• 经济低迷正在抑制市场石油天然气需求,导致基准原油价格跌破每桶50美元。

    The economic downturn is drying up demand for oil and natural gas, dropping the benchmark price for a barrel of oil to below $50.


  • 欧洲税收汽油零售价比例高达五分之四,因此即使是原油价格发生了相当的波动,油品价格影响也比过去轻微

    In Europe, taxes account for up to four-fifths of the retail price, so even quite big changes in the price of crude have a more muted effect on pump prices than in the past.


  • 事实上日本炼油厂已经停止运营一周以来原油价格首次跌至每桶100美元。

    Indeed, several refineries in Japan have stopped operations, but crude prices have tumbled below $100 a barrel for the first time in more than a week.


  • 去年原油价格飙升炼油厂不能更高成本转移消费者时,中国炼油商都出现大额亏损

    Last year, when the price of crude oil soared but refineries were not allowed to pass those higher costs on to consumers, Chinese refiners recorded significant losses.


  • 贝丁顿博士,由于原油价格再次下滑,各国国内和国际间要求解决未来能源问题压力可能随之减弱。

    Professor Beddington says now that oil prices have dropped again, domestic and international pressure to deal with energy issues that we will have to confront in the future may well decline.


  • KrystleHermis知道原油价格正在下降,因为油价,仍然准备公车上班

    Krystle Hermis said she was aware that crude-oil prices are declining, but she's still going to start taking the bus to work because of high gasoline prices.


  • 贸易油市供应过剩的情况将至少持续即使初步迹象显示产量下滑促使原油价格回升

    Trading houses are betting on oil markets remaining over supplied for at least two more years even as crude prices stage a recovery driven by early signs of falling production.


  • 相反生物燃料的价格增长汽油价格相当,而且它们各自的原料玉米原油价格也汇集一处(如图所示)。

    Instead, the price of biofuels has risen to that of petrol, and the price of corn and crude oil, the main feedstocks for the two, have converged (see chart).


  • 事实上,尽管日本炼油厂确实已经停止运营但是一周以来,原油价格首次跌至100美元/以下。

    And indeed, several refineries in Japan have stopped operations, but crude prices have tumbled below $100 a barrel for the first time in more than a week.


  • 由于原油价格波动欧洲债务危机相关风险规避力度增大导致不确定性不断增强汇率一直呈现不稳定态势。

    The exchange rate has been volatile due to the fluctuations in oil prices and growing uncertainty as a result of higher risk aversion associated with the debt crisis in Europe.


  • 开车人、农民不得不承受上涨取暖开支房屋拥有者走上街头抗议原油价格飞涨国内外汽油费用影响

    Motorists, farmers and homeowners facing higher heating bills took to the streets as soaring oil prices impacted on the cost of petrol and domestic fuel.


  • 但是,由于欧洲美国越来越严重债务危机以及人们对再经济衰退担忧八月起国际原油价格大幅降价

    But the international price of crude has fallen remarkably since August, dampened by the worsening debt crisis in Europe and United States and fears of a double-dip recession of the global economy.


  • 全球经济复苏依然脆弱大宗商品价格保持持平,因中国宣称储存了大量工业金属原油价格出现下滑

    The global economic rebound is still fragile and commodity prices have leveled off as China's reported stockpiling of industrial metals and oil has waned.


  • 2004年至2007年间,随着原油价格飞涨公司中加入石油字样的美国加拿大公司的股价瞬时飙升8%。

    Between 2004 and 2007, as the price of crude oil soared, companies in the U.S. and Canada that added the words' oil 'or' Petroleum 'to their names got an instantaneous 8% boost to stock performance.


  • 伊朗怎样呢?问题开发担忧支持原油价格走高,每日电讯报道伊朗已经提高了25%的原油价格

    What about Iran? The nuclear standoff still persists and fears will exponentiation of prices. According to The Daily Telegraph, Iran already raised petrol price by 25%.


  • 原油价格急剧变化会导致美国利率下降因为沙特阿拉伯俄罗斯原油购买了美国的长期国库券。

    Or when steep prices for oil lead, curiously enough, to lower American interest rates, because the money the Saudis and the Russians make from crude is spent on American Treasury bonds.


  • 通过降低原油价格缓和通胀松散财政政策影响罗塞夫使得巴西石油以及乙醇工业二者双双受损

    She has damaged both Petrobras, the state oil company, and the ethanol industry by holding down the price of petrol to mitigate the inflationary impact of her loose fiscal policy.


  • 然而这种虚张声势建立原油价格明年涨起并且委内瑞拉私人银行顶着风险愿意今年赤字买单的保证之上的。

    But the bravado is based partly on the hope that the oil price will rise next year, and the conviction that Venezuela’s private banks will be happy to finance this year’s deficit, albeit at a price.


  • 近期原油价格的波动同汇率不稳定存在联系,”世界银行经济学家报告核心编写组成员SergeiUlatov

    "The recent shift in oil prices is reflected in the exchange rate dynamics," said Sergei Ulatov, World Bank economist and member of the core report team.


  • 欧洲税金 汽油零售价五分之四,因此即使原油价格发生很大的波动,汽油价格受的影响也不会像过去那么显著。

    In Europe,taxes account for up to fourfifths of the retail price,so even quite big changes in the price of crude have a more muted effect on pump prices than in the past.


  • 随着油价回落——周三原油价格略微低于93美元每桶,如果燃油附加费降低成为联邦快递美国业务一个考验

    With oil prices moderatingcrude is down slightly in the $93 a barrel range Wednesdayif those fuel surcharges decrease it could be a test for FedEx’s U.S. business.


  • 事实上苹果公司的相对优势部分由于原油价格下跌已经埃克森公司的股价,再有就是本周席卷股票市场的骤然波动

    True, Apple’s relative success is partly due to a dip in the oil price, which has pummeled Exxon’s shares, and to the volatility that swept through stockmarkets this week.


  • 根据ICAP的分析,油运运价6月份强力反弹,部分原因是大量船舶用于增加库存因为石油公司等待原油价格进一步走强。

    Rates recovered strongly in June, according to ICAP, partly because large vessels were in demand for storage, as oil companies waited for crude prices to strengthen.


  • 认为尽管这次石油泄漏尚未影响全球原油价格但从长期来看可能会导致价格上升因为这次事故何等严重仍然不确定的。

    Although the oil spill has not affected the global crude prices for the time being, it may lead to price increases in long term as it is still uncertain how serious the accident would be, he said.


  • 英国消费者显然已经着手实现一个更加减衣食的计划因为不断上涨食物原油价格和缓慢的工资增长已经占用了大部分家庭开支

    British consumers are apparently embarking on a new round of belt-tightening as soaring food and petrol prices and below-inflation wage rises eat into household budgets.


  • 或许美国股票下跌是因为微软公司盈利日本债券上升是因为季度远观调查北海布伦特原油价格反弹是因为中东紧张局势。

    Perhaps US stocks fell because of Microsoft earnings, Japanese bond yields rose on a good Tankan survey and Brent crude rallied on tensions in the Middle East.


  • 或许美国股票下跌是因为微软公司盈利日本债券上升是因为季度远观调查北海布伦特原油价格反弹是因为中东紧张局势。

    Perhaps US stocks fell because of Microsoft earnings, Japanese bond yields rose on a good Tankan survey and Brent crude rallied on tensions in the Middle East.


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