• 位于夏威夷蒙那基亚山上却克望远镜,口径达10目前世上最大光学望远镜。

    Regarding groundbased observation , the largest optical telescopes to date are the twin 10 - m keck telescopes on mauna kea of hawaii.


  • 电话中的声音有点儿熟悉,开始听不出谁。

    The voice on the line was vaguely familiar, but Crook couldn't place it at first.


  • 可能觉得百吉尝起来不咸一块典型4英寸(10厘米)大的燕麦百吉饼将近532

    You may not think a bagel tastes salty, but a typical 4-inch (10-centimeter) oat-bran bagel has about 532 mg of sodium.


  • 人人认为他们是达佛伊(恩爱夫妻),他们离婚了。

    Had thought them Daphnis and Chloe but they got divorced.


  • 还有弗里德里,虽还是孩子成为一样的男人,然而没有该怎么做

    And Frederick. He's a boy but he wants to be a man, like you, and there's no one to show him how!


  • 例如百吉或许尝起来不咸普普通通4英寸(10厘米)大的燕麦百吉饼含将近532而且即便一小全麦面包也有132毫钠。

    For example, you may not think a bagel tastes salty, but a typical 4-inch (10-centimeter) oat-bran bagel has about 532 mg of sodium, and even a slice of whole-wheat bread contains 132 mg of sodium.


  • 但是维尔先生一直坚持到了1981年,因为真正才能玩转那些疯狂梦想

    But it lasted as long as it did, until 1981, because Mr Knievel's true talent was to spin crazy dreams.


  • 卢多·维希尼认识,可觉得她早就认识了,或者换句话说,她一直等着他。

    Ludovic Seeley: she did not know who he was, and yet she felt she knew him, or had been waiting for him.


  • 夏威夷天文台一个研究小队他们的目光类似太阳恒星上。

    But a team of researchers at Hawaii's Keck observatory cast their eyes on stars similar to our sun.


  • 但是希刺厉夫先生住宅以及生活方式形成一种古怪对比

    But Mr Heathcliff forms a singular contrast to his abode and style of living.


  • 这些捐赠中位数22美元,平均数达到60美元,莱里进一步指出,表明少量的“很大数额捐款拉高平均数”。

    The median donation amount is $22, while the average rises to $60, which shows that there are a fewvery large donations sending the average amount higher, ” adds Mr. Clerico.


  • 图斯几乎等于指责欧盟领导人言行不一虚伪。他们嘴里融合重新为申根设定各种边界限制

    Mr Tusk just about accuses his fellow EU leaders of hypocrisy for talking of integration and yet undoing the Schengen passport-free zone by reimposing some border controls.


  • 去年底,两连立委员会概述解决问题的方法,贝拉·巴马共和党领导人相互竞争,企图摆脱结论束缚

    When a bipartisan commission sketched out a way forward at the end of last year, Barack Obama and the Republican leadership raced to distance themselves from its conclusions.


  • 美国指责波兰空袭利比亚时未曾出力,外长拉德希科尔斯基第一访问叛军控制班加西

    Though Poland was criticised by America for staying out of the air campaign in Libya, its foreign minister, Radek Sikorski, was the first to visit rebel-held Benghazi.


  • 这场毕业典礼尤其充满了希望——因为这是·华盛顿高中同学们了那么的困难赢得的!

    But this commencement was especially hopeful - because of just how much the kids at Booker T. Washington High School had overcome.


  • 然而罗马硬币上雕刻巴特拉阳刚之气十足:大鼻子突出下巴薄薄的嘴唇——根本没有属于任何文化典型美貌

    However, Roman COINS show Cleopatra to have masculine features: a large nose, protruding chin and thin lips - not any culture's archetype of good looks.


  • 然而惠普批评者阿波台遏制销售业绩下滑做出的努力不够从而使惠普的股价一路下跌。

    HP's critics, however, claim that its boss has not done enough to arrest the sales slide, which has dented its share price.


  • ·斯,奥斯汀达拉斯经历不成比例就业增长其它大城市(休斯顿)远远落在了后面

    In Texas, Austin and Dallas have experienced disproportionate employment growth while other large cities, such as Houston, have lagged behind.


  • 汤姆证实,三餐都快餐史柏一样……汤姆减了而没有变胖

    Tom decided that he’d eat fast food three times a day for a month, just like Spurlockbut he’d LOSE weight, not gain it.


  • 给迪了一支很贵钢笔以极低的价钱卖掉了,回来跟我撒谎丢了,我非常生气

    I bought Dickan expensive pen, but he sold it for a song and then he lied tome, saying that he has lost it. I really got irritated!


  • 乔治·切奇,萧斯哈佛同事梦想一个极其实用文德尔又遗漏的东西:核糖体。

    George Church, a colleague of Dr Szostak's at Harvard, dreams instead of making something intensely practical that Dr Venter has left out: a ribosome.


  • 然而对于多伦多fc新秀17岁的杂·海柔德来说,情况完全相反。

    This, however, will not be the case for 17-year-old Toronto FC rookie Zachary Herold.


  • 以阿巴多为指挥细微的——眨眼间便会错失——但是极其精准菲欧娜-马多在其观察者》所撰写的评论中,敏锐地指出了这种简约主义

    In the case of Abbado, his directions were slight - blink and you'd miss them - but exquisitely precise; Fiona Maddocks highlights this minimalism in her perceptive review for the Observer.


  • 此时,那个犯了杀人罪洗脱了罪名外来客人阿德拉斯托斯,也向头野猪出了手里的标枪,但是没有击中刺中了洛伊斯的儿子

    Then the guest, he who had been cleansed of manslaughter, whose name was Adrastos, hurling a spear at it missed the boar and struck the son of Croesus.


  • 不过斯德以前大家觉得很疯狂的许多想法现在变成司空见惯的事。

    But, says Mr Sterk, many ideas that were once considered crazy are now commonplace.


  • 坚持活了下来,让动物园医师们大为惊讶

    But Knut amazed medical staff at the zoo by clinging to life.


  • 你们几分尊敬往哈维·梅里身上泼脏水灵魂,你们无法玷污,他的双手,你们无法束缚

    You pretend to have some sort of respect for me; and yet you'll stand up and throw mud at Harvey Merrick, whose soul you couldn't dirty and whose hands you couldn't tie.


  • 100新鲜(40热量)100杏(超过250卡的热量)做对比,同样重量,热量差别非常大。

    Compare 100 grams of fresh apricot (40 calories) with 100 grams of dried apricot (over 250 calories). Same weight, very different calories.


  • 100新鲜(40热量)100杏(超过250卡的热量)做对比,同样重量,热量差别非常大。

    Compare 100 grams of fresh apricot (40 calories) with 100 grams of dried apricot (over 250 calories). Same weight, very different calories.


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