• 也是一个原生方法

    Again, this is a native method.


  • 这是一项不为人知小技巧,简单原生方法就可以实现数组合并这样常见任务

    A wonderful example of a lessor-known, simple native method for completing the basic task of array merging.


  • GoogleSpreadsheetsdataAPI可以工作添加,Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets组件提供了一个原生方法执行操作

    The Google Spreadsheets data API also makes it possible to add rows to a worksheet, and this time, the Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets component does have a native method to perform this operation.


  • 原生查询执行复杂查询提供了一种功能强大的方法,而且需要学习新的查询语言使用复杂对象结构谓词建模

    Native queries provide a powerful way to execute complex queries without having to learn a new query language or resort to complicated object structures to model a predicate.


  • 过去数据库XML提供原生支持以前,通常两种方法处理XML数据

    In the past, before databases supported XML natively, there were two typical ways to work with XML data.


  • 方法一个优点有时可能感觉纯粹原生实现要慢一些

    One disadvantage of this approach is that it might feel slower sometimes than a pure native implementation.


  • 众多优化手段比如即时编译(JIT),字节运行时转换成原生码,或者其他方法将会以后出现,所以更多性能提升仍然值得期待。

    Optimizations such as Just In Time (JIT) compilation, turning bytecodes into native code at runtime, or others are still in the future, so more performance improvements are still to come.


  • 告诉编译链接系统方法原生代码实现

    This tells the compilation and linking system that the implementation for this method will be from the native code.


  • 可以看到方法参数可以原生类型或是对象

    As you can also see, the method parameters can be primitive types or objects.


  • 设计原生XML数据库模式重要事情避免使用设计关系数据库时采用的方法规格化数据

    The most important thing you can do when you design a native XML database schema is to avoid the temptation to normalize the data in the same way that you do when you design a relational database.


  • 有些原生切入点特定类型连接点匹配例如方法执行)。

    Some primitive pointcuts match only join points of a specific kind (for example, method executions).


  • Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets提供了一些快捷方法,可以将列表单元格提要转换为原生php数组简化处理

    Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets also comes with some shortcut methods that convert list and cell feeds into native PHP arrays for easier processing.


  • 通常原生toString()方法输出数组表示对象原始表示一样,并不真正显示内容

    Normally, the native toString() method prints a representation of the array just like the original representation of the object, without really showing the contents.


  • 原生查询方法不是完美的

    The native queries approach isn't perfect.


  • 这种方法也得出了一些相当奇怪结果比如动物物种原生动物的物种的200多生态学家都可能觉得难以置信。

    The method produces some rather curious results, too: it predicts, for instance, that there are over 200 times as many animal species as protozoan ones, which may strike ecologists as rather odd.


  • SDK提供两种方法进行身份认证,种称之为单点登录,如果安装了的话使用原生Facebook应用程序对话框,另一种是默认WebView方法

    The SDK provides two methods to authenticate, one that is referred to as single-sign on which USES, if installed, the native Facebook application dialogs, and the default WebView approach to dialogs.


  • TypeDescription只是抽象类,其中定义处理类型方法原生类型数组实例

    The TypeDescription class is just an abstract base class with methods defined for dealing with three kinds of types: primitives, arrays, and instances of classes.


  • 超薄切片原生质体方法电镜下观察到洋葱鳞茎表皮细胞周质管的存在。

    Cortical microtubules were observed in intraepidermal cells of onion bulb with thin section and negative staining of protoplasts.


  • 危机矿山深部矿体定位预测,利用原生地球化学方法一种合理有效途径

    The method of primary halo is an effective way of forecasting deep seated orebody location in the mines with critical reserves.


  • 充分尊重遗产地保护原则基础上,提出恢复文化原生环境以及注入新的文化活力场所建构方法

    On the protection principle of heritage sites, the method of place design is put forward to revive its primary environment and bring new cultural vigor for it.


  • 研究结果表明,香菇原生质体分离诱变一种很有应用价值食用菌菌种选育方法

    The results indicated that protoplast formation and mutagenesis are the potential methods for strain selection and improvement in edible fungi.


  • 采取随机调查方法主要考察纸品上标明的“100%原生木浆”消费者决策带来影响

    We take a random survey methodology, Mainly to study the impact of the paper marked "100% original pulp, " to the consumer's decision-making.


  • 采用新的方法计算制作了多元素综合异常比值异常图用于评价原生异常

    A new method is used to calculate and to make multi-elementary anomaly maps and ratio anomaly maps for evaluation of primary anomalies.


  • 根据矿体成因机制提出追踪原生金矿体的方法

    On the basis of the genetical mechanism of rootless gold orebody, this paper put forward the searching methods of primary gold orebody.


  • 生成本机代码这些都是翻译原生代码地址方法

    In the generated native code, those are translated into the address of the native code for that method.


  • 通过愈伤组织培养悬浮细胞培养和原生质体培养方法草坪草的一些建立较为完善植株再生体系

    The plant regeneration systems of some turfgrass species have been established perfectly through callus culture, cell suspension culture, and protoplast suspension culture.


  • 随着研究方法进步分子生物学技术原生动物研究中得到了越来越广泛应用

    Along with the advancement of studying its, it s more and more extensive application of molecular biological technique to the studies on protozoan research.


  • 为了提高一般条件不易产生分生孢子的雀稗麦角菌的产碱率,对原生质体诱变育种条件和方法进行了探讨。

    The feasibility of the protoplast mutagenesis for increasing productivity was studied on a Claviceps paspali strain, which was not easy to produce conidia under laboratory conditions.


  • 原生质体融合转移目标性状特别是那些基因控制尚未克隆目标基因控制的性状的一种很潜力方法

    Protoplast fusion is a potential method, by which the target characters, especially ones controlled by multigenes or un-cloned genes, can be transferred.


  • 中国由于谷歌服务不可使用,生产商运用安卓系统开源版本——生产商以他们所认为合适方法改编原生的安卓系统。

    In China, since those Google services are unavailable, manufacturers use open-source versions of Android, which they can adapt as they see fit.


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