,为何不只猫呢?

    Then the neighbors advised him, saying, "You can't go on forever begging for cloth.


  • 朋友们一起筹划组织人,公园花木,清扫社区中心志愿者机构做义工。

    Plan and organize a group outing with your friends to plant a garden, clean up a community center, or work for a volunteer organization.


  • 即使仍然不会意大利面条不会做奶酪,甚至家里盆花却一直告诉,我其它优点值得

    Even though I still can't make macaroni and cheese and can't keep a plant alive in our house, he continues to tell me he loves me for other qualities.


  • 然而任何人只要睁开()的眼睛,就能看到自然界受到工业化农业威胁,就要尝试减少栅栏些小鸡了

    Yet anyone who opens his or her eyes sees a natural world so threatened by industrial agriculture that it's tempting to drop off the grid and raise a few chickens.


  • 如何挂钩英国人的幸福,提了很多意见:鸟儿鸣唱了解自我环境宠物要负责社会服务、野外,还有苏格拉底的书。

    Answers suggest Brits link happiness to bird song, knowing themselves, the environment, responsible pet ownership, contributing to society, going out into the wild and reading Socrates.


  • 远足鸟,条狗走路上班

    Go hiking, go birdwatching, get a dog, walk to work.


  • 现在回想起拉的经历仍历历在目,当时小狗经常附近可以领地方转。

    I remember my own experience finding Leyla. As soon as I decided I wanted a dog, I visited the site frequently to look for dogs available in my area.


  • 现在回想起蕾拉的经历历历在目,当时小狗经常附近可以地方转。

    I remember my own experience finding Leyla.As soon as I decided I wanted a dog, I visited the site frequently to look for dogs available in my area.


  • 没有平均每周健身房外出跑步锻炼时间只有1小时20分钟

    Those without a dog spend an average of just 1 hour and 20 minutes a week exercising by going to the gym or heading out for a stroll or jog.


  • 丢弃时候法老女儿拾了自己儿子

    And when he was cast out, Pharaoh's daughter took him up, and nourished him for her own son.


  • 他们兔子或者钓鱼

    They keep rabbits, or go fishing.


  • 空闲时间我会音乐流行歌曲我的朋友购物有时候我会宠物,也许会是一只色彩鲜艳

    In my free time, I'll listen to music, pop songs and go shopping with my friends, Sometimes I'll keep pets-maybe a colorful bird.


  • 所有照顾貂的人都应该用心时间好好从头熟悉他们的貂儿。

    All ferret owners and caretakers should take the time to really get to know their ferret (s), from head to tail.


  • 我们度假送到狗场寄。 。

    We put the dog into kennels when we go on holiday.


  • 现在事业迎来了新的机遇你们另一个城市,移居到一幢不许宠物公寓里。

    Now, you have a new career opportunity in another city, and you and they will be moving to an apartment that does not allow pets.


  • 然而植物,按照他的原样所以一株植物能我们无条件的绝妙机会

    A plant, however, is easy to love just the way it is. Therefore, nurturing a plant offers us an excellent opportunity to practice unconditional love.


  • 丢弃的时候法老女儿拾了自己儿子

    When he was placed outside, Pharaoh's daughter took him and brought him up as her own son.


  • 空闲时间我会音乐流行歌曲我的朋友购物有时候我会宠物,也许会是一只色彩鲜艳

    In my free time, I ll listen to music, pop songs and go shopping with my friends, Sometimes I ll keep pets-maybe a colorful bird.


  • 很多父母宠物原因他们觉得这样孩子学习到如何关怀他人他们认为个很好的方法教导孩子如何成为一个好人。

    Lost of parents have pets for the reason that it could help their children learn to care about others; they think it's a good way to teach children to be a good person.


  • 很多父母宠物原因他们觉得这样孩子学习到如何关怀他人他们认为个很好的方法教导孩子如何成为一个好人。

    Lost of parents have pets for the reason that it could help their children learn to care about others; they think it's a good way to teach children to be a good person.


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