• 总是接近幸福倍感幸福,在幸福进行时

    People always feel happy when close to happiness, in the happiness but be swayed by considerations of gain and loss.


  • 乳腺癌死亡的人很多,而美国少得多,原因就是美国人在病的早期能发现——这我们可以治愈乳腺癌最快的方法。

    So many more die there with breast cancer than in the United States because early detection is the only thing we have - the closest thing we have to a cure.


  • 因为尽管过去二十年里,美国使用手机的人数骤增,但脑癌的人数比例一直下降

    Despite a huge upsurge in cellphone use over the past two decades, brain cancer rates in the United States have been declining.


  • 战时很少疾病仅限于轻度天花这个疾病导致他的卫兵死亡

    Or the rarity of his wartime illnesses, limited to a mild bout of smallpox which killed his valet?


  • 这个调查显示:所有母亲产后抑郁症的平均几率是10%,但是过多胞胎的母亲高达17%。

    It found that 17% of mothers who had a multiple birth experienced PND, compared with an average of 10% among all mothers.


  • 尽管摘除卵巢降低妇女卵巢癌乳腺癌风险,但是她们心脏病中风风险增加了一而且总的死亡风险也增加了40%。

    Though the risk of ovarian and breast cancer declined after ovary removal, women's risk of heart disease and stroke nearly doubled and risk of death overall rose by 40%.


  • 看到许多聪明自闭症儿童,然而他们身边缺少卡洛克博士(大卫·斯特雷泽恩扮演中学科学老师)那样的辅导老师。

    I'm seeing a lot of smart, geeky kids and there's no Dr. Carlock [a high school science teacher played by David Strathairn] around to mentor them. Actually, my teacher was Mr. Carlock.


  • 一些产后抑郁症母亲表示一些妇幼保健机构的家访者承诺要送给她们一些关于消除沮丧情绪的小册子,但是失言了。

    Some of the mothers said health visitors promised to drop off leaflets about depression, but did not do so.


  • 研究发现,肥胖的亚洲人多腹部这种总体看上去并不胖、只是腹部发胖的容易II型糖尿病。

    For Asians, it seems, being young and thin isn't enough to ward off Type II diabetes.


  • 但是具有相同喝咖啡习惯吸烟者中风风险仅仅降低3%。

    Similar coffee-drinking habits amongst smokers were associated with only a three per cent reduction, however.


  • 根据美国疾病防控中心统计,现在有2400万美国人II型糖尿病他们四分之一浑然不知

    Right now, 24 million Americans have Type 2 diabetes, but a quarter of them don't know it, according to the CDC.


  • 村里高血压脑血栓农民逐渐增多

    But the village suffering from high blood pressure, cerebral thrombosis farmers are gradually increasing.


  • 这种恐惧症2005年作为一个新名词诞生,症人群数量庞大

    The name for this phobia was only coined in 2005, but there are a surprisingly huge number of people who suffer from this strange fear.


  • 尽管肖恩失去了大部分还没及时保住他的生命,年19岁时,就因口腔癌去世。

    Sean lost much of his face, but not in time to save his life. His oral cancer killed him when he was only 19.


  • 有的家长缺少血管疾病经验的医生粗、增长误认为正常认为肢体异常神经系统查找原因

    Some parents or lack of vascular disease experienced doctors can be increased and the limb as normal growth, but think the contralateral limb abnormalities, find the reasons from the nervous system.


  • 艾滋病病毒能杀死对付自己免疫细胞,但艾滋病病毒携带者艾滋病快慢不相同。

    Although HIV kills the immune cells sent to kill the virus, there is widespread variation in the rate at which HIV infected people become ill with AIDS.


  • 有些奇迹般地得到医治,有些同样疾病死去

    One is healed miraculously, and the other dies of the same sickness.


  • 有着这种基因变异饮食结构富含水果新鲜蔬菜坚果,其心脏病平均死亡率具备这种遗传倾向性接近

    People who had the genetic variant, but who ate a diet rich in fruits, raw vegetables and nuts, ended up on average with a heart attack risk close to people who don't have this genetic propensity.


  • 可是结婚意外得知罗彻斯特另有一位精神病夫人,就生活在桑菲尔德的顶层

    But in the marriage that one day, the accident knew actually Rochester in addition has madame who contracts neurosis, life in Sand field's top layer.


  • 艾滋病病毒能杀死对付自己免疫细胞艾滋病病毒携带者艾滋病的快慢不相同。

    How does HIV subvert the immune 7 sys-tem Although HIV kills the immune cells sent to kill the virus, there is widespread variation in the rate at which HIV infected people become ill with AIDS.


  • 艾滋病病毒能杀死对付自己免疫细胞艾滋病病毒携带者艾滋病的快慢不相同。

    How does HIV subvert the immune 7 sys-tem Although HIV kills the immune cells sent to kill the virus, there is widespread variation in the rate at which HIV infected people become ill with AIDS.


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