• 第29天:晚上11点37分。贾斯敏丹尼尔坐在他们原来决定这个游戏那个公园。

    Day29:11:37pm. Jasmine and Daniel sat in the park where they first decided to play this game.


  • 他们决定继续执行原来计划

    They decided to stick with their original plan.


  • 了解多数工具支持后一种(2001)名称空间形式可能W3C决定回到原来名称空间的原因这种名称空间的变化撤销确实带来一些混乱

    Most tools I know of only support the latter (2001) namespace form, which may be why the W3C decided to go back to it, but they did sow a bit of confusion with this namespace change and reversal.


  • 最后专家组决定放弃单个绑定框架运行时(就象原来EA发行版中所看)的想法

    Finally, the expert group decided to abandon the idea of a single binding framework runtime like that found in the original ea release.


  • 威廉姆斯理解一些的苦衷,他们出生难以决定自己性别之后通过手术改变原来的性别。

    Williams said he understands that some people's gender cannot easily be determined when they are born and they later have an operation that could change the originally assigned gender.


  • 顺便一提,也许好奇苹果店玻璃立方体怎么胶合板给遮起来了,是因为公司决定重新装修一下,把原来90玻璃减少15块。

    Anyway, in case you're wondering why the Apple cube is enshrouded with plywood, it's because the company has decided that 90 pieces of glass is too many and it's replacing them with 15 pieces.


  • 回首往昔,最好决定信任上帝改变原来

    Looking back, it was the best decision I had ever made, to put my trust in God and to change my old ways.


  • 由于考虑重写代码时要遵从apacheTomcat因此决定将修改应用程序部署原来服务器上。

    Because everything that you pondered about the code rework is compliant with Apache Tomcat, you decide that the next iteration of the application can be deployed to that server as well.


  • 如果没有20年前作出的那些决定,那么至2050年,大气臭氧消耗物质浓度增加原来的10

    Without the decisions taken 20 years ago, atmospheric levels of ozone-depleting substances would have increased tenfold by 2050.


  • 这项赛事竟大成功,当天报纸报道,有多达两万人围观以至亨里镇决定组织自家的划艇赛(如今已享盛名),而原来划艇赛伦敦的西敏寺。

    The event was such a success-newspapers of the day reported crowds of 20, 000-that Henley decided to organise its own (now famous) regatta and the boat race moved to Westminster in London.


  • 他们顾客瓶子放在两个贴有标签回收箱中的一个里,由此决定他们是开始冒险创业还是继续原来工作

    They asked customers to put their empty bottles into one of two labelled bins to indicate whether they should focus on their new venture or stick to their day jobs.


  • 这些经验教训很大程度决定公司是否继续采用敏捷还是回到原来流程

    These learnings significantly influence the organization to go ahead with Agile or fall back to their usual process.


  • 公司工程师设定目标决定碳纤维增强塑料,这样成本就减少原来的十分之一。

    Company engineers have set a goal of a tenfold reduction in production costs for CFRP.


  • 因为一个很酷家伙类似的话决定放弃原来名字迈克不是特殊的。

    Since he is a cool guy similar to me, I decided to give up my original name, Mike, which isn't special at all.


  • 兰黛家族雅诗兰黛公司也取消了他们庆祝活动,通知要来的客人他们决定庆祝形式从原来日本餐馆Nobu 57免费清酒和寿司,变成慈善捐款

    The Lauder Family and The Estee Lauder Companies canceled their bash, informing would-be guests that they would be making charitable donations instead of consuming free sake and sushi at Nobu 57.


  • 幸存者面临互动突出重点一系列主题选择游客他们如何选择决定每种类型幸存者原来游客

    Survivors Interactive confronts visitors with choices highlighting key series themes. How they choose determines what type of survivor each visitor turns out to be.


  • 所以他们决定笼子高度原来10加高到20米。

    So they decided that the height of the cage from the original 10 Mega as high as 20 meters.


  • 父母原来考虑厦门度假但是最后决定去桂林

    My parents decided to go to Xiamen for vacation (take a vacation in Xiamen), but finally decided on Guilin.


  • 决定增加卧室发生原来设计诬陷护套干中

    The decision to add the bedroom occurred after the original design had been framed, sheathed and dried-in.


  • 胜利决定球员西西尼奥,位置上原来首选帕努奇武西尼奇帕莱选择代替托蒂的。

    The decisive players for this victory were Cicinho, who was preferred to Panucci, and Vucinic, the player chosen by Spalletti to substitute Francesco Totti.


  • 结果却是,觉得自己饭店并不适合所以决定留在原来工作岗位。

    But as it turned out, I decided that opening my restaurant just wasn't for me. So I decided to stay at my old job instead.


  • 结果是,觉得自己饭店并不适合所以决定留在原来工作岗位。

    As it turned out, I decided that opening my restaurant just wasn't for me. So I decided to stay at my old job instead.


  • 卡门•原来公务员后来决定转行

    Ms Low was a civil servant when she decided on a career switch.


  • 卡门•原来公务员后来决定转行

    Ms Low was a civil servant when she decided on a career switch.


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