• 自从20世纪70年代发现面具以后,考古学家确定了100处巴族人遗迹每个遗迹都是历史档案

    Since the discovery of bronze masks in the 1970s, archeologists have located 100 sites that belonged to the Ba people, each considered a historical archive.


  • 以下所有往期比赛历史档案

    The following are static archives for the past competitions.


  • 明清档案明清两朝形成历史档案

    Mingqing archives are historical archives produced in the dynasties of Ming and qing.


  • 收藏品包括服饰艺术照片历史档案

    The collection includes textiles, art, photos, and history archives.


  • 公款将调拨用于新建深造大学一个历史档案

    Public money has been committed for a further-education college and a new Public Records Office.


  • 由于云南和平解放,因此云南省历史档案保存极为完整。

    Historical archives of Yunnan Province are persevered completely because of peaceful liberation.


  • 其二情报传递性信息传播定位于历史档案情报价值实现中介。

    Secondly, Intelligence transmissibility regards information transmission as the media of realizing historical archives'intelligence value.


  • 欢迎锡安档案挑选了历史档案之12 - 1第二文艺复兴

    Welcome to the Zion Archive. You have selected historical file number 12-1: the Second Renaissance.


  • 中国历史档案传统文化必不可少组成部分文化史发挥重要作用

    Chinese historical archives, which played an important role in cultural history, are an indispensable part of traditional culture.


  • 作为名大学教授工作职责的一部分包括俄罗斯一家历史档案研究

    Part of my work as a college professor involved doing research at a history archive in Russia.


  • 历史档案情报效用主要衡量指标知识发现难易度需求量、可获取使用效果

    Main measure indexes of information effectiveness in historical archives are the difficulty of knowledge discovery, demand, accessibility and effects.


  • 其他课程侧重历史档案农村图书馆远程教育图书馆,数字图书馆特殊要求

    Other programs focus on the special requirements of historic archival libraries, rural libraries, distance-education libraries, and digital libraries.


  • 如果科比可以记录历史档案上的天才的话,那么魔术需要一名祈祷者了。

    If Bryant was a talent who could be defined by such documents, the Magic would have a prayer.


  • 约旦艺术家阿拉又斯的“小锡以色列艺术家丹尼·盖尔的“历史档案记录”掀起了场热议。

    Also much discussed were "Tin Soldiers" by Ala Younis, a Jordanian, and "Historical Record Archive" by dani Gal, an Israeli artist.


  • 历史档案、民族文化、地域特征设计主题,创我国开放式档案特定历史文化建筑氛围

    The plaza and the atrium lead the archive building design into a more open form than before, which is a great trial for such a building design in China.


  • 中国第一历史档案前身1925年10月10日北平故宫博物院成立时下设图书馆中的文献

    The origin of the First Historical Archives can be traced back to the Document Section of the Library of the Palace Museum established on October 10th 1925.


  • 利用彩色扫描图形数字化处理技术实现降水纸图形数字化处理气象历史档案拯救技术的有效探索。

    The digitizing processing of precipitation recording graph using the technology of color scanning graph is an effective test for rescuing historic meteorological archives.


  • 于是Noether修正了那个档案担心所有历史档案批量扫描公布将会好多其他不适当的隐私公之于众

    Noether amended the document, but she worries that bulk scanning and publishing of all historical records would bring many other inappropriate disclosures into public view.


  • 该文提出了一种可适用城镇产权管理时空数据模型一整套完善解决变更地籍历史档案管理的方案

    This paper presents a temporal - spatial data model for town property cadastre management, and presents a well - designed cadastral change solution and cadastral history data management solution too.


  • 北京故宫博物院紫禁城)日前启动大规模修缮工程,修缮区域为西华门内第一历史档案以北233城墙

    The Palace Museum in Beijing, also known as the Forbidden City, began a sweeping 2 renovation 3 of a 233-meter-long section of the walls north of the First Historical Archives inside the Xihua Gate.


  • 服装历史而言只有一个趋势出现了好几年之后我们才能认识不仅仅一时的流行,而且应该历史档案得到承认

    In terms of costume history it's only after a trend has been around for several years can we acknowledge that it's more than a passing fad and deserves recognition in the archives of history.


  • 中国第一历史档案原先曾赠给哈萨克斯坦阿拉伯文文献其中一档案编号001100,为清代哈萨克族察合台文租地文书。

    The First Historical Archives of China has presented Kazakhstan with two Arabicdocuments as gifts. The archive number of one of them is 001100. This is a document about the Kazaks 'pasture lease.


  • 本文利用中国第一历史档案所藏乾隆朝刑科题婚姻家庭档案获得的个案资料,对1 8世纪中后期中国家庭结构进行了考察

    The author has used case materials in the files on marriage and the family stored in the First Chinese Historical Archive to investigate family structure in the mid and late 18th century in China.


  • 文章以齐鲁大学历史档案主要依据阐述了齐鲁大学校园文化整体面貌在此基础上分析了齐鲁大学校园文化的特点及其形成的主要因素。

    On the basis of Cheeloo University files, this thesis expounds the overall features of its campus culture and analyzes its characteristics and the main reason for their evolvement.


  • 历史档案拍卖行之前戏服拍卖纪录奥黛莉•赫本保持,她1961年出演电影凡尼早餐》时穿的一件经典小黑裙曾以92万3187美元成交

    Auctioneer Profiles in History said the previous costume sales record was held by Audrey Hepburn's iconic little black dress from the 1961 film "Breakfast at Tiffany's," which sold for $923,187.


  • 纽约艺术家马太·贝克穆在对纽约历史档案的整理过程中发现了这些信件。 尽管一些信件用漂亮的字体手写而成,一些则是打印而成的,所有信件的内容都是在发出抱怨声

    Some letters are elegantly handwritten, others typed, and all of them complain about something.


  • 随意选取了99名1905年北搏腾奥佛卡利克斯教区(Overkalix parish)出生孩子作为研究样本,通过详尽的历史档案,一直追溯到他们父母以及祖父母

    So he drew a random sample of 99 individuals born in the Overkalix parish of Norrbotten in 1905 and used historical records to trace their parents and grandparents back to birth.


  • 随意选取了99名1905年北搏腾奥佛卡利克斯教区(Overkalix parish)出生孩子作为研究样本,通过详尽的历史档案,一直追溯到他们父母以及祖父母

    So he drew a random sample of 99 individuals born in the Overkalix parish of Norrbotten in 1905 and used historical records to trace their parents and grandparents back to birth.


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