• 存在问题历史演变存在之于人类历史命运

    He emphasized the ontological origin of history, the development of the question of being and the human being's fate based on being.


  • 它们直观地展示乐舞伎人风采,揭示了他们悲惨历史命运

    These Figs show directly the spirit of Han dancers, at the same time, reveal their tragic fate.


  • 论文结语指出小说不仅是个人生存哲学也是俄罗斯历史命运寓言

    The paper's epilogue indicated that this novel is not only the individual's surviving philosophy, but also the fable on the historic Russian destiny.


  • 然而作为一个文化转型时期文学艺术家李渔历史命运注定悲剧

    However, as a literary artist in the cultural transition, the fate of li Yu destined to be a tragedy.


  • 有意识自己命运德国历史命运作对照,她就是这么看待自己的。

    She systematically tries to compare her personal destiny to the historical destiny of Germany, to whom she identifies herself.


  • 现代性主体自由之实质个体抽象的统治,商品拜物教遭遇下人历史命运

    The essence of subjective freedom in modern society is that individual is controlled by identity. That is a historical destiny of modern people fronted the commodity fetishism.


  • 并在基础上描述消极补偿说或者消极补偿说观念基本面貌主要成因历史命运

    On such basis it describes the fundamental features of the Passive Compensation Theory, the main cause of formation of the Passive Compensation Concept, its historical fate and etc.


  • 文化民族性全球性融通使民族文化历史命运发生了变化既有机遇,也有挑战

    The circulation of nationality and globalization of culture causes a change of the destiny of national cultures, which offers both opportunity and challenge.


  • 马克思哲学东西方不同历史文化语境下的不同诠释,造就马克思哲学的不同历史命运

    Different interpretations of Marxist Philosophy in different eastern and western historical and cultural contexts lead to their different historical destinies.


  • 创作主要是指向中国农民历史命运道德品格意识情绪的不探索这个总的目的

    His works mainly target to explore the Chinese peasants' historical fate, moral integrity, emotional awareness. And he tirelessly stick on this purpose.


  • 近年来,西方学术界有学者开始重新审视这一时期英国贵族历史命运发表学术成果

    In the recent years, some scholars in the West have begun to reexamine the historical destiny of the English nobility and published a number of research results.


  • 我们生活时代历史上科学程度最高的,人们仍然相信恒星行星能够决定他们的命运

    We live in a time that is more scientifically aware than any other period in history and yet people still believe the stars and planets can determine their fate.


  • 中美两国人民相互怀有深厚友好感情,曾经在决定人类前途命运的重大历史关头并肩战斗

    The Chinese and American people cherish deep friendship towards each other, and they fought side by side at defining moments in history when the future and the destiny of mankind were at stake.


  • 很令人失望布拉德没有我们谈到兰斯堡犀牛种群历史很少讲到他们命运

    Frustratingly, Bradshaw tells us nothing of the histories of Pilanesberg's rhino population, and too little of their fate.


  • 本周一场新闻发布会上巴马表示美国的做法顺应历史潮流,并且从未想过美国能够或者应该主宰其他国家命运

    At a press conference this week Mr Obama said that America had put itself on the right side of history while never pretending that it could or should dictate the outcome in sovereign countries.


  • 坎特伯雷故事集》中,杰弗里·叟geof frey Chaucer使用命运描述僧侣故事中的几个历史人物悲剧陷落

    In the Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer USES the Wheel of Fortune to describe the tragic fall of several historical figures in his Monk's Tale.


  • SecondLife的创始人罗丝黛尔(Philip Rosedale)敏锐察觉到历史先例并且审视关于美国在线新闻报导努力避免相似的命运

    Philip Rosedale, SecondLife's creator, is keenly aware of the historical precedent and scans old news reports about AOL in an effort to avoid a similar fate.


  • 运气可以说是命运使然,是各种力量共同作用赋予这样一个创造历史机会

    It was his luck, or his fate, to arrive just as a whole series of forces coalesced to afford him the chance to make history.


  • 对于国家历史来说,20时间不算对于个人,20年时间已经足以改变一代人命运

    20 years is not long, when compared with a nation's history; and yet to individuals, 20 years is long enough to change the fate of an entire generation.


  • 放眼未来我们成竹在胸,我们铭记历史回应我们的命运再次重塑这个世界

    With an eye toward the future, with resolve in our hearts, let us remember this history and answer our destiny and remake the world once again.


  • 60年来中国世界关系发生历史变化,中国的前途命运日益紧密地同世界前途和命运联系在一起。

    Over the past 60 years, the relationship between China and the world has led to historic change. The future and destiny of China has been increasingly interlocked with that of the whole world.


  • 我们放眼未来坚定信心记住历史响应命运的召唤,再次重建这个世界

    With an eye toward the future, with resolve in our hearts, let us remember this history, and answer our destiny, and remake the world once again.


  • 多少年后才意识到神秘莫测的伊朗历史母亲那变幻难料的个人命运紧紧的交织在一起,我不知道自己能不能任何一个

    These two inscrutable historiesIran’s, hers — were wedded to each other, I realized many years later, and I wondered if I’d ever make sense of either one.


  • 否则我们承受不仅仅历史凌乱命运

    Otherwise, our susceptive will be the destiny with messy history not just.


  • 作为美国人我们相信个人能够掌握自己命运影响历史进程

    As Americans, we believe in the power of individuals to determine their destiny and shape the course of history.


  • 20世纪告诉我们我们拥有共同命运21世纪昭示我们,世界将变得人类历史任何时候更加密不可分。

    While the twentieth century taught us that we share a common destiny, the twenty-first has revealed a world more intertwined than at any time in human history.


  • 20世纪告诉我们我们拥有共同命运21世纪昭示我们,世界将变得人类历史任何时候更加密不可分。

    While the twentieth century taught us that we share a common destiny, the twenty-first has revealed a world more intertwined than at any time in human history.


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