• 孩子玩耍儿童公园,看孩子们玩耍。

    Watch children play: Go to a children's park and watch children play.


  • 看见父母,不上学去儿童护理机构

    Not want parents out of their sight and refuse to go to school or childcare.


  • 儿童看台柠檬水。

    Buy lemonade from a child's stand.


  • 如果孩子儿童保健场所,请选择实行禁烟政策的相关场所。

    If you take your children to a child care provider, choose one with a no-smoking policy.


  • 如果娇小,可以儿童看看短裤紧身休闲运动裤、帆布夹克T恤休闲装。

    If you are a thin, petite-sized woman, don't overlook the children's department for casual clothing such as shorts, capris, cargo pants, denim jackets and T-shirts.


  • 抢救落水儿童,把个人安危置之度外。

    He went to the rescue of a drowning child regardless of his personal safety.


  • 大多数欺凌行为发生柏油操场学校;欺凌行为发生最少地方在鼓励儿童探索自然区域

    Most bullying is found in schools where there is a tarmac playground; the least bullying is in a natural area that the children are encouraged to explore.


  • 大多数11岁的儿童没有被鼓励培养阅读技能。有为数不多、足以引起人们注意的数目儿童文盲

    Most 11-year-olds are not encouraged to develop reading skills; a small but significant number are illiterate.


  • 经常儿童动物园

    I often go to the zoo on Children's day.


  • 总算辆装卡车司机后车厢里其他几个人呆一起,坐在驾驶室妇女儿童

    Anyway, I got a cattle truck and the driver said I had to ride on top with a couple of other guys. Women and children were in the cab.


  • 偶然碰到的一些以前见过或者经历过的事情可以帮助儿童的视角体验一回

    Coming across things you have not seen or experienced before can help you appreciate things like a child.


  • 意味着老师可以好的利用自己的身份询问学生着手帮助受害儿童

    This means teachers can be well placed to ask questions and initiate help for a vulnerable child.


  • 最近保守派领导人卡梅隆亲自布里斯托尔网站的一网民讨论关于残疾儿童尿布问题因为这名网民对卡梅隆的网上回答不满意

    David Cameron, the Conservative leader, travelled to Bristol recently to discuss nappies for disabled children with a Mumsnetter who was dissatisfied with the answers he gave online.


  • 只小鸟树枝上微风轻拂过儿童穿过稍远处的街道上学

    A bird is perched on a branch, the gentle breeze of the wind caresses your face, children crossing the street a little further to go to school.


  • 儿童需要时间运动作业以及玩耍

    Children need time to take part in sports, do their homework and simply play.


  • 慈善团体也许能替家长承担这些苦差,既然托利免费学校更多款项教育贫困儿童,那么排挤GEMS这样的机构好让市场只看不见来调节似乎是个错误

    But since the Tories plan to give free schools more money for teaching poor children, staying the invisible hand by excluding operat ors like GEMS seems particularly perverse.


  • 上周女儿商场可以儿童娱乐区玩耍

    One day last week I surprised my daughter with a trip to the mall so she could run around the children's play area.


  • 妈妈Sam听说了这个课程以后,妻子Tom几个时候参加了一个这种班,这位妈妈也是在国家儿童信托网上得知此事的。

    My wife took Tom to one such class when he was just a few months old, having heard about it from another mum, Sam, who'd read about it on the National Child Trust's (NCT) website.


  • 费尔岛上大约有七十位居民,大多以编织漂白亚麻为生。岛上儿童他们到了小学毕业必须离开岛上其它地方求学

    Of the 70 or so people who live on Fair Isle, knitting and crofting mostly, 10 are children, who when they outgrow primary school must leave the island to continue their education.


  • 他们的无私承担的义务源于一个四岁大的癌症患儿——Alex (andra)Scott的苏打水立场竭尽全力募集资金帮助罹患癌症的儿童治疗疾病。

    Their commitment originated with four-year-old cancer patient Alex (andra) Scott's lemonade stand, her effort to raise money to help find a cure for all children with cancer.


  • 将旧玩具捐给更小的孩子,朋友,贫困儿童幼儿园.自己社区建立一个玩具交换程序.不要花钱塑料制成的玩具,着让自己的孩子和社区的孩子们进行玩具交换,交换玩具就不会发生旧玩具被填埋的事了.此外,你的孩子通过捐献旧玩具而不是扔掉它们来为环保做一些贡献.

    Start a toy trade program in your community. Instead of spending money on new toys made of materials such as metal and plastic, try getting kids in your family and community to trade toys.


  • 想想儿童一般喜欢地方事情

    Think of where children go and what they like to do.


  • 如果供水项目她们,她们就有可能腾出时间开展其它项目和活动儿童尤其是女童也就不至于为了帮助取水辍学了。

    If we could bring water projects close to them they might spend time doing other projects, activities, and children, particularly girls, would not drop out of school to assist in water collection.


  • 夏威夷分立酒店还专5-12儿童提供免费项目,这样爸爸妈妈们就能腾出更多时间独自欣赏风景

    Their Hawaii resort goes one better, with a free kids program for 5-12 year olds, giving mom and dad time off to explore the sights alone.


  • 实验中,59儿童领到一个房间,实验人员他们一个“维可牢”尼龙击打靶子

    In one experiment, children between the ages of 5 and 9 were shown to a room and told to throw a Velcro ball at a Velcro dartboard.


  • 一个选举产生委员会通常访问申请人家庭查看一般安全性整洁性,对于儿童安全的等级是否有人在里面抽烟经常来访。

    A selection committee usually visits a candidate's home to look at general safety, neatness, the level of child-proofing, and to see whether people smoke inside, and who might be coming and going.


  • 长野县一个小村子里,几乎三分之一的村民都是领退休金的,一些老年人已经开始提供儿童保健就是为了年轻妇女可以工作

    In one Nagano village, Shimojo, where almost a third of the citizens are pensioners, some of the elderly have started providing child care so that young women can work.


  • 为什么没有空闲时间-儿童他们做的事-户外玩。

    What there's not much of is free time -time for kids just to be kids -outside.


  • 公共信息办公室职员茱迪·哈蒙德这个冒牌贝克汉姆提到要带贫困儿童小贝加入洛杉矶银河队进行足球训练

    County Public Information Officer Judy Hammond said the bogus Beckham also suggested bringing underprivileged kids to a practice session of the Los Angeles Galaxy, Beckham's new team.


  • 因为儿童(这项研究限定为211岁的孩子)没有收入来源也没有单独出门快餐店垃圾食品的机会。

    Children (defined in this study as ages 2 to 11) have neither the income nor the mobility to independently go to the nearest fast food outlet and buy junk food.


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